Sentences with phrase «happen during the birth»

I remember wishing that I had more information about what happens AFTER the birth than what happens DURING the birth.
In this episode, we are going to be talking about birth trauma; as in, the trauma that can happen during birth.
After a horror fight of 2 weeks and the baby missing out on the valuable breast milk, the hospital acknowledged that the broken shoulder may have happened during the birth.
I'm not naive to knowing that negative things happen during birth.
Pregnant and Alone Not rated yet I am going to tell you the true story which happened during birth of my first child.
Chances of a complication or emergency happening during my birth are very low given my history, but I am realistic enough to never say «I know my birth will go well and my baby will be fine.»
H. Something terrible happens during the birth / after and her children witness it and are traumatized.
I'm going to let you in on 6 secrets that can make your birth awesome no matter how you birth or what happens during your birth.
Lindsey: I think you got to physically stimulated yourself because I've seen orgasm happen during birth and this woman had to help herself.
Microbirth is an award - winning landmark feature documentary about the microscopic events happening during birth and breastfeeding that shape the lifelong health of our children.
It was that none of what happened during my birth was something people are calling «evidence - based» care — not any of it.
Yet, it happens during birth all the time.
When new moms suffer a disconnection from their baby, something traumatic has happened during the birth process.

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The very fact that his birth happened after the alleged Jesus and wrote the Annals during the formation of Christianity, shows that his writing can only provide us with hearsay accounts.
Although many have disputed the authenticity of Tacitus» mention of Jesus, the very fact that his birth happened after the alleged Jesus and wrote the Annals during the formation of Christianity, shows that his writing can only provide us with Hearsay Accounts.
But one question that I have is, what happened to the people who died during the time after Jesus» birth, and the 33 years he lived before His crucifixion?
When the green flag is flying, head on in and watch the birth of a calf — during birthing season this can happen several times a day.
It usually happens during the first 4 to 5 months after birth.
«If there is fear, stress or anxiety about birth in general, about the unknowns of birth or about what would happen if complications arose during the home birth, it is unlikely that the woman would feel at ease enough to allow her body to do what it needs to do.»
There are a lot of things people don't realize happen during home births, that can make a planned home birth a safe (and often, wonderful) option for birthing moms.
Elephants in the wild also normally give birth at night, human mamas without interventions, too, will often give birth overnight (as a doula, I can attest to this reality as so many births happen during the calm and privacy of nighttime).
I believe in the mother's power and intuition in the birth process and that every mother should be empowered, honored, and esteemed as the fierce warrior that she is during birth, no matter where or how that happens.
Engorgement is the result of the milk building up, and usually happens during the third to fifth day after birth.
When the loss happens later in the pregnancy or during or after birth, I often hear moms tell me that, everywhere they go, it seems as if everyone else has or is having a baby, which further reinforces the thought, «I don't have my baby.»
Midwife Maria Sahlin explains the huge transition newborn babies experience at birth and what happens during the first 48 hours after delivery.
The book contains a mixture of personal commentary, combined with many stories of severe birth trauma, and extensive citation of research to affirm that what is happening during hospital birth is detrimental to mothers, infants, families, and our entire civilization.
The exact same thing happened to me during my May 2008 home birth.
This is likely to happen if the mom has had high blood glucose readings in the weeks leading up to the birth and during labor itself.
It also requires a supportive spouse, children who are flexible, dependable childcare and transportation, but does not guarantee consistent pay since births may not happen during the shifts assistants have committed within the month.
I felt so present during the entire birth and I am still in awe of the way it all happened.
Again — a birth plan isn't meant to control the outcome of your labor, and it's not one more to - do to check from your list; it's meant to get everyone on the same page as to what you would and wouldn't like to happen during such a vulnerable experience.
Even though Lars» birth didn't happen as planned, I am so grateful for the care and emotional support Maria provided our family before, during, and after Lars» birth.
You could have better made your point about the risks of homebirth by getting complete medical information about what happened during my son's birth and leaving aside the condescending tone.
What you will need to include is your name, your labor partner's name, your doctor's name, your doula's name (if you have one), and your baby's name (if decided already), your due date, things you would like during labour i.e. if you would like ice chips for nourishment or want to be coached when it's time to push, what you would like when it comes to pain relief, i.e. if you want an epidural or not, things that you would like to happen straight after the birth, i.e. your partner to cut the cord, if you want to hold the baby straight away or after they've been cleaned up, special requests if you need to have a C - section, concerns and fears and anything else.
Sometimes women can go as much as two weeks beyond their due date (this happens more often during first - time pregnancies)- in which case it may be necessary to use hormone drugs or other, mildly invasive techniques to kick - start the birth process.
A birth plan will outline what you hope to happen during your birthing experience like who you want in the room with you, what kind of props you desire to help you through the contractions (such as music to listen to or pictures to look at), what kind of pain medications you may want to take to ease your labor pain, and the overall mood you hope to achieve in your birthing room.
When this 20 % risk of death is compared to the 0.02 % rate of cord prolapse during labor at homebirth that might have a better outcome if it happened in hospital, this means that a low risk woman has a 1000 times higher chance of having a life threatening complication either to her life or her fetus / newborns life at planned hospital birth, than if she plans to have an attended homebirth with a well - trained practitioner.
In many cases, a birth injury may happen because of a mother's pelvic size or shape, or the baby's size or position during labor and delivery.
Could it be that women are ready to jump on the intervention train at the very first sign of something abnormal during the birth process because they are scared shitless of what might happen if they DO N'T accept the intervention?
Bonding, probably one of the most pleasurable parts of infant care, happens during the sensitive time in the first hours and days after birth when parents make a deep connection with their infant.
This is exactly why I require every one of my clients to take some kind of birth class so they are more prepared for what will happen during labor and will hopefully learn some valuable information as well as some coping skills for labor and the newborn period.
This happened a lot especially during the 18th and 19th Century, when birth control was still nonexistent or unavailable and parents with poor circumstances could not support their lot of children.
In most cases, lactation mastitis occurs within the first six to 12 weeks after giving birth (postpartum), but it can happen later during breast - feeding.
The idea of a birth plan is to help those who come in contact with you know more about what you would like to see happen during the labor and birth of the baby.
Speculation has it that something happens during vaginal birth that helps release the middle ear fluid in natural born babies.
A birth doula is equally knowledgeable as your doctors and nurses about what's happening and what you are feeling; and are with you every second during labor and delivery.
The reason women are put onto birth control is that it mimics what happens during and after pregnancy.
Learn the fundamentals of the birth process and what is happening physically and hormonally during the birth process.
So what exactly happens during a home birth?
«But if something happens during a home birth, the attitude is, «What were you thinking to try to do this on your own?
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