Sentences with phrase «hand to ask»

Of course when Mary Kay began to take questions, I raised my hand to ask.
The police have come to the politicians with hat in hand to ask for this technology for years but the politicians all say no because they are afraid of raising budgets and subsequently property taxes.
Do you remember when you were a student in school and needed to raise your hand to ask a question?
Even accomplished people feel as if they're going hat - in - hand to ask for handouts if they have to ask powerful, wealthy or well - connected friends for help.
An iPad / pencil combination sounds great until you realize how many students raise their hand to ask for a pencil - 15 minutes after you've already given them one.
That's because, except in the rare cases where a person comes to us before hand to ask about the risks of a problem — so he, she or it may decide if it's a significant problem — nobody comes to us unless the person actually has problem, or has the perception of a problem.
Foster parents are often on hand to ask questions of.
For Steve wasn't raising his hand to ask a question.
I called before hand to ask a few questions and got in touch with Sara Acevedo who was quick to answer every one of them.
The study also found that «Building confidence, overcoming shyness to put up their hand to ask for help, being more independent and less reluctant to try without assistance were all elements that parents recognised in their children and directly attributed to Explore Learning.»
Remember the days when you had desks, a blackboard, and you raised your hand to ask a question?
I became fearful of raising my hand to ask a question in classroom.
According to media reports, members of Reeds family sent letters to Judge John Ward and will be on hand to ask him to sentence Taglianetti to the maximum of life in prison.
As he arrived in Washington yesterday, a British correspondent from Sky News was on hand to ask: «Are you unsackable, foreign secretary?»
But when I raised my hand to ask the question, I did so more out of sorrow than anger.
If he's the kid sitting in the front constantly raising his hand to ask questions just to show everyone how smart he is — that doesn't go over well in middle school, let alone the NFL.
He was pulling my hand to ask for more as I sit here typing... He's non-verbal but he knows how to say «mmm» juliesorbo at gmail dot com
He was pulling my hand to ask for more as I sit here typing...
Once, in Sunday school, I raised a slap - bracelet - bedecked hand to ask why God drowned all the world's animals in the Great Flood — save those on the ark — when it was people who had sinned, not innocent penguins and kangaroos.
Every entrepreneur knows that there's more to raising funds than simply stretching out your hand to ask for money.
Sometimes categorised as «school at home», children may get dressed, put resources in backpacks, sit at desks, and even raise their hands to ask questions.
Multiple Chinese Associations have come together to join hands to ask their U.S. neighbors to help their families and friends back in China (see / /

Not exact matches

Re / code talked to After School's creators — Cory Levy and Michael Callahan (of One, a San Francisco - based social media startup), and asked them some questions about their app and about how they plan on combatting the obvious strain of bullying that goes hand - in - hand with anonymous apps such as theirs.
However, you can't hand it back to the baker and ask for a refund unless there is something objectively wrong with it — if the cake has a fingernail in it, for example.
I started handing my product to my clients and asked them to explain it to me.
Inflation was too low, and borrowing costs in Spain and Italy were getting out of hand — so high that Spain was about to ask for a bailout.
Cohn's departure would further set back those efforts and perhaps give the upper hand in the White House to a group of advisers seeking to scale back foreign trade, said a Wall Street executive who asked not to be named.
When photographers asked for a handshake, Merkel leaned over to Trump and seemed to ask him to shake hands.
It means someone can raise their hand and ask for help, admit they have been given a responsibility they don't feel prepared or knowledgeable enough to complete, or admit they are scared without any fear of humiliation or retribution.
According to Politico, Trump «asked for a show of hands from Republicans on whom they favored as the next chairman of the Federal Reserve» during a Senate lunch earlier this week.
It might be time to put your hand on your heart and ask if fear is driving your sales behavior.
He once stepped on and continued to stand on the toes of my right foot as he handed me a report I had written, while asking, «Do you think this is kind of weak?»
In a speech I gave this week to a large room of directors in Montreal, I asked for a show of hands on how many directors use iPads.
TechCrunch reports that SoundCloud's founders told staff during one of the post-redundancy all - hands meetings that investors had asked them in March to make the job cuts as part of a $ 70 million (# 54 million) debt funding deal that was first reported by Business Insider.
Then I'd ask them by a show of hands how many of them answered the question from the perspective of «this room, in this course, the one they just happen to have scheduled right now.»
When speaking at events, I often ask audiences to raise their hand if they use the term «upsell» in their business.
In his words, «It is amazing what we can achieve in this world if we just ask for what we want, yet so many people sit in the dark waiting for the world to hand things to them.»
At first blush, the job interview can seem like a simple enough meeting to conduct: shake hands, make small talk, ask questions, and compare the candidates.
In almost every class of entrepreneurs I teach, I ask the question, and a staggering number of hands goes up each time (and that's after I tell people to leave their hands down if they want to keep their childhood private).
The coalition of investment firms that asked for Kalanick's resignation — Benchmark Capital, First Round Capital, Menlo Ventures, Lowercase Capital and Fidelity — didn't have the votes to force Kalanick's hand.
«There are a lot of people here who should ask some tough questions before handing over campaign contributions to people who were really playing chicken with our whole economy.»
It's also a chance to address the shortcomings in your idea and develop answers to the tough questions anyone would ask before handing you money.
She asked the audience to raise their hands if they've ever been told they were bossy, and almost every hand went up.
You have to put in the time, do the looking, and ask for assistance when you don't have, or can't find, all the answers, in order to be ready when someone asks for a hand.
On the other hand, if you tell them where you want to see the company going and ask them to contribute, they will feel much more valued.
«On the one hand, you may want to dress up, but I do think that even at the holiday party you want to be somewhat mindful and ask yourself, «Would I be comfortable showing up in this outfit if I was going to meet my best prospective client,»» says Fischer.
Remember your last cab ride - at the end of a cab ride, the cabbie tells you the fare, and you hand him a credit card — and then, of course, he asks you to pay in cash.
After a recent underwhelming all - hands meeting, Wright used BlackbookHR to ask his staff whether such meetings were valuable.
Depending on whom you ask, neuromarketing — the study of how the brain responds to cognitive and sensory marketing stimuli — is either the inevitable future of the ad industry, or a distraction, just a bunch of jazz hands.
The most effective use of reverse psychology for parents hoping to push older kids towards wise choices isn't to actively manipulate them towards your desired aim — i.e. by fake nonchalantly asking if perhaps your child would like to give up a sport or AP class - but rather to hand control back to a kid who feels like they're already being pushed toward a particular future.
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