Sentences with phrase «handful of other»

The list is limited largely to fish, cod liver oil, eggs, mushrooms, and a small handful of other foods.
Elements such as high intake of wild plants, absence of smoking, legume intake, conscientiousness, gratitude, tannin - rich beverages and a handful of other qualitative markers are associated with these zones.
Full disclosure: I also kept a handful of other items that they can still fit into for a fall / winter wardrobe.
We all know bananas are an all - around go - to for post-workout energy and replenishing the body, but Myers swears by a handful of other fruits and veggies that pass the recovery fuel test.
In term of bodybuilding exercises this grip will help you in shrugs, rows and a handful of other upper body exercises.
He also holds a handful of other titles, including two that begin with director or assistant director.
The original «recipe» for success for those that were previously unable to register significant gains in size and strength was the 20 rep squatting routine with one set (after warm - ups) to failure done along with a handful of other basic exercises, no fluff, just brutally demanding hard work done infrequently with an emphasis on heavy eating.
It targets mainly the anterior deltoid, but it also works a handful of other muscles — the lateral deltoid, supraspinatus, triceps brachii, middle and lower trapezius, as well as anterior serratus.
So Saxena and his colleagues calculated how much heat would be produced between pairs of trans - Neptunian objects, like Pluto and its largest moon, Charon; Eris and its moon Dysnomia; and a handful of other distant pairs.
One approach used by doctors at UCLA and a handful of other centers nationwide is to beam magnetic pulses deep into patients» brains, a therapy known as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).
It's something I'm working on myself, as well as a handful of other people.
Some doctors and patients worried the proposal, if finalized, would shutter OpenBiome and a handful of other stool banks, which use anonymous donors and ship to providers hundreds of miles away.
«This, and a handful of other recently - discovered fossils from the Southern Hemisphere, supports a Gondwanan origin for Rhamnaceae in spite of the relative scarcity of fossils in the Southern Hemisphere relative to the Northern Hemisphere,» Jud said.
They found that C9ORF72 mutations explained about 22 % of familial cases of ALS and 12 % of familial cases of FTD, far more than any of a handful of other genetic risk factors they examined in the same patients.
Since then, a handful of other giant virus groups have been found.
But she and a handful of other female as well as male senior faculty members at the nation's oldest university echo the chief concerns of their MIT colleagues: too few women and too little respect and power for the few who are there.
A handful of other cellulosic ethanol plants, which will make biofuels from corn stover, wheat straw and municipal waste, plan to begin production by next year (ClimateWire, Aug. 5).
Schiff, Giacino, and the handful of other scientists doing this work worldwide hope to help more brain - injured people make the leap back into consciousness.
A handful of other components — a lens, a small display screen and several cables — make up the rest of the camera.
Its radio silence adds to a handful of other SETI false alarms in recent years.
As far as we know, only a handful of other species farm their food.
Only a handful of other researchers are looking into the possible link, and all the studies have tiny sample sizes, usually looking at a couple dozen soldiers.
Artifacts dated to 65,000 years ago from Madjedbebe support suggested dates of more than 45,000 years for a handful of other Australian archaeological sites.
Previously, permanent resident permits were limited to applicants to the Thousand Talents plan, a scheme launched in 2008 by the Communist Party of China directed at attracting highly skilled scientists and entrepreneurs, and a handful of other cases.
There are only a handful of other researchers in the world using hyperspectral imaging in combination with other non-destructive and micro-destructive techniques to understand how a work of art is made, Walton said.
Candidates have to tailor their messages to small numbers of voters in the early primaries, so a few thousand people in New Hampshire and a handful of other states have a disproportionate influence on the direction of the presidential race.
Basically, a single webpage ranks low, but rises in importance if a handful of other pages link to it.
To bring those possibilities closer to reality, Bishop and a handful of other researchers analyse blood samples to pinpoint which dragon peptides could have drug potential.
The discovery of this previously undisturbed Elephant grave site is unique in Britain — where only a handful of other elephant skeletons have been found and none of which have produced similar evidence of human exploitation.
A handful of other robotics researchers — including those at Japan's Kyoto Institute of Technology — have over the past decade been developing quadruped robots, but none appear to have BigDog's high levels of adaptability, balance and perseverance nor LittleDog's intelligence and awareness.
Tooth decay has been found in a handful of other scavenging societies, but scientists have not found evidence of such a high incidence of dental disease in a group of this size.
But Witmer's work, and the work of a handful of other young paleontologists who are approaching the soft - tissue questions with scientific methods, may ultimately allow artists to flesh out dinosaurs with more hard data.
A handful of other companies are also in the field, working on therapies that treat diseases of the central nervous system or enhance cancer immunotherapy.
Like a handful of other creatures, the common wood frog, Rana sylvatica, is a biological conundrum.
Sacks, Alexander Luria, and a tiny handful of other neuroscientists, have done great service by making their scholarship, their experience and insights available to a surprisingly wide readership, from medics to philosophers and lay readers.
The constants c, e, and h are entangled with one another in a tight web of interconnections that spans the microworld, in the sense that all measurements of atomic and nuclear properties must ultimately be expressed in terms of these and a small handful of other numbers.
Over the course of two seasons, Halligan and Waters discovered butchered mastodon bones and a handful of other stone tools, though none as old or technically impressive as the biface.
There are a handful of other things schools can do to boost the number of women in science and math professorships, Shaywitz says.
For a tenured professor with a promise of lifetime employment, writing papers that will, very likely, be read carefully by a handful of other scientists, there is something romantic, even daring, about the path I've taken.
Although most successes are from cold environs, some researchers are exploring how to tease out ancient DNA from the tropics while a handful of other scientists are probing what may be the next big technology — sequencing ancient proteins.
Undeterred, Sarianidi and a handful of other archaeologists soldiered on, unearthing additional elaborate structures and artifacts.
Using advanced computer analysis techniques designed to study and process biological data, the researchers identified SND1 among a handful of other genes that miR - 184 helps regulate.
And although a handful of other concentrating solar plants around the world use solar rays to heat water directly into steam, it is much more volatile than molten salt and can not be easily stored, Ho explains.
I constructed a handful of other experiments as well, including one I dubbed Good Morning, Sunshine!
Unlike most of these earlier attempts, the Los Olivos house and a handful of other prototype «net zero» dwellings remain connected to the grid and sell whatever surplus electricity they generate to local utilities.
A handful of other fire scientists and grad students from Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) are checking equipment in the test room as well.
A handful of other legless turtles have also been outfitted with wheels.
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686 — 1736) The Dutch physicist invented alcohol and mercury thermometers, as well as the temperature scale that now bears his name (and perplexes the world outside the U.S. and a handful of other countries), with 0 degrees marking the temperature of a 1 - 1 mix of ice and salt.
A handful of other teams are taking an immersive, multivariable approach to studying human responses to indoor conditions, using flexible facilities — from the Total Indoor Environmental Quality Lab at Syracuse University in New York, to the SenseLab at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, which should open in December.
Sharing an ambition that would have sounded like science fiction just a few years back, Herr and a handful of other prosthetics engineers are now working to create lifelike limbs that users can control with their minds.
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