Sentences with phrase «happen as the result of trauma»

This can happen as the result of trauma, diabetes, nutritional deficiencies, or genetics.

Not exact matches

Should this happen, there's a number of damaging things that could result, such as broken limbs or head trauma.
Due to normal dog play styles, occassional injuries like skin scrapes, puncture wounds, toe pad injuries, nail trauma or ligament strain or sprain may happen as a result of social play interactions.
It happens either as the result of a lack of fetal fluid or as a result of some kind of trauma (such as a fall).
Serious trauma can also be a result from a bunch of small incidents that happen over a long time, such as repeated verbal or emotional abuse, childhood abuse or neglect, soldiering in a war, or domestic violence.
Time and again, she realized that addictions of all kinds play into affairs and why they happen or as a result of the trauma.
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