Sentences with phrase «handful of data points»

Founders often see a handful of data points and believe that a new normal exists.
Commercial marketers usually have a wealth of data to work with, from demographics to credit history to homeownership, but when he started working in politics, Ghani was struck by the fact that political campaigns are trying to build voter models based on a handful of data points.
(Those authors, it should be noted, include some members of the OGLE team, who used a handful of data points from OGLE to bolster the MOA result at the time.
Your credit score is based on a handful of data points.
In a limited sense, with a handful of data points, they are right.
It's not a tough comment to follow, and it has to do with the fact that you're not doing any trend analysis whatsoever; rather, you're cherry - picking a handful of data points to make an erroneous claim.
Inflection points near the boundaries are bad news as they allow a handful of data points to send the projected values outside the data to soar / crash toward plus or minus infinity at rates that aren't remotely appropriate.
But while the current iteration of the prototype requires all users to download and validate each smart contract in the Plasma system, in his new talk, Buterin described a way to limit this to a handful of data points.
Vitalik Buterin says that he has found a way that will reduce this to a handful of data points.
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