Sentences with phrase «happens during school»

It is also reasonable to have clear rules and boundaries around when gaming and social networking happens during the school week.
Subcommittee Chairman Duncan Hunter (R - CA) linked the positive effects of parental engagement — including increased student achievement and academic focus as well as better attendance and behavior — to state efforts to «ensure parents have additional opportunities to make decisions not only about where their children attend school, but also about what happens during the school day.»
Would they not gain from learning to remain focused and present despite what happens during the school day?
Strong teachers already incorporate some of these features into their classes; if this became the rule and not the exception, perhaps students would be as excited for what happens during the school day as they are for what happens after the final bell.
Role play or act out scenes that your child tells you she has happened during school.
The school nurse attends to all sorts of issues that happen during the school day, such as scraped knees on the playground or lost baby teeth.
The founder of Khan Academy, a free educational video library that features over two thousand titles and an interactive dashboard for formative assessment, discusses how his videos can help create a «flipped classroom» that allows blended learning — online lectures can happen at home and project - based learning can happen during school.
The founder of Khan Academy discusses how his videos can help create a «flipped classroom» that allows blended learning, where online lectures can happen at home and project - based learning can happen during school.
«I grew up having a huge amount of anger, frankly, at the local public schools — that what we were trying to do from 3 to 8 p.m. at night wasn't in most cases happening during the school day,» Arne Duncan says in an interview.
But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be happening during the school day, too.
This lack of trust is reinforced when public officials cozy up to wealthy hedge fund operators, venture philanthropists, and school privatizers, take their marching orders from astroturf advocacy groups, or «rent» supporters, as recently happened during school closing hearings in Chicago.
Since the Winter Olympics happen during the school year only every four years, don't forget to take advantage of the excitement and education that can be taking place in your classroom!
Mobile Modular offers a large variety of customizable modular restrooms and facilities that are the perfect answer to your restroom space needs that can happen during school expansion.
Although the appointments happen during the school day, they often improve class attendance while reducing other disruptions, like anxiety attacks.
In addition to those meetings, teens will need to be available to do presentations (about one per month,) which can happen during the school day or in the evening.

Not exact matches

It's all happening — what next — prayer times set aside for Muslim students during school, wash basins like at University of Minnesota so they don't try to wash their feet before praying in the school basins for washing hands, demands for special cafeteria food, demands that girls cover their heads, then faces, then disappear from school altogether, wake up New York and hold on to our great city before they knock down the rest of the buildings!
An after - school talk about definitions turned swiftly into a probing conversation about the Church, in which Emily described what happened during Mass..
During my school days I happened to taste soy chunks for the first time when my chennai Neighbour Aunty brought brinji for me.
But for the majority of recruits, the time between National Signing Day that happens during their junior year of high school and the end of their senior football season is the most crucial part of their recruitment process because of all of the key moments that happen.
For the summer, my office would be shared with my boss as I am her assistant and during the school year I would have my own office (which happens to be all glass).
There is a well - known process that happens with kids during the summer break from school or preschool.
More posts... six things that surprised me about school, if baby milestone cards made for mums, things you'll know if your child is an early riser and irritating things that only happen during naptime.
Afterschool refers to programs and activities that happen before school, after school, during the summer months and during school vacation weeks / holidays.
But if this is true, how come it happens that children struggle during school years?
But then these things happen (or should do) during weekends and holidays even when children go to school.
Those dealing with emotions, manners, or going to school can help kids navigate some of the tricky transitions that happen during this time.
That happens enough during the school year!
With the help of this crying baby relieves the stress accumulated during the day, just like a schoolboy tells excitedly in the evening about what has happened to him at school.
One school leader said State Ed put out guidance at about 8 p.m. saying, in effect, that if a district remained open during a state of emergency it would have significant liability if something happened.
But Democrats, who run the Assembly, continue to argue that most increased education funding should go to the highest - need schools, which would happen if it were put in the «foundation» funding pot by which most state aid is allocated, and which also was cut drastically during the economic downturn.
Dakota Shrader, a student from Santa Fe High School, describes what happened when shots were fired during her morning history class.
During negotiations, two basic things happened to affect the financial plan Cuomo sought: the Senate rejected most of the tax hikes he proposed — such as closing a loophole on third party internet sales on sites such as Amazon — and lawmakers nearly doubled what the school aid increase that Cuomo planned in January.
«Basically we want to prevent crime and we have realized that during the school vacation period, the number of cases especially against children or child abuse cases go up, so we are here to sensitize the children for them to know what constitutes sexual abuse and also how they can prevent the crime from happening», she told
It hasn't happened in a majority of districts, but teens who do have later school start times are sleeping longer and are more alert during the day.
«During a crisis situation, like a school shooting or lockdown, people often seek information to stay informed about what's happening.
UC Davis School of Vet Med: Oiled Wildlife Care Network: What Happens During an Oil Spill.
The first week went exactly like this until I was sidelined by shin splints and the memories came rushing back; the same thing had happened to me during training for my high school volleyball team.
We know full - well just how difficult it can sometimes be to eat healthily, particularly during the day, if you happen to be at work, school, or just generally out and about.
I also attempt to be patient every single day during school and that doesn't usually happen either.
However, a major part of the story emphasizes on the love story of Alicia and Mike who happen to fall in love during High School.
While visiting his hometown during Christmas, a man comes face - to - face with his old high school crush whom he was best friends with — a woman whose Can you tell me the best friends with benefits rules so I can make this happen without drama or complication?
And if you happened to have gone to the AMC Glen Lakes 8 during that time, he even may have torn your ticket as a film - obsessed high school student.
School administrators can fix some of these noises by designing better classrooms, installing carpet or sound dampening materials in classrooms, better scheduling of passing times, and requesting that grounds maintenance happen during lunch or weekends.
Schools have a vital role to play in making activity happen during this «critical window» — through PE, the wider curriculum, pre - and after - school clubs, break time activity and the way that pupils get around.
Try to find something that happened during your day that brings a smile, not a frown, as you leave school to go home.
Based on the amount of laughter that happened during the Ed School session, which was meant to showcase craft from inspiring educators across Harvard, it looks like Levy did deliver.
During their cluster time, which happens once a week before school, students develop a product that is shared with an audience.
«Morning meeting happens in advisory [period], and the advisory group travels together from class to class, so the community that is built during that time naturally carries over into the rest of the school day,» Sears told Education World.
In the Internet age, information is more accessible, and learning should happen during and after the school day — nights, weekends, and summers.
Insiders say Boxer must also make sure quality and implementation issues don't undercut support for the federal after - school effort, as happened during the 1990s with equally popular initiatives to reduce class size and modernize school buildings.
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