Sentences with phrase «hands of the public sector»

But finding solutions to the freelance retirement crisis shouldn't just be in the hands of the public sector.

Not exact matches

The task of rhetoric is to divert attention from the fact that the financial sector aims not to «free» markets, but to place control in the hands of financial managers — whose logic is to subject economies to austerity and even depression, sell off public land and enterprises, suffer emigration and reduce living standards in the face of a sharply increasing concentration of wealth at the top of the economic pyramid.
At what point do we conclude that this relentless public mauling at the hands of government MPs and their private sector proxies is intended not merely to expose the CBC to proper scrutiny as a public agency, but to intimidate it in its function as a news organization?
This fig leaf of humanitarian concern for debtors enables the government to provide public credit that ends up in the hands of the super-rich who own and manage the financial and property sector.
Edwards, on the other hand, traces a direct line between the erosion of public sector capacity and the imposition of one - size - fits - all policies of structural adjustment driven by international finance agencies during the Reagan - Thatcher years.
When this Conservative government bans public sector strikes (FFS Vince Cable is in favour of banning private sector strikes), or when they go in heavy handed against public sector workers striking to protect their livelihood then I will like to see you explain how «liberal» this Conservative government is.
It takes a braver person still to do it with a microphone in one hand and a set list full of segments on the merits of privatisation in the NHS and arguments in favour of public sector cuts.
Enabling individual creators to work hand - in - hand both with the public sector and with global companies as they design the next generation of technology.
Borough of Opportunity: Tackling poverty and the widening social divide by giving a «hand up» instead of a «hand out» by transforming our state schools, providing a housing ladder of opportunity with home ownership at its core and regenerating our most deprived areas by using the public sector to pump prime major investment by the private sector.
From dodgy contractors, paid cash in hand, to paragons of public sector respectability like executives at the BBC and the Department of Health, paid through limited companies.
On the other hand, women, who more often work in the public sector, where their positions are slightly better guaranteed, are not as supportive of such parties.
The study examined the relationship between emotional intelligence and motivation to serve the public of public sector workers on the one hand and the mutual influence of these factors on three indicators of their performance: job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and the quality of service, on the other.
For further study of public sector projects (like the human - caused global warming project), I highly recommend reading Nevil Shute's first - hand account in the 1930's of the competition between private enterprise and government to build a rigid airship (blimp).
Privatization of libraries, hospitals, prisons, and other basic services had long been hailed by those on the political right, but how could one persuade entire communities to hand over their children and their public schools to private sector corporations, some of which hoped to turn a profit off their children, in order to reward their shareholders?
After all, the concerns that handed former governor Arnold Schwarzeneggar's first major defeat — the slew of propositions that would have addressed pension reform, budget reform, teacher tenure rules and other issues that would have kept our state on an even economic keel — were thrown asunder by the public sector unions who now OWN this state.
To do so, we work in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors and provide a unique combination of exceptional thinking, talent, and hands - on strategic support.
President Barack Obama entered office with promises of relief from unrealistic expectations and punitive incentives — only to double down on testing's importance by favoring value - added teacher evaluations and to promote privatization through the charter school sector which has increasingly placed portions of our educational commons into hands avoiding public oversight.
Bridging the chasm defined: enable the public sector to convey a meaningful picture of its technology readiness, challenges and priorities, on one hand; and empower the private sector to meaningfully convey its services and products to courts and tribunals, on the other hand.
You have a third of GDP changing hands from the private to the public sector, so of course both sides want to optimize their behaviour.»
It is unclear the extent to which any of these options would serve to reassure members of the public that their personal data is safe in the hands of public and private sector organisations.
Our public sector law team comprises former senior civil service lawyers, local government lawyers and secondees, offering significant first - hand experience of the public sector and its complex regulatory frameworks.
On the other hand, such procedures are common in the public sector in the U.S., and are used in a number of Canadian jurisdictions.
Mr. Wensheng also compared the ICO markets to the dotcom bubble of the nineteen - nineties, stating that of the «hundreds of companies» that listed Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) «in 1999» very «few companies are left,» however, «One Amazon is enough» — implying that heavy - handed restrictions on ICOs may result in China failing to facilitate the growth of potential major companies that could emerge through the disruptive ICO sector.
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