Sentences with phrase «hands of trolls»

The post I made about Kathy Sierra's harassment at the hands of trolls continues to see considerable traffic from Google.
'' Kathy Sierra, Chris Locke, and Due Process from Phil Windley's Technometria The post I made about Kathy Sierra's harassment at the hands of trolls continues to see considerable traffic from Google.
With respect, I think you are playing into the hands of the troll who is posting under the alias of «Sphaerica».
You shouldn't leave your company's reputation in the hands of trolls or disgruntled customers.
But it can keep patents out of the hands of trolls and promote a culture of holding patents for defensive purposes only.
In the hands of trolls, patents become a tax on innovation.
The history of the» 648 patent shows how the Patent Office's failure to properly review applications leads to bad patents falling into the hands of trolls.
But they can keep patents out of the hands of trolls and promote a culture of holding patents for defensive purposes only.
Many of those universities routinely file patents on technologies they develop, and unfortunately, many of those patents end up in the hands of trolls.
In the meantime, Twitter's IPA gives companies and inventors the means to take control of their own fate by ensuring that their patents will not end up in the hands of a troll.
When Twitter first proposed the IPA we welcomed it as a creative way to ensure that patents do not fall into the hands of trolls or otherwise become used as weapons.
These hacks help keep some patents out of the hands of trolls but they don't come close to preventing all the harms caused by software patents.
As long as the flood of software patents continues, some will end up in the hands of trolls and other bad actors.
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