Sentences with phrase «happening in my life»

Make sure you have a savings account that has at least six months worth of income to subsidize any unexpected event that could happen in your life
This was by far the most exciting thing to ever happen in the lives of millions of average working men, nearly all of whom in all the armies felt their cause was just.
In such a scenario, employees at all levels could decide whether they felt like taking a few hours off each day, or taking an entire month (or more) off depending on what's happening in their lives.
What things have happened in your life which have added to your list of successes but you may have overlooked?
Being blessed means you have some good things happening in your life.
Start being grateful: feeling grateful is one of the most medicinal emotions we can feel it elevates your mood and it fills you with happiness, if we are going to be successful at this thing called, life, we have to start being grateful for the things that happen in our live, no matter how good or bad each of us has it, you have to make to start making it a practice to be grateful for your life.
Ten years ago, I was ghost writing computer and tech manuals, I was dissatisfied with being overweight, and I was stressed about everything happening in my life, right down to what kind of car I drove.
For example, the anxious group read sentences like «safety is not guaranteed in our neighborhoods nor in our own homes,» which was intended to highlight the «lack of control over negative circumstances that may happen in life and an uncertain future,» according to the study.
As Burns himself indicates, «Your thoughts often have much more to do with how you feel than what is actually happening in your life
«Anything that happens in your life can affect you from a financial and insurance perspective,» Worters said.
It's really all about the way you choose to perceive the events that are happening in your life.
Because later on you know five 10 years later and I'm looking back I was having a conversation with my kids one time and I was saying well you just have to take 100 percent responsibility for anything that happens in your life.
Investment results will vary as will your spending needs based upon what is happening in your life.
Sheriff Lombardo said on Wednesday that the authorities wanted to know if something happened in his life that led him to stockpile weapons.
By examining the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, students learn that a belief in one's self can make positive things happen in life.
«You never know what can happen in life.
Honestly folks, I REALLY do not care about every little thing that happens in your life at all.
«If you spend your time in session talking about what God thinks and what the Bible says, you don't get to understand what the patient thinks and what happened in their life up to that point that explains why,» Giugliano says.
The same goes for when a house burns down, a child dies, a person gets a terminal disease, or any other such disaster that can happen in life.
I do believe that things of a supernatural nature happen in life.
They see a demon under every rock and Satan behind every bad thing that happens in our life.
It is possible to believe in Jesus for eternal life (and of course, receive eternal life as a result), but still not be «saved» from many of the temporal and physical consequences of sin, or from sickness, or from enemies, or from many of the other negative things that can happen in life.
That happens in the life of any believer sometimes.
If all else fails, remember that it's when you're outside of your comfort zone that truly amazing things have the opportunity to happen in your life.
Not to be terrified is possible only for those who are convinced that something decisive has happened in the life and death of Christ, that God has entered our world and — despite what we do with the world — will not desert us.
Many people will say there are no bad experiences, that it's our perspective on the things that happen in our lives that cause us to label them good or bad.
This immobilization of love, this place where fear descends like a cloud of anguish, has happened in my life and in countless others I have known.
The movement here is from service, to the question of life, to the announcement, to the possibility of the Christ - happening in the life of an individual.
Ask your friends and family if anything weird has happened in their lives.
When something terrible happens in your life, and all you can do is weep and mourn for days, have any of you ever thought, «Wow!
I can not explain what happened in my life without speaking of the others who contributed to it.
The things that are happening in my life right now are my own fault, the responsibility for this one particular thing lays squarely at my feet.
Because it is not only what happened in the scripture, as well as happen in my life, so that it relate to me so much.
Whether the negative circumstance has happened because you are a devoted follower of Jesus Christ, or just because bad things happen in life, that negative circumstance can lead to great spiritual blessing.
What happened in the lives of those who raised us has the potential to significantly impact the people we become.
Even i yelled at god yesterday, i was very depressed because of the things happening in life and the unending struggles whom i ve always fought by the power blessed by god.
-- claims that miracles happen in their lives, but really they are just like the fortunate things that happen to Atheists.
But I always knew the rules and what to live by and if something happened in my life the Spirit would remind me that I needed to ask forgiveness or make amends.
But then something bad happened in their life.
Similarly, if you and I are not willing to take the time and expense and build up our spiritual reserves while we have the chance, a time may come when a crisis happens in our life — a sickness, a death, a loss of finances or a job, or persecution — and we will find that we do not have the spiritual reserves to get through.
After all, terrible things happen in my life, often as a result of my own wrong - headedness.
I don't blame God for bad things that happen in my life.
He divorced his second wife becuase «There's no question at times in my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate.»
Passages like James 4; 13 - 17, Proverbs 16:9, and Proverbs 19:21 all reveal that when it comes to control of what happens in our life, control is an illusion.
In fact, perhaps something miraculous has or will happen in her life to open the eyes of her soul to spiritual realities.
Most of the people I've encountered over the last decade who work for relief and development organizations tell me of a watershed transformation that happened in their lives.
What has happened in your life, or what arguments for / against the existence of God do you hold to?
Many care a lot about what happens in this life and believe that if we do what we can to serve God here, God will take care of the rest.
Things happen in life that we don't always understand, BUT I do KNOW this.
The punishments and rewards might happen in this life or in subsequent lives but they will happen.
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