Sentences with phrase «happened during bear markets»

That said, several previous periods of increasing rates happened during bear markets, like 1974, making alternatives to bonds tough to find.
Bitcoin has turned its 200 daily moving average from support into resistance, which is typically what happens during bear market continuation patterns.
You might want to check and see how your funds and similar ones did during down periods to get a feel for what could happen during a bear market.

Not exact matches

However, although sharp corrections are somewhat rare (they have only occurred in nine years since 1962), they have happened more often during bull markets than during bear markets, and thus have often presented buying opportunities historically.
This also happened during the 2000 - 2003 bear market.
I also noticed that this happened during the most difficult bear markets.
VIIa is what happens if the stock allocation is 100 % at low P / E10 and 0 % at high P / E10 and during long lasting (secular) Bear Markets.
Extreme pessimism tends to only happen during «significant corrections» or bear markets.
And it does miserably at preserving capital during a bear market — exactly what happened over the last decade.
And it will do very poorly at preserving capital during a prolonged bear market - exactly what happened over the last six years.
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