Sentences with phrase «happens at school»

So often self esteem can become toxically centered around what happens at school.
When the adults responsible for children take a positive interest in what happens at school it helps children feel at home.
I incorporate parents, teachers, and others in the treatment team, and often therapy happens at school, at home, or other settings where the difficulties happen.»
Whether it happens at a school or on the streets, the loss of life and the pain that is left to surviving loved ones and the larger community is equally devastating.
While most bullying happens at school, it can often occur at other regular activities such as after school programs and daycare.
«Education is about more than what happens at school, and providing a more level playing field in school choice and out - of - school activities is essential if every child is to achieve his or her potential.»
It also has positive effects on what happens at school in the classroom.
When you know what happens at school, you can help your child know what to expect.
And remember that grade - schoolers don't always share everything that happens at school.
It's a blast to give high - fives, participate with your kids and other kids in their day, and learn about what happens at school.
Usually this happens at school or at friends» houses.
After all, the socializing that happens at school is often not positive, and the positive socialization that does happen is easily accomplished in homeschool groups and co-ops.
Something happens at the school - it might be anything in the list that we mentioned above faced by priests.
Since Parkland, I have come to the terrifying realization that a shooting can just as easily happen at my school.
My friends and I are humbled, awed and deeply grateful for the support the business community has put into ensuring that tragedies like the one that happened at our school never happen again.
Pierre Poilievre apologized in 2008, when he made similarly cruel comments about the expense of compensation on the day that Harper delivered his formal apology for what happened at the schools.
This is the same thing that is happening at schools!
Tweens are at the perfect stage to learn anything and it doesn't always have to happen at school.
«Like one time we were at the grocery store,» she says, «and all of a sudden my daughter was crying in the produce section about something that had happened at school earlier that week.»
Someone to listen quietly while they off load their litany of bad things that happened at school?
Take advantage of any opportunity to talk about drugs, alcohol and other dangers, and let your child know that he can talk to you about what's happening at school and with his friends.
Parents have the opportunity to hear from the leadership what is happening at the school.
But whole fresh fruits lend themselves well to safe redistribution, and Seven Generations Ahead is working to make that happen at some schools.
You ask your kids what happened at school today.
In an e-mail she sent to the entire school staff, Heaps wrote: «When I started teaching nutrition a la language arts / science, I realized everything I was teaching did not go along with what is happening at our school when it comes to eating healthy.
Those companionable, safe moments of connection invite whatever your child is currently grappling with to the surface, whether it's something that happened at school, the way you snapped at her this morning, or her worries about tomorrow's field trip.
Hi Sarah, Things that happen at school should be handled by the teachers and principle.
So it's all that much more upsetting to have it happening at school, where kids should learn about how to be healthy — not develop a messed - up relationship with food.
Wright said he is currently circulating a draft of a bill that would remove mayoral control of the schools, specifically because of the situation happening at schools like Wadleigh.
Parents who really care about school catch on to what is happening at school A and decide to move from B to A, taking the star students, which lowers B's score to 4.
And while I sympathize with many of the mass shootings that have happened at school, this is something that happens to our young people every day,» Nadine said.
Noting that most of these injuries happen at school and at day - care centers, he adds that «if you are going look into improving the situation, those are the places where you want to focus your efforts.»
«We're going to be looking to hire an expert on cults to talk about what's happening at this school in the context of brainwashing, this kind of guru - worship,» he says.
The lookbook is ready and the party will happen at the school on Thursday, needless to say I'm so excited!!!
We are a group of 4th and 5th grade student reporters, who report [blog] about the activities and events happening at our school Frequency about 2 posts per month.
But there are terrible things happening at the school, and when Mary tells a lie, she must risk her life to try to set things right.
Soon it's not just Harry who is worried about survival as dreadful things begin to happen at the school.
Now that my son is in middle school — where communication from teachers is less than it was when he was in elementary school and more stuff is happening at school that I need to be aware of — I've identified a list of questions that draw out important information.
Mom or Dad may hear about so - and - so getting in trouble, but that is nothing compared to mom and dad hearing about 1,216 good things that have happened at school
The report's results, released in 1966, popularized the idea that a student's home life and family background mattered more than what happened at school.
For example, it's probably not the best idea to share information on the great things happening at your school one week, and then follow up with a diatribe against Common Core.
I want educators to say, «Why did this happen at our school
Dr Rice told Education Matters that the NAPLAN report can't identify what is happening at a school level, or the reasons behind the general lack of improvement in achievement.
I wanted average, typical kids — the one who does his homework often, but not always; the one who loves her parents, but still answers «Nothing» when asked, «What happened at school today?»
But your refusal to follow the rules gives me a feeling that you are upset, disappointed or angry about something or things that are happening at school or outside and I worry about that.
The rain is still holding off, so, later in the morning, after many of the jobs have been completed, the students create posters for a food event happening at the school in the coming week, and write in their journals about their time at the ranch (today's topic: senses and feelings).
But because of a shortage of state - level data in the field, and a realization that the real action in educational technology is happening at the school and...
Misbehavior that may be common elsewhere, from dishing out insults to complaining about being paired with the «wrong» person, «just doesn't happen at our school,» Rauch says.
The bottom line is that our students go home to their families each night, and sometimes this is a situation that is not what we want for them - either not reinforcing what is happening at school, or even actively contributing to the children's trauma.
It is proof that people are watching for it, even depending on it, and that they are eager to be informed about what is happening at his school.
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