Sentences with phrase «happened at low»

This has happened at low speed and highway speed, while turning or while going straight down the road.
It's not yet clear whether the two episodes of gene flow happened at low levels over a long time or in discrete pulses.
What's important to us, and what our primary push has been with governments, is ensuring that as these regulations come into play, that they're market - based systems to allow carbon regulation to happen at the lowest possible cost.
With the data showing that there are fewer exits — and those that do exit happen at lower prices — I think it's worth considering whether you want to eliminate the head - end of the M&A curve.»
This protein causes the amount of lactic acid in the cell to increase, which normally only happens at low oxygen levels.
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If this happens at low speeds, you should allow the repairer you used to check the vehicle, if only to re-assure yourself.
This is only happening at low speeds or when the engine is idling and I have my foot off the brake.
This happens at lower speeds and in heavy traffic.
Look at what has happened at the lower township park, If the avarage life span of a cat is 8 to 12 years then why has cats been there over 20 and the population keeps growing.
But, long - term damage can still happen at lower doses.
One factor of miracles is that they can happen at a low point, when nothing but a miracle would suffice; they may help through the low point but not solve the problem totally.
«What's happening now in the Arctic is a faster version of what will be happening at lower latitudes,» Forbes told LiveScience.
Like most disruptive innovation, the changes I describe are mostly happening at the lower - priced end of the legal market.
In time this shift happens at lower levels of stress and the state persists for longer periods of time where the child is «shut down to the external environment, totally closed and impermeable to attachment communications, interactive regulation, and... verbal interventions» (p. 69).
«Two or three years ago the recovery was happening at the lower end, below $ 200,000 and most strong at the very low end.»

Not exact matches

( --RRB- That can happen because wages falter, because consumers can't free up spending money by refinancing debt at lower rates, or because important assets like houses or 401k assets stop appreciating.
This sort of thing isn't supposed to happen — there's supposed to be at least one company that's willing to lower its prices and steal away its competition's customers.
Just like we're about to learn what happens when you price low - end Linux computers at less than a movie ticket, and what happens when you give millions of developers access to a few terabytes of memory.
«When you have that kind of manufacturing growth, what also happens is that you have rapid urbanization and growing middle classes at the lower end.
«The price points are lower, the food quality happens to be better at a lot of these places, and people don't want to sit, wait, and get served and sometimes get bad service.»
But it won't happen for a while for one reason: On average the folks who pocketed those nearly double - digit gains in past decades were buying at far lower prices than the big valuations prevailing today.
But what happens to a local economy when a lot of low - skilled refugees find their way to one spot in America all at once?
This morning, the European Central Bank kept interest rates unchanged at record lows, as expected, but European markets could take another turn depending on what happens when European Central Bank president Mario Draghi takes questions later this morning.
«What we're seeing with marriage trends today mirrors what's happening in our broader economy, where we're seeing diverging fortunes for those at the upper and lower end of the spectrum, with rising inequality,» Brown said.
Next, look to the right of the graph, and what's happened since 2015 — global prices have come into much closer balance, with Japanese import prices recovering a bit recently but still sitting about $ 7 / GJ above Alberta and B.C. gas prices, which are at near - historic lows.
«It's totally something that is now becoming pretty core to the assessment even though the probability of anything really dramatic happening probably is still quite low, because both sides know how much is at stake,» he said.
With the bank's stock hitting new lows and customer service ratings in the gutter, it's time to take a hard look at what needs to happen to turn Bank of America around.
It's simply a haphazard look at a bunch of renters, most of whom happen to live in low - income neighbourhoods.
Most sales are happening either at the high - or the low - end, with not much in the middle.
Believe it or not, this is at the lower end of the scale of what can happen if you post impulsively on social media.
The good news, according to gas price analysts at Kent Marketing Services (formerly M. J. Ervin & Associates), is that significantly lower gas prices of just above a dollar a litre are probably coming to Canada this fall, based on what's already happened in crude markets.
What's happening: Shares of Walt Disney (NYSE: DIS) are trading 9 % lower at 2:40 p.m. Wednesday, and briefly plunged all the way down to a 10 % drop.
By parceling out an investment purchase over time, say, over a year, you can decrease the chance of the inverse from happening — buying an investment at the exact wrong moment — that is, buying high and watching it go lower.
Generally, a bear market happens when major indexes like the S&P 500, which tracks the performance of 500 companies» stocks, and the Dow Jones industrial average, which follows 30 of the largest stocks, drop by 20 percent or more from a peak and stay that low for at least two months.
It frequently happens that when a large institutional investor such as a venture capitalist makes an investment in a company, it values the Company at a lower price than the initial investors did.
With the crash happening so fast, traders were margin called almost instantly, and in some cases saw their entire holdings sold off at very low prices before they could react — selling, say, 100 ETH at $ 2 to cover just a few hundred dollars» loss, right before the market bounced back to almost $ 300 / ETH again.
If you happened to be a more conservative investor, it might be 1 % or even lower, in which case you should own at least 1/0.01 = 100 stocks.»
If this happens, bids at higher interest rates may be «knocked out» if another investor places a bid at a lower rate.
That is what has been happening — commodity prices are now 9 per cent lower than at their March 1997 high in SDR terms.
Just few days ago published a post with charts showing that empirical distribution of daily lows follows a U-shaped pattern, i.e. daily low is not equally likely to happen at any time during the trading day, rather low is more likely to occur near the open or the close.
If the flippening happens then I have exchanged Bitcion for Bitcoin Cash at 16 to 1 and lower.
these things happen cuz they start from the poor areas of cairo by heating people with low education up and engaging the more educated one level at a time.
This happens in tubes with the lowest vacuum pressures ever produced and using superconducting magnets at the lowest temperatures ever obtained.
MY RESPONSE: And it happens that at that very moment of «low tide», the Israelites were right there to cross and escape Pharoah and his army.
But others, seeing what was happening would quickly move into competition, bringing the price down to the lowest point at which that product could be profitably made.
And when that happens the effect will resemble that already witnessed in the case of abortion: the age at which geriatrics can be legally dispatched across the Styx will be constantly lowered, just as the age of permissible abortion has been constantly raised.
I was talking to a person if he went to church and he stated all they want is your money.You got to give your money to read books about GOD, I mean like thirty dollars and more and the same for a dvd or like if you could give 1,000 or more to keep on the air.He and I both think we are better off stay at home and read the Bible and study it.I think if you are born with the new sperit of GOD you will understand the Bible without the loss of great somes of money.After they sell so many dvds it becomes 100 % profit and they never lower the price so can obtain one.For this is wrong, it states in the Bible that this would happen preachers for money to learn about everyones GOD.They forgot one thing JESUS never forced money from you to hear the wordof salvation Im a follower of JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD He is the way.Im not a so called Christian just.
I've tried it and lost 10 pounds in a month without being very physically active) Parsley is another «magic» food, but the easy way to look at it is most of the really low glycemic foods don't add to weight gain on their own and they also happen to make the list on this page as «fat burning» foods.
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