Sentences with phrase «handed her up underneath»

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Press up into a plank position, and set your hands right underneath your shoulders, brace your abdominal muscles, and pull your knees in towards your chest.
We bundled up in our woolies, me with two long red braids hanging down underneath my wool toque, and we set out mittens in hand.
Wet one hand, and reaching down the inside the side of the bowl, grab a piece of the dough from underneath and pull up, stretch and push back down onto the top.
Gently slide your hand underneath of the parchment paper and flip the crust and pie plate right side up.
Having a stroller that is easy to push with one hand, ample storage underneath for a diaper bag, folds up easy, and is easy to lift in and out of the car can be incredibly valuable.
Change the diaper In a swift movement, remove the dirty or wet diaper from beneath baby and slide an opened clean one underneath while holding up baby's rear end in your hand.
my husband and I discovered several fantastic features including an incredible turn - on - a-dime turn radius, a sleek, full - coverage canopy that stretches all the way over baby but has a mesh window so we have good visibility of what she's up to, a large storage basket underneath, and a ridiculously fast and easy folding mechanism — I can fold it up with one hand in one second!
And if the rear child wants to stand, the seat folds up — which is also ideal for accessing storage underneath — and there are hand - holds, so the rear child does not have to hold onto the back of the seat in front.
So as the shark swam up to me, I essentially punched it with the palm of my hand, underneath its snout.
With your right hand, reach down and grab your foot from underneath — use your left hand to help bring your knee and left leg up near your right hip in a kind of triangle position.
Come into a plank, bring your hands underneath your shoulders, you're going to bring your right foot up to meet your right hand, and then you're going to twist open.
Here's how to do it: Sit up tall with your knees bent and your feet on the ground and hold your hands underneath your knees.
Assume a push - up position with hands directly underneath shoulders and your body in a straight line from head to heels.
Then, explosively push up and lift your torso more than usually so that you have enough room to quickly clap your hands together right underneath your chest and then bring them back down to their original position.
Now sit underneath the bar and grip it with your hands (you can switch it up between underhand and overhand grip at each workout to target different muscles).
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then kick one leg out to opposite side underneath body and as foot comes out reach down with hand on the side closest to it (opposite hand to foot that is kicking) and touch toe as it kicks, bring foot and hand back to plank position and jump legs back in and jump up in the air.
Your hands have to be placed right underneath your shoulders to do proper push - ups.
Start in a push - up position, hands on the ground directly underneath your shoulders, legs extended backwards with your toes on the ground, so your body is in a straight line.
Repeat with the right foot, raising your leg up to the sky and then bringing it back down underneath the body to touch the ground beside your left hand.
There's a certain class of low - budget indie filmmaking that's become almost its own recognizable style — full of ordinary people just trying to find happiness in unorthodox ways, hand - held close - up shots, montages of locations (easily recognized if you live in the area where they're shot, but not particularly tied to the story, which could take place anywhere) with light music underneath, a tendency to shift focus amateurishly (though I think often on purpose as part of the style), a lot of contemplative pauses and awkward conversations.
To keep his back half up while his chest and elbows are resting on the floor, place your arm underneath his stomach while you use the other hand to lure his front half to the floor.
Always pick Russian Dwarf Hamsters up from underneath like you would scoop water with 2 hands.
Russian Dwarfs should always be picked up from underneath (as if you would scoop water with two hands).
Always scoop them up from underneath with two hands.
The game's «visibility» meter — in the form of an eye at the bottom left - hand corner of the screen which opens wider when you are in a more brightly lit area — also doesn't seem to have much effect on how enemy soldiers will notice you: I've been crouched up against cover in near - total darkness and the A.I. has spotted me through the wall; but I've stood out in the open, right underneath a lamppost, and they haven't seen me when they're just standing across the road.
His work, as a whole, has also largely spoken to the LGBTQ experience: 2014's «Arms and Legs» is an erotic close - up of a male hand slipped underneath another man's red athletic shorts; 2012's «Juan Pablo & Karl, Chingaza» features two men smoking and laying [sic] together on a bed of grass.
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