Sentences with phrase «handful of coins»

The father reached into the pockets of his sweat pants and pulled out two handfuls of coins.
He committed the worst crime in history, ever — the betrayal of the innocent and perfect Son of God for a handful of coins.
He would wash cars for a few pence or perform somersaults for a handful of coins from onlookers.
The signature metallic smell of a handful of coins isn't the scent of pure metal.
This prevents you from jingling as you walk or carrying a handful of coins that can weigh down one of your trousers.
Across Australia, there's over $ 150 million worth of five - cent coins in circulation - and it takes only a handful of these coins, just $ 5, for YGAP to improve access to a quality education for a child.
I have an empty Folger's can and believe me, I can going to put a handful of coins in it and begin working on this tomorrow.
Coins earned through StreetPass can be used to unlock new characters, and considering some of those characters will cost you up to 1 million Lego studs, swapping out a handful of coins is a great shortcut to completion.
- but fortunately they generally come clumped together in a handful of coins at a time, and they tend to follow a set of rules at to where they'll appear.
Some amiibo will give you cooler power - ups like extra life while others might just give you a handful of coins to spend.
Cryptocurrencies are in free fall, sparing only a handful of coins.
If GDAX is promising to add a handful of coins in 2018, there is a very high likelihood that Ripple will be among this handful of coins.
Sibert recently told Forbes that he believed most crypto coins would go to zero, excluding a handful of coins such as the ones selected for the trusts:
Though he thinks they are valid requests, he said they will not be adding hundreds but just a handful of coins.
For a handful of coins, it's pretty easy to be tempted into splashing out and lugging back your holiday home buys.
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