Sentences with phrase «hand reports»

I look forward to reading your first hand report from the match.
Even though you may be physically invisible to your children, you will always be visible to them through stories, gossip and second hand reporting from all sources.
Trip Reports: Read our first hand reports of the boats and the diving.
Why do many athletes follow research reports (often second - hand reports written in sports magazines)?
For whatever reason, I never found a game I could join, so there is no first - hand report yet on this.
Rather than relying on second - hand reports of children's physical activity level, the researchers measured how efficiently the subjects used oxygen while running on a treadmill.
You'll typically find citations to sources, first - hand reports from meetings and conferences I attend, and perhaps an occasional guest post.
If you want first hand reports, let me know and I'll introduce them.
(I learned this from years of fist hand reporting on several statistically significant leukemia clusters over industrial TCE plumes under several neighborhoods in Broome County New York.)
But the number of puppies that died during their first 50 days or were stillborn was much higher (based on second hand reports from owners).
[8] He says that at the date of commencement of the action, he had in hand the reports of two medical experts.
«In recent years, [NSF] has struggled with the logistics of evaluating a rising number of grant proposals that has propelled funding rates to historic lows,» but «one piece of the agency has found a potentially powerful new tool to flatten [submission] spikes and cut the number of proposals: It can simply eliminate deadlines,» Eric Hand reported last Friday.
Until recently, Weitzman served the FT from the Andes, so there's plenty of first - hand reporting informing this survey of the rise of the new Latin powers and the implications for the American and world economies.
Crone says he doesn't know, so a committee member hands him the reports.
Hughes hands me a report, «Better Bathrooms for Boaters,» prepared for the Interagency Task Force on Human Waste Management, a national group of river managers.
On the other hand the report laments the fact that we don't have evidence from random controlled trials conducted on severe flu cases and strongly recommends conducting such trials during future outbreaks.
The appeal court judgment is yet to come but first hand report does give some indication of a lean towards Samsung.
We've published lots of articles about the Boulders Beach Penguins (# 36) so check out «To Boldly Go... why swimming with Penguins at Boulders is so great» for a first hand report if you haven't tried this yet!
But in the case of SPG, most first - hand reports find that you'll wait around 1 - 3 days for domestic airlines.
Some second hand reports state that Konami were upset that Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain was taking so long to develop.
Greenpeace had a presence at this year's CES 2009, and had in hand their report ranking the greenest products of the 15 manufacturers participating in their study.
In October 2005, PALG handed a report to the IPCC highlighting poor working practices, which has not been acted upon.
A first hand report form a colleague who helped out spoke of the devastation in the Bowness neighbourhood being «beyond terrible» and how most people will have to gut their basements and many will have to rebuild main floors as well.
Indigenous National Mental Health Commissioner: Professor Pat Dudgeon hands the report to Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion: Photo: Irene Dowdy
Tell me how I can become an Undercurrent Online Member and get online access to all the articles of Undercurrent as well as thousands of first hand reports on dive operations world - wide
According to first - hand reports by the Jakarta Post, the Indonesian bitcoin market is experiencing solid growth on its home based exchanges.
You'll find practical studio tips, insights into the making of the Dinotopia books, and first - hand reports from art schools and museums.
All I see is a second hand report of private correspondence between Dr. Wegman and Dr. Rapp, and nowhere in there do I see a question asked directly to Dr. Bradley.
Windows Phone 8, on the other hand reported a 50 percent increase in profit, generating $ 340 million in revenue owing to greater acceptance of Windows phones worldwide.
[24] In this case, plaintiff's counsel had in hand the reports of two medical practitioners when he commenced the proceeding.
There are high chances for Samsung to announce the tablet at the IFA and we'll be there to bring first hand report of this tablet along with other announcements.
He once stepped on and continued to stand on the toes of my right foot as he handed me a report I had written, while asking, «Do you think this is kind of weak?»
He avoids the fray by relying heavily on excerpts from Soloveitchik's published writings, transcriptions of tapes, and, to a limited degree, second «hand reports.
But what none of us should do is take these bad things on faith, or believe them on the strength of second - or third - hand reports.
My cousins still live in Sochi and I get many daily, detailed, first - hand reports.
With his usual thoughtful and even - handed reporting, Jeremiah at Zrecs has all of the information about how SIGG muddied the waters to benefit from concerns about BPA.
Freedom from Torture handed the committee first - hand reports from torture survivors who had later been detained when they reached Britain.
Her sacrificial lamb status is amply illustrated by the September 30 cash on hand reports that gave Schumer some $ 20.5 million and Long, a mere $ 143,000.
After months of deliberations, which did not come without its challenges, the conference concluded its assignment and has handed its Report to me.
From 1948 until 1969, the U.S. government collected about 80,000 pages of first - hand reports — including descriptions, drawings, and diagrams — on more than 12,000 sightings of UFOs.
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