Sentences with phrase «haploid cells of»

When deprived of nitrogen, haploid cells of opposite mating types can fuse to become a diploid zygospore which forms a hard outer wall that protects it from adverse environmental conditions.
These resultant haploid cells can fuse with other haploid cells of the opposite sex or mating type during fertilization to create a new diploid cell, or zygote.

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Asexual whiptails have a special trick for making spermless reproduction work: The egg cells in other animals first double their choromosomes once and then divide twice, leaving them as haploid cells, with half the normal number of genetic material.
During meiosis, the genome of a diploid germ cell, which is composed of long segments of DNA packaged into chromosomes, undergoes DNA replication followed by two rounds of division, resulting in haploid cells called gametes.
«Our findings should facilitate the use of animal haploid cells, making them accessible to a broader range of laboratories and technologies,» the authors conclude.
«A way to stabilize haploidy in animal cells: Mammalian haploid cells present problems during mitosis that limit their viability; the removal of the p53 tumor suppressor gene increases the survival rate of these cells thereby stabilising their haploid state.»
The emergence, in recent years, of the first mammalian haploid cell lines has raised great expectations in the scientific community.
«In mammals, in the absence of haploid cells, other approaches have been used to identify key genes, such as interfering RNA, but they are sub-optimal methods.
And so they have long sought haploid embryonic stem cells, which can become any kind of tissue but contain just one set of genes, like a sperm or egg.
This year, a team led by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem finally produced haploid human embryonic stem cells by forcing unfertilized egg cells to divide.
In contrast to the cells in the rest of the body, sex cells hold half the number of chromosomes (they are haploid) as a result of this special kind of cell division.
In addition, as a previous study showed that the SXI2a homeodomain factor gene is sufficient to drive sexual development of haploid α cells [56], we introduced the SXI2a gene into strain XL280α to mimic a-α sexual reproduction, generating strain MN140.23 (Figure S13).
Scientists long believed that the fungal pathogen Candida albicans was incapable of producing haploid cells — which contain only one copy of each chromosome, analagous to eggs and sperm — for mating.
In meiosis, which is required in sexual reproduction, one diploid cell (having two instances of each chromosome, one from each parent) undergoes recombination of each pair of parental chromosomes, and then two stages of cell division, resulting in four haploid cells (gametes).
In a breakthrough study, Blomen et al. (Science, 2015) used extensive mutagenesis to describe the complete set of essential genes in the human haploid cell line Hap1.
During sexual conjugation, haploid micronuclear meiotic products from both parental cells fuse, leading to the creation of a new micro - and macronucleus in progeny cells.
For example, the major steps in spermatogenesis consist of the development of germline stem cells, mitotic proliferation of spermatogonial cells, preparation for and entry into meiosis, meiotic divisions, and finally differentiation of haploid spermatids into highly specialized motile sperm.
Here we used genome - saturated mutagenesis to create a biobank of over 100,000 individual haploid mouse embryonic stem (mES) cell lines targeting 16,970 genes with genetically barcoded, conditional and reversible mutations.
Here, we demonstrate the feasibility of classical genetic screening in mammalian systems by using haploid cells, chemical mutagenesis and next - generation sequencing, providing a new tool to explore mammalian genetic interactions.
The human sperm cell is haploid, so that its 23 chromosomes can join the 23 chromosomes of the female egg to form a diploid cell.
Using conditional genetic ablation of Ar in Sertoli cells, we have shown that AR signaling is required for three stages of spermatogenesis: progression through meiosis I, the differentiation of haploid round spermatids into elongating spermatids, and spermiogenesis, the release of fully differentiated elongated spermatids into the lumen of the seminiferous epithelium.
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