Sentences with phrase «hands by hips»

Sit with knees bent, feet flat, hands by hips with fingers forward.
One Legged RDL: 4 sets of 8 reps. Balance on one leg, holding a dumbbell or kettlebell in your opposite hand by your hip.

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By the time she emerges after an hour, glistening and flushed, she's beaming; standing beside the water in a black, pool - worn one - piece bathing suit, she puts her hands on her hips and turns her face to the morning sun.
What this entails is standing up tall and raising your fists in the air, or taking up space by putting your hands on your hips.
There is no communication when on the field, as you said, when there is a break in play, they should be talking to each other, not standing around with their hands on their hips, or crouching down, by themselves in the middle of the pitch, they don't even speak to the manager for gods sake!
By pushing our feet down into the ground, the ground will push back into us causing the energy to flow through the hips, core, hands, and ultimately into the club and golf ball.
The energy generated by Michelle's powerful hips, slender shoulders, long arms and soft hands, seems to multiply exponentially by the time it reaches the ball.
I «m afraid, a gifted professional footballer standing with his hands on hips watching the game go by is unforgivable imo, Maybe he will gain miraculous stamina as did Cesc find an injury curing magic potion away from THOF!
It's agony on one side by hip bone and I'm kind of using my hands to support the weight of baby as I walk.
You even have your super supportive bra standing by in case your hip shaking gets a little out of hand.
«Disjointed: Cell differences may explain why rheumatoid arthritis varies by location: Findings point to new approaches in targeted therapies so that what works for arthritic hands may not be the same for ailing hips
Start by holding the kettlebell in both hands, standing with your feet slightly wider than hip - width distance apart.
On the other hand, setting your feet lower on the platform will make the move more challenging for your quads by reducing the degree of hip extension and flexion while increasing the range of motion around the knees.
How to do it: Start by standing with your feet hip - width apart, knees bent slightly, and you hands up in front of you — palms facing away from your body.
The hook can be thrown by either hand and is executed by twisting the hips and shoulders quickly as your hand comes around to strike the side of the bag (or in your imagination, your opponent's jaw).
How to do it: Begin by standing with feet about hip - width apart while holding a 5 - to 8 - pound dumbbell in each hand.
One good use: Overhead press: Stand with feet hip - width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, elbows bent by sides, weights just above shoulders (A).
«Initiate the movement by sending your hips to the side, then reaching for the ground with one hand while dynamically pressing overhead with the other,» Theodore says.
Start by standing with your feet hip - width apart holding two hand weights down at your sides.
How to: Start standing with feet hip - width apart, hands in fists and elbows bent so your hands are at your chest, elbows in by your sides (a).
Prop your upper body up on your left elbow and forearm (or straighten your left arm so you're body is supported by your hand), then lift your hips off the ground until your body forms a straight line from ankles to shoulders.
The way you do it is by holding the rope at arm's length in front of the hips, with your hands shoulder - width apart.
If you're taking a picture of your whole body, you can also add placing your feet shoulder width apart with the hands on your hips and add a slight twist in your waist by taking a sideways angle pose.
Lay flat on your back with knees bent hip width and hands by your sides.
With hands on sandbag jump or step back into push up position and do a pushup, then jump or step feet back in and do a clean and press with sandbag: pick up sandbag by its 2 horizontal side handles, bring it up to hip level straightening your body and flipping it so it's up on top of your hands over knuckles and press it up towards ceiling, and then reverse movements bringing it back down to ground.
Begin by flexing your right hip with the knee extended while trying to touch the right toe with the left hand.
How to do it: Stand straight with your feet approximately shoulder width apart, if you are using dumbbells place your hands down by your sides with palms facing in to your body, if you aren't using weights you can place your hands on your hips.
How to: Grab a set of dumbbells in each hand, feet hip - width apart, arms by your sides (a).
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then do 5 plank jacks by jumping feet both out at the same time to wide legs and then back in to center.
Check by standing on top of the jump rope hip - distance apart with both hands holding each end.
bear crawls - get down on hands and feet and crawl forward on hands and feet (not knees) across room or field and back crab walks - sit down on the ground with your hands behind your back and feet on the ground in front of you; then elevate your waist off the ground so that your weight is on your feet and the palms of your hands and your torso is nearly parallel to the ground; then walk forward using your hands and feet reverse crunches - lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor, your knees at a 90ï «° angle, your palms on the floor by your hips, and your head and shoulders slightly lifted off the ground.
lying leg thrusts - 2 part movement; lie on your back with your head and shoulders raised off of the floor, your hands (palms down) on the mat by your hips, and your legs at a 90ï «° angle from the floor.
Keep your arms straight out in front of you, palms on the ground or place them down by your hips, resting the back of your hands on the ground.
Make It Better: Start by practicing hip extensions on the floor (get on your hands and knees and raise one leg up behind you) to build up glute strength.
Swing For this exercise you will stand with your feet placed hip - width apart while holding a kettlebell with both hands by the handle in front of you at the waist.
How to: Stand with feet hip - distance apart holding a dumbbell in each hand down by your sides (a).
Support your torso by pressing your hands on the floor, just beside your hips.
When they reach the bottom, the lifter places their hands on the ground, and returns to the top by flexing the hip and pushing backwards with the hands.
Drop the tailbone between the hips (lifting the heels as needed) Squeeze the inner thighs onto the triceps as you shift your weight smoothly onto the hands, and firmly contract the abdominal muscles by pulling the navel center toward the spine, allowing the entire back to round (similar to cat pose) Keep the gaze forward as you glide onto the hands with the elbows bending to less than 90 degrees (crocodile arms).
From standing bend over at hips so hands touch floor and walk hands out to plank position, do a plank jack by jumping feet both out at the same time to wide legs and then back in to center, and then walk arms back in and stand up.
Clean the weight with your left hand by pushing your hips back and lowering your torso into a squat.
Then jump or step feet back in and do a clean and press with sandbag, by picking up sandbag from floor by its 2 horizontal side handles, as you straighten body and bring sandbag up to hip level, flip it so it's up on top of your hands over knuckles and press it up towards ceiling, and then reverse movements bringing it back down to ground.
Bend over and pick up sandbag by its 2 lateral side handles, bring it up to hip level straightening your body and flip it so it's up on top of your hands and press up to ceiling and then reverse the movements bringing it back down to ground.
Begin by laying on your back with your hands tucked under your hips with palms facing down.
Come out of Half Moon by lowering your top hand to the floor and squaring your hips to the mat.
Engage the movement by moving your hips back, and place your hands around the bar on the outside of your legs.
If you are tight in the hamstrings and therefore the hips, and if you're feeling pressured by your own ego (or even a teacher), you can easily lose your balance and critical extension in your spine as you try to place your bottom hand on the floor and twist open into the full expression of the pose.
Pick up the bar with both hands and start with your arms straight down by your hips, palms facing up (a).
Bend your knees and hips when picking something up or putting it down; carry a heavy object by using two hands and keeping the load close to your waist.
Slowly increase flexibility and strength in the legs, knees, and hips by holding onto something with your hands as you lower yourself down into a squat, and squatting down toward something that you can sit on (cushions, a bench, a step - stool, etc.).
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