Sentences with phrase «hands of a few»

Tightly controlled companies are the unloved children of the public markets, because they concentrate decision - making in the hands of the few to the exclusion of a firm's wider shareholder base.
While quashing traditional media mergers like the one between AT&T and Time Warner might produce greater competition and lower cable costs for a few years, it will cement control over the future of the entertainment industry in the hands of a few large technology companies.
Economic growth has traditionally meant that everyone is better off, but in Canada the latest surge of growth simply concentrated income gains in the hands of a few, with the richest 1 % taking almost a third of all income growth between 1997 and 2007.
«There are people out there who are voicing probably justifiable concerns about putting more power into the hands of fewer and fewer organizations.
Statoil, Total, Shell and ConocoPhillips have all recently sold off oil sands stakes for a total of $ 27.3 billion in cash and shares, leaving most operations concentrated in the hands of a few large Canadian firms.
«There's been an over-focus on buybacks and raising EPS to hit share option targets, and we know that those are concentrated in the hands of the few, and that the few is in the top 1 percent,» said James Montier, a member of the asset allocation team at global investment firm GMO in London, which manages more than $ 100 billion in assets.
The rapid expansion of internet - connected devices will put even more power in the hands of a few companies with the biggest cloud services.
Rasaq says Angola must accelerate its economic diversification toward secondary and tertiary production, which has the potential to create a higher number of jobs, unlike the relatively isolated oil sector, which has less integration with other sectors of the economy and concentrates wealth in the hands of a few elites.
That power should not be concentrated in the hands of a few for reasons other than economic stake.
In health care, ongoing consolidation is putting more market share in the hands of a few strong players.
Inheritance tax is designed to spread wealth more widely and prevent a concentration of wealth in the hands of a few families.
And in this short period of time, the Church was left in the hands of a few indigenous priests.
In Created Equal, Joshua Berman, a lecturer at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem and Bar - Ilan University, uses this notable feature of Israelite political life to argue that the Bible is remarkably egalitarian and that Israel, unlike its neighbors, was notably suspicious of hierarchical regimes that located political power in the hands of a few elites.
I was just reading the Sermon on the Mount: «Blessed are the conservatives who keep wealth in the hands of the few... Blessed are those who want to move towards the way things were in the good old days... Blessed are those who repeal programs for the poor and give to the rich.»
After one such revolution much of the land was divided up among the peasants, and to prevent its re-concentration in the hands of the few, the government passed laws forbidding its sale.
Through the religious tax the nation protects itself from creating financial tyranny through the concentration of the bulk of the national income in the hands of a few individuals, or of the ruler who might claim it in the name of the state.
Some communication research has focused on a critique of media economic power and the problem of increasing portions of media profits being in the hands of fewer and fewer corporations (Compaine 1982).
Money will remain concentrated where it is now — in the hands of a few people who are probably disdainful of anything you are doing now.
Yes, the path a loving God sent out is definitely one in which we continue to watch extreme wealth grow in the hands of few while others have less.
When he was younger, Whitehead» s early education was in the hands of his father and, informally, in the hands of a few trusted household employees.
We can, however, appreciate the passion for justice to ordinary people and opposition to concentrating wealth in the hands of a few.
Deforestation, war, rampant exploitation of resources, and the serve concentration of the worlds wealth in the hands of a few corporations.
As we have noted, the current distributional pattern characterized by gross concentration of land in the hands of the few is the basis for the concentration of both wealth and political power.
These people are just accomplishing step one of escaping the hold of oppressive religious cults, realizing that organized religions are obvious scams created to concentrate money and power in the hands of a few.
I agree that there have been many attempts to keep scripture out of reach of the laymen and that these attempts have often been a cynical attempt to keep power concentrated in the hands of a few.
You're buying into the lie, because there are and have been people in power who want us to continue to decimate our economy and our nation, pouring all of our wealth into the hands of a few weapons manufacturers and oil corporations.
Increasingly, control on the world communication market is consolidated in the hands of a few mega-conglomerates.
They demand nothing short of upper class / caste domination in our society to end and strive for a new order wherein the wealth of nations is no longer concentrated in the hands of a few, but wherein people actively participate in the development and well - being of the nation.
In short, instead of concentrating economic power in the hands of a few transnational corporations that can profit from the union of U.S. capital and cheap Mexican labor, it would decentralize economic power, returning it closer to the people.
They saw the UNESCO criticism of excessive concentrations of press control in the hands of a few huge Western monopolies, and the consequent «imbalances and inequalities» in news coverage, as a threat to their forty - year worldwide dominance of media.
The violation of human rights is the consequence of the power being in the hands of a few and its misuse by them.
The church structures often help in the concentration of power in the hands of the few.
This problem is heightened by the fact that when church structures place power in the hands of a few or even one person, a pyramidal system is created with the inherent danger of the monopolization of that power.63
The war hastened the process of concentrating the wealth of this country in the hands of the few; it is a process which has been going on at accelerated pace ever since.
Before the printing press, bibles were only in the hands of the few, who then then interpreted it to the many, most of whom were illiterate and couldn't read a bible anyway.
Buying a slew of 2 mill per pop youngsters keeps the majority of the money in the hands of the few.
Tottenham have been on the hand of a few brutal moments in the past, but what about our greatest moments?
I'm just of the opinion that populism isn't a bad thing; I see controlled media in the hands of the few, spin, party politics, censoring and suppression of free speech as much more harmful to society.
In this respect, the problem with the kind of argument put forward by John Tomasi — as Martin O'Neill and Thad Williamson show in their review of his Free Market Fairness — is not that people do indeed find value in and self - worth through property, but its almost total ignorance of the effect on power relations of the accumulation of property in the hands of the few at the expense of the many.
But, unlike the Government, the banking system is not accountable to voters and its power is concentrated in the hands of a few people.
Indeed, the ability of a small clique in political party apparatuses to determine who runs for office, coupled with proportional representation systems that allow for the concentration of power in the hands of a few, has led to tight control of who gets elected.

Phrases with «hands of a few»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z