Sentences with phrase «hands and arms press»

Begin with a slight pelvic tilt (pubic bone moves toward navel), press feet into the floor, lift hips up to knee height (or as high as your flexibility allows), contract (squeeze) your glutes (butt), hands and arms press into the floor for additional hip height and thoracic / spinal extension.

Not exact matches

As you press the blocker back with your «long arm,» the pass rusher continues around the corner, and at some point, he releases off the block by swatting the blocker's outside hand with his, then going right into a rip move.
- baby can briefly lift head (usually bobbing, not still) to about 45 degrees - turns head to place opposite cheek down - comfortable with either cheek down - legs begin to straighten in Tummy Time so that lower belly touches the surface beneath baby - arms move further away from the body in Tummy Time and in the second month, will begin to press hands down into the surface to push the shoulders and very top of the chest up very slightly off the surface beneath
The French president imposed himself on the prime minister, with one hand on his back, and the other on the back of his arm, offering the French press every opportunity necessary to conclude the Frenchman was the dominant partner.
Take a dumbbell or medicine ball and press it overhead — hold it in both hands with your arms fully extended.
Extend left arm directly over shoulder and press right hand into the mat.
Keeping your hands in place beneath your shoulders, press your hands into the floor and inhale as you straighten your arms, allowing your back to curve into a gentle backbend as you lift your chest (Upward - Facing Dog pose).
Interlace your hands underneath you, pressing your arms into the floor and enabling you to lift higher into your hip bridge.
From here, press your hands and tes into the floor and press through your arms and chest until you are in a plank position.
With your eyes on the dumbbell, lift your torso and hips as you press up with your right arm, your right hand slightly behind you (B, below).
Lunge deeper into front knee, lift arms, press palms and look up to hands for Warrior 1.
According to his accounts, Ahrens had 57 inch chest and 21 inch arms, and could perform a two dumbbells press together with 162 in each hand for 4 reps. Ahrens is considered as a mystery man, the reclusive power house, and currently there are not many photos that show his impressive size.
As you move the weights up into the standard shoulder press position (weights at shoulder level), rotate the palms of your hands until they are facing forward and drive the weight up without pausing until your arms are fully extended above you.
Inhale, extend the arms behind you, lifting the hands towards the ceiling and pressing the tops of your toes into the mattress.
On every inhale, lengthen through the spine, stretch your arms, and press the inner triads of your hands into the mat.
The 3M Ergonomic Mouse is clinically proven to alleviate pain and discomfort of repetitive stress injuries in the hand, wrist or arm associated with the use of traditional mice — which can pronate the forearm and wrist and typically presses the wrist and carpal tunnel area against the desk.
With your palm starting in neutral position (facing your body), press the kettlebell overhead until your arm is fully extended and rotating the hand so your palm is facing ahead.
Inahle: lift arms overhead, press out through the palms toward the ceiling, lengthen spine, Exhale: release hands and interlace behind your back, press into your sacrum, Inahle: lift your heart, Exhale: hands to your heart.
Effort is expended by pressing against the elbow pads with the backs of the upper arms; what you do with your hands and forearms is of no concern.
Start with a dumbbell in each hand, arms overhead, palms facing in and dumbbells held together (press them into each other).
Overhead Tricep Extension Start with a dumbbell in each hand, arms overhead, palms facing in and dumbbells held together (press them into each other).
* The primary function of the pecs is horizontal adduction of the humerus (bringing your upper arm across the front of your body), and dumbbell presses offer a superior range of motion through this function since the hands and arms can be brought together rather than being locked onto a fixed bar.
Press your hands on the floor a little behind your hips, fingers pointing toward the feet, and strengthen the arms.
Press hands and arms into the ground as you use the strength of your abs to lift legs straight up towards the ceiling.
Rest on your head again, pause, press up to straight arms, and walk the hands in farther, continuing this process until you are holding your feet or heels or until you feel you have reached your edge.
I've started following up with «drawing the alphabet with my big toe» as follow up to these exercises for my calf and in between sets I stretch my biceps by standing away from the wall with my arms out, hands in loose fits with thumbs sticking up, no then rotating the thumbs to facing down and lightly pressing my arms back and holding for 20 - 30 seconds.
Put your hands on the ground in front of you, lengthen your spine and your arms and gently press into the ground.
If you stand upright and place your hands pressed against a wall and take a step backwards, you then, without bending your hips or leaning forwards, you then stretch out your arms as far as they can go in front of you trying to touch the wall.
She should take her left hand on the back of your upper left arm and gently pull it back and up, as she presses her right hand forward against your left shoulder blade.
On an inhale, lean back against the wheel and release your hands, then as you exhale, press through your heels and lift your hips, reaching your arms up and over your head with your elbows bent, pointing straight behind you.
Press your hands together, extending your arms out in front of you, and recline back so that your body is angled about 45 degrees.
Isometric exercises — exercises that involve muscle contractions with no movement, such as clasping your hands and pressing your arms together — can be a great way to start resistance training.
Set the hands on the floor, lean to the right, and lift the feet off the floor on an exhalation, balancing with the outer left arm pressed against the outer right leg.
Clasp the hands and press the arms actively down on the support as you lift the thighs toward the ceiling.
Grip your right upper arm with your inner right knee (as described in the previous instructions), press your right hand into the floor, and lift your right foot slightly away from the floor.
He should press his hands against your outer upper arms, just above the shoulder, and lift the outer arms toward the elbows.
Press the back of the lower hand on the top of the foot, then sweep the top arm over the back of the ear and join the palms.
Resist the force of the knee on the arm by pressing your right hand into the floor and pushing your upper arm back against the knee.
She should then press her hands against the outsides of your upper arms (just above the shoulders) and scrub up along the arms toward the hands.
The 1 - Arm Strict Barbell Press is a very neurologically taxing exercise and will help prepare your body for other unconventional barbell lifts like the Side Press, Bent Press, and the 2 - Handed Anyhow Press.
Press your hands into your back and your upper arms into the ground to straighten the legs.
With your arms bent, your hands on either side of your face, and you elbows tucked tightly to your body, press down until your arms are nearly straight (you will finish near your hands near your knees).
Activate your arms by pressing the hands into the floor and lifting the forearms and elbows away from the mat.
Take a few breaths in this position and then fold back down to touch the floor then swing your arms back up to the sky, press your hands together into prayer position as you guide your hands back down in front of the chest.
From a side - ying position, press the right hand into the ground, and fully extend the arm while pushing both legs together and keeping the side of the right foot pressed into the ground.
Press the right hand into the ground, rotate both feet and hips to the left while raising the left arm off of the ground.
Use the treadmill for a set amount of time, either jogging, running or even sprints, then hop off grab a couple of hand weights and start to do some squats with shoulder press, or do some push ups, some arm routines.
Exhale, press your inner feet and hands down against the floor, and lift your hips until you come into a reverse tabletop position, torso and thighs approximately parallel to the floor, shins and arms approximately perpendicular.
To feel a nice long stretch in your spine, press the hands down and stretch through the arms while pulling your hips back toward your heels.
To feel a nice long stretch in your spine, press the hands down and stretch out through the arms while pulling your hips back toward your heels.
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