Sentences with phrase «hand wringing over»

Some of the current hand wringing over the epic rise in patent litigation of late focuses, as a result, on the USPTO.
Just a short reaction to the hand wringing over the Lomborg advert on the left of the TOD page.
I am exhausted with elitist progressive depressive hand wringing over everything.
In the commercial photo or image service industry, Instagram followings seem to have quite a bit of influence, and there's a lot of hand wringing over this.
Hand wringing over Americans» obsession with sports at the expense of academics is a hardy perennial in education writing, social commentary, and even sketch comedy.
(If it ain't broke, etc.) Yet all the news about flat NAEP results and bleak PISA and TIMSS scores, to say nothing of the hand wringing over international competitiveness and waning social mobility, don't seem to have penetrated very far into the public's continued faith in their local schools.
All the hand wringing over South Africa turns to hand washing when it comes to condemning black Africa.

Not exact matches

In addition to devoting an inordinate amount of time to all things Trump, the media has also spent quite a bit of time hand - wringing over the media's role in amplifying his message to the masses.
There's always some hand - wringing over kids» excessive candy and sugar consumption over Halloween.
Ours is an era of perpetual hand - wringing over the jobs market.
The current round of hand - wringing over pensions got its start in late 2007, when the British Columbia and Alberta governments appointed the Joint Expert Panel on Pension Standards to examine the existing retirement system.
Hand - wringing cultural critics fret over how the internet is changing us.
It's that time of the market cycle again where we have to stop the hand - wringing over tech valuations.
There's been a lot of hand - wringing over the past few years about the declining rates of entrepreneurship in the United States.
Virtually no environmental controls, and we're sitting here wringing our hands over two little carbons going out the tailpipe.
With all the recent hand - wringing over technology stocks due to regulatory concerns, some of the biggest winners are well - known FANG stocks.
As the costs of higher education have continued to climb, everyone from parents to policymakers are wringing their hands over student loans.
Instead, we had the Secretary of the Treasury wringing his hands over the power of their contracts, while others within the Administration were cavalierly dismissing the importance of the existing labor contracts in the auto industry.
While private markets grow fat in what many deem to be a bubble, central banks and regulators wring their hands over how to handle the groundswell.
Taco Bell has been somewhat cryptic about the test menu and few outsiders have tasted the food, prompting hand - wringing over whether Taco Bell plans to compete head - to - head with companies like Chipotle and Qdoba Mexican Grill (JACK.O).
There is a great deal of hand - wringing in the U.S. media today over the plight of Deutsche Bank, the big German financial firm that has a hefty presence on Wall Street.
With many younger workers wringing their hands over student loan debt, and employers wondering how to attract top millennial talent, there's an opportunity.
In today's On the Square, David Mills observes that many European liberals are wringing their hands over the killing of Osama bin Laden:
It isn't wrong to have it - but if we are wringing our hands over what to do with it - maybe we have too much of it - and we are focused on it too much.
With the emergence of social media and e-books over the last decade, the publishing industry has wrung its hands about the possible demise of reading.
Over the last decade, many people in the publishing world have been wringing their hands with anxiety that people may not be reading as much as they used to.
On the other hand, Mormons complain about Christians saying Mormons are not Christian, and many of the same people who wring their hands over proxy baptism call for Christians to accept Mormons as their own.
Hence, there is little hand - wringing over fund raising.
Every autumn Christians throughout North America engage in hand - wringing disputes over what to do about Halloween.
Thankfully God is not wringing his hands in anxiety over all this.
Incessant hand - wringing over the fate of the novel or of reading in general draws our attention to all the wrong places.
The vast majority of denominations are wringing their collective hands over shrinking church attendance, diminishing budgets and plummeting cultural influence.
Predictably, however, the whole death and dying discourse began to develop into a sort of trendy psychobabble for nurses and chaplains and therapists who sat wringing their hands over someone stuck in stage three, saying things like, «If only he could move past it.»
I was wringing my hands over the prospect that Republicans would lose control over the House (which they did).
To remove more moisture, squeeze the cabbage in your hands over the sink, or put into a cotton (not terry cloth) kitchen towel and wring out the moisture over the sink.
Winemakers are wringing their hands over the 2011 harvest, branding it absurdly large for a nation still grappling with too much wine.
Gather ends of towel in each hand and twist over sink, wringing out as much liquid as possible.
Important: Wring out the spaghetti squash by wrapping portions of it in paper towels and squeezing hard with your hands over the sink.
A lot of wringing hands over this.
To their credit the Chargers are not wringing their hands over their high - profile holdouts.
But the rough — over which there had been much hand - wringing right up to tournament week — thickened at the last minute and wreaked the appropriate havoc on wayward drives.
Obviously, there was a lot of hand - wringing over the 2 deadline deals (on both sides of the argument).
New England is 7 - 2; hand - wringing over the team's early - season struggles feels like it happened in another lifetime.
Herbert Chapman, Bertie Mee and Don Howe are turning over in their graves and George Graham is wringing his hands regarding our shambolic defending.
Not one Washington fan among the 77,137 who exited here on Sunday night was hand - wringing over Cousins or their team.
So while we can wring our hands over all the dropped points from Rudi Garcia's tailspin or during the club's mid-to-late April swoon, third place is probably what Roma deserves.
We wring our hands over our kids» grades, their social development, their performance on the playing field, their future.
The beta marriage idea caused a kerfuffle at Jezebel, Salon, Fox News and a gazillion other media outlets, some of which began wringing their hands over the idea that young people may not be committed to go the distance.
Given the cultural hand - wringing over decreasing marital rates, divorce and stepparenting, and the rise in non-nuclear families and non-marital births, her proposal to create a legal status seems to make a lot of sense; family law has not kept up with the vast changes in the marital landscape.
There's a lot of hand - wringing over children born to couples that aren't married.
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