Sentences with phrase «happened to other people»

It only happened to other people, hence spending money on cybersecurity was considered an unaffordable luxury.
The renaissance wasn't just something that happened to other people.
It strikes me that these are unlikely to be unique circumstances (or at least I would be very surprised if this kind of thing hasn't happened to other people).
Must history, in other words, be conceived of as something idealized, distant and dead that happened to other people, or is it something that involves the self?
and if it did, the likelihood is it happened to other people.
If this happened to me I'm sure it has happened to other people as well.
Plemons portrays David as talented, but frustrated by his lot in life, thinking that this stuff only happened to other people, but it's reality now that it's happening to him.
I assumed they happened to other people.
These tragedies don't just shock and frighten us because of what has happened to other people; we are shocked and frightened by the implications for our own future.
Naturally this was a huge shock, as I had assumed that «cancer» only happened to other people — especially older people.
I read that this had happened to other people too and about how they moved on.
Someone needs to tell this woman that the outcome her doctor is warning her about is real and has happened to other people.
It would be difficult to be lukewarm unless we were really indifferent to what happened to other people.
It happens to other people whenever they look at a bright light or toward the sun, or even when they pluck their eyebrows or have sex.
obviously not, because they don't know or care if anyone else has peace or happiness or what is happening to other people and then they play the «religious order» card to justify it?
What happens to other people is of no importance in this concept of the human.
but did nt god also chose to let that evil happen to other people?
«I see it happen to other people, in their eyes, their body language.»
«Not that I wanted to hurt him, but that I didn't want it to happen to other people.
It's easy and comforting to tell yourself that these things only happen very rarely and that they only happen to other people.
But — aside the frustration of the dinner table — if we are trying to raise compassionate human beings, it is not the best tactic to suggest to them that they be relieved that misfortune happens to other people.
«The best apology that anyone in my position can give a victim is to do our utmost to make sure that they receive the support that they need to recover and that we put in place proper measures to prevent it happening to other people.
I just didn't want that to happen to other people when there is treatment.
At the end of it all, from my own experience, and reading the boards of what was happening to other people, I have come to these kind of conclusions; For some people, the path of eating heaps does not lead to metabolic healing, all that happens is that they get fat, and then develop a bunch of other complicating problems from the fat gain like, estrogen dominance leptin resistance insulin / blood sugar imbalance issues immobility and whatever else!
A far as you're concerned, getting scammed is something that happens to other people in the cautionary tales told on the local news.
War Machine, with a screenplay and direction by David Michod (of 2010's ferocious «Animal Kingdom»), is a comedy because, as per the old Angela Carter line, it's tragedy happening to other people.
Involving and immersive at its best, sure, but still passive; you watch things happen to other people.
That's because sometimes depreciation can be wonderful, so long as you take advantage of it happening to other people's cars.
Does this happen to other people?
You'll feel more comfortable once you make your decision because one of the things that I have seen so many times happen to other people is their partners get so invested in their creative career, that if they don't make huge money right away and sell a boat load of books right away they start to withdraw and get disappointment because they were thinking of it like writers in a movie or on TV, like Castle.
When you live in an apartment, you're also at risk from things that happen to other people near your unit, or losses that other people cause.
It's not just something that happens to other people.
Don't assume identity theft happens to other people.
You'll probably conclude that home burglaries are something that happen to other people.
One of my friends commented later that as she was sitting there, she kept thinking that this kind of experience only happens to other people.
Better yet, make your Eldar happen to other people.
Instead of being happy that someone else is getting something for free we become embittered that something good isn't happening to us — even though the good thing happening to the other person is in no way detrimental to us.
I dislike the attitude in our culture that doesn't simply take pleasure in good things happening to other people.
A response that may reflect the flawed belief that accidents only happen to other people as much as the pain they're feeling when they head to the pump.
Threats that don't have a face or an immediate, threatening image are easily dismissed as constructs, abstractions, or at worst, tragedies that happen to other people but can «never happen to me.»
A «feature» is agile working: it describes the way we do things; a «benefit» is something good that happens to other people as a result of our actions.
You know, «Bad things happen to other people.
Bad news doesn't always happen to other people.
Serious accidents happen to other people.
Property damage liability covers repairs for damages that happen to the other person's car as well as damage to any private and public property.
Why You Need a Critical Illness Insurance Most people imagine that a serious illness only happens to other people.
Most people imagine that a serious illness only happens to other people.
This may take extra care to define recommendations of improvement for the insurance company to ensure this does not happen to other people.
Property damage liability covers repairs for damages that happen to the other person's automobile as well as damage to private and public property such as stop signs, traffic lights, or a place of business.
To be clear though, your homeowners insurance will only cover «personal» injuries that happen to other people.
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