Sentences with phrase «hands of men»

Her neck was purpled and swollen; vividly visible on it were the marks of the massive hands of the man who had strangled her.
Acts 17:24 and other verses in the Holy Bible tells the world that God DOES NOT DWELL IN TEMPLES MADE BY HANDS OF MAN.
He explains how Puritans saw the American wilderness as both «a temple of God» where divine glory could be experienced and as «the Devil's territories,» which called for the civilizing hand of man.
how does girl feel when they talk with a man, touch hand of a Man
Harmless basking sharks were common until the 1980's along the entire west coast but have completely collapsed at the reckless hands of man.
Original musical score - Jay Mascis Additional music - Sunburned Hand of the Man George adamski - Jim Fletcher Mary Shimbersky - Josie Keefe Voices: Lina Park, Jack Oursler, Collin Leitch, Tony Oursler, Peter Fisher Script: Tony Oursler Editing: Tim Geraghty, Collin Leitch, Peter Fisher Script consultant: Branden W. Joseph Additional sound design: Anders Bjørn Rørbæk Pedersen
In 2005, Coffin released the Music for Plants compilation album with tracks from forty artists including Ara Peterson, Ariel Pink, Arto Lindsay, Sun Burned Hand of the Man, Jutta Koether, Alan Licht & Tom Verlaine, LoVid, Christian Marclay, Dearraindrop, and Mice Parade.
Below is an interactive timeline of the dramatic fight over Dell that ultimately ended up with the PC maker back in the hands of the man who created it.
But to blame a publication primarily aimed at and created by women for the systematic harassment and assault many women endure — often at the hands of men — is an embarrassing repurposing of the #MeToo movement.
By putting control of the business in the hands of a man who seemed «perfect» on the outside, but without doing due diligence, had the consultant skimming the profits and ultimately declaring bankruptcy, leaving Williams and Molinaro responsible for the debt on the chain.
I believe it to be divinely inspired, but penned by the hand of man.
3) Believe that the Bible is infallible when it is written by the hand of man and translated by the hand of man into other languages.
Ps115: 4 - 8 4 But their idols are silver and gold, made by the hands of men.
Furthermore, this is a covenantal requirement precisely because human life is qualitatively different in its unconditional sanctity: «and at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man.
But any attempt to justify violence (by emotional considerations, by a doctrine, a theology, etc.) is a supplementary perversion of fallen nature at the hands of man.
While holding the hand of the man standing nexst to me I couldn't help but wonder how that would affect a manly man who decided to come see what church was all about.....
(Matthew 16:21; cf. Mark 8:27 f, Luke 9:18 f.) This is echoed by the second prediction: «The son of man [that is, himself] is to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him, and he will be raised on the third day!»
The hand of man is all over the bible, every single word.
This is the moment where Valjean is initially «saved» and his salvation comes at the hands of a man of faith.
In the hands of men who evaded the real moral issues and who were narrower in their comprehension than so many of the statesmen of the nineteenth century, it is a question whether the established form in internationalism produced a single new idea of any significance between 1919 and 1939.
The Son of Man is going to be delivered in the hands of men, and they will kill him.
He just places responsibility where it's supposed to be: In the hands of men.
«The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him.
I think all religion is fundementally flawed because it was written by the hand of man.
For faith is not the repetition or realization of the death of Jesus at the hands of men.
They actually see where the «Hand of Man» has put his mark, hence the Hate in it.
Anything that is made for good can be used for bad once in the hands of man.
His «god» comes from the hands of men... thus his faith and authority is from man.
Second, this was the only offering that was prepared and shaped by the hands of men.
Choice # 1: Follow a specific religon, which has been in the control / hands of man, for over as little as or over 1000s of years and thus has been bent / bended / tarnished to serve the purpose of the man in flesh masters.
The See of Peter fell into the hands of men who were more interested in using it as a power in Italian politics, in aggrandizing the members of their families, or in promoting art and their own personal pleasures than they were in making it effective in furthering the spiritual and moral life of Europe.
Just as he is not a clockmaker God, neither can I believe that He simply inspired the original manuscripts and then just left the Bible to be shredded by the hands of Man.
21 Behold, you are relying now on Egypt, that broken reed of a staff, which will pierce the hand of any man who leans on it.
But the world has fallen into the hands of men, and they have failed to pay the builder his due.
In Philippians 3:2, Paul calls them «mutilators of the flesh» and in Romans 2:29, he shows us that the real circumcision that God desires is not of the flesh by the hands of men, but of the heart, by the Holy Spirit.
In Ephesians 2:11, Paul, although he was a Jew himself, mocks their arrogance by saying that the Jewish circumcision which they took so much pride in was nothing more than something done in the flesh by the hands of men.
Esther, who is accused by some feminists of playing into the hands of men, skillfully uses the power of a male - dominated world to accomplish something still celebrated annually twenty - five hundred years later.»
So persistent have been the disputed questions of Galileo's guilt or innocence and the significance of his case that even Pope John Paul II has not escaped them; a decade ago the current Pope, admitting that Galileo had suffered «at the hands of men and departments within the church,» appointed a papal commission to re-study the case» with virtually no constructive results to date.
Quoting scripture isn't terribly different from quoting any other literary source crafted by the hand of man.
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