Sentences with phrase «hand held camera»

The majority of shots were taken using hand held cameras, coupled with the real prison setting this feels more like a documentary.
Same documentary feel, same hand held camera shots, same grainy footage.
The average smartphone now has an extremely high resolution camera that has almost completely replaced the need for traditional hand held cameras.
All photos in this blog are taken by me by hand held camera.
The work is constructed as a collage of loose travelogue material, found footage and self generated video drawing from the artist's digital archive, ranging from extracts from YouTube user egawauemon's POV steadicam footage of a dense urbanized vision of Japan to the inclusion of artist's own hand held camera work during a visit to Tropical Islands Resort, the artificial paradise based 40 km outside Berlin are layered with a range of material.
It «Äôs his ode to American Burlesque theatre and he directs the film like a true veteran, infusing hand held camera with a loose narrative to give a kind of cinema verite style to his film.
Cinematographer Jay Hunter shoots a majority of the film on hand held cameras and has stated his inspiration came from the French new wave films of Goddard and Truffaut.
Cinematographer John Leonetti executes some showy, yet breathtaking shots to establish a 1970s style full of zooms and hand held camera work, while expertly shooting on digital.
The fourth wall becomes pliable and transformative using hand held cameras, naturalism, and observational cinema techniques: the camera is obviously there, but its presence is merely a ghost witness to the story.
This stillness is juxtaposed with the fluid, dynamic, hand held camera that follows Charlotte on her travels throughout the Tokyo cityscape.
hand held camera, and the quick zooms... reminds me of peter berg's style
The cheap approach to the film with minimal lighting and a hand held camera add to the unsettling atmosphere that the film has to offer.
If you hand hold a camera, a normal 35 millimeter movie camera you're just practically overwhelming a child.
His choice of camera shots through partially opened window blinds, plate glass windows and other reflective materials is distracting at first (as is some of the hand held camera work).
He blends the worlds of the hand held camera / found footage movies and super hero movies together without ever feeling too pretentious or serious about it.
Cinematographer Raoul Coutard shot the entire film on a hand held camera while sitting in a wheel chair or other cart - like contraptions.
How can you shoot steadily with one hand holding a camera and the other playing with ereaders?
Though shot in the comedy group's signature cinema verite style (read: hand held camera), the production values are surprisingly high and the acting surprisingly moving — the dude playing the Colossus gets some serious props for his pathos - evoking growl, not to mention his surprisingly strong back.
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