Sentences with phrase «handful of sand»

That number might be comparable to the number of grains in a mere handful of sand.
Next he tossed handfuls of sand onto the canvas, tipping the canvas to ensure that it retained only the sand that adhered to to the glue.
Owen scooped up a handful of sand and let it slip through his fingers.
The Save the Beaches campaign sent letters containing little bags of sand to Mayor Richard J. Daley's office with notes reading, «Please don't leave us with a handful of sand
He will stick a handful of sand into his mouth no problem.
Pick up a handful of sand, and it flows through your fingers like a liquid.
So much dust came out of the coat, it was like you had poured a handful of sand all over the dog's back.
If you pick up a handful of sand and mix the colors together, they will eventually separate again — it's truly an amazing phenomenon.
The name means «thinking of the sea» If one picks up a handful of sand, Halimeda plates will be predominate.
I followed him to a crescent dune where he inserted his hand at its base and dug out a handful of sand.
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