Sentences with phrase «hands of the writer»

So began what Kirby dubs the happiest job of her life, one that played out over eighteen months with many months of filming to come, and one which placed Kirby in the ever - capable hands of writer - producer Peter Morgan and storied director Stephen Daldry, and alongside castmates Claire Foy as Queen Elizabeth II and Matt Smith as Prince Philip.
The strength of their voices erases the fingerprints and guiding hand of the writer, making every move in the gripping drama, every turn of phrase or detail in the prose emerge as entirely the handiwork of each character.
This was one of the biggest surprises of 2015, a game that cleverly blended the history and tropes of the slasher flick (under the steady, brilliant hand of writer / director / actor Larry Fessenden) with the capabilities of the PS4 and the modern art of motion capture.
James defends the crime novel in the hands of these writers because they never trivialize crime:
As we've seen, in the hands of a writer like Milton monarchy is stigmatized as an inevitable source of enslavement.
It all sounds like a recipe for the most noxious liberal jerk - off movie since «Crash,» but in the hands of writer - director Richard LaGravenese, Freedom Writers turns out to be a superb piece of mainstream entertainment — not an agonized debate over the principles of modern education à la «The History Boys,» but a simple, straightforward and surprisingly affecting story of one woman who managed to make a difference.
However in the hands of writer / director Andrew Niccol (Gattaca, In Time), the result is occasionally challenging, dealing with both the science fiction elements and the teen angst at the heart of the story.
A fascinating true story becomes a deeply repressed movie in the hands of writer Morgan (The Iron Lady) and actor - director Fiennes.
A familiar coming - out, coming - of - age narrative gets an unexpected jolt in the hands of writer - director Maria Govan.
In the hands of writer - director Rian Johnson (who will also oversee a new Star Wars trilogy), The Last Jedi keeps its eye on the relationships between characters and how they communicate with one another, in addition to the bigger galactic story.
In the hands of writers Kenya Barris and Tracy Oliver, and director Malcom D. Lee, the strategy is to get political, with the issue of shootings and gang violence in Chicago as the galvanizing force around which the barbershop rallies.
In the hands of writer - director Wrona, Demon doesn't achieve its shocks through grandstand set pieces or in - your - face theatrics.
Hope is a tricky word in the hands of a writer.
Nothing feels truly genuine, except for the performances of Julia Roberts and Julianne Nicholson, and while individual moments may rise above the rest, the whole is dispiritingly superficial, since we always feel the hand of the writer at work.
What about putting money into the hands of writers, especially when so many agents these days are either turning into publishers themselves (which brings up the question of just how hard they are going to work to place their clients» work with another publisher when the agency could be the publisher)?
From the opening pages you know you are in the hands of a writer at the top of his game.»
The stories loved by various news media, and by enthusiastic entrepreneurial authors who are looking for alternatives to that traditionalist picture, are those suggesting that none of Old Publishing's apparatus is needed because digital production and distribution are now in the hands of writers who want to drive their own careers.
Kate Tilton presents Five Things You Need To Know About Self - Publishing by Cassie Phillips posted at Kate Tilton, Connecting Authors & Readers, saying, «The power to create and share work is firmly in the hands of writers with the self - publishing revolution.
Unlike ever before, the power to create and share work is firmly in the hands of writers, and dealing with difficult, big - name publishing houses is finally a thing of the past.
«Book production in the hands of writers should create books nobody's done, nobody's even dreamed of.
Every executive on the job market is placing his or her trust in the hands of their writer.
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