Sentences with phrase «happens to the other party»

There is no consideration given to what happens to the other party.

Not exact matches

What usually happened was the other party figured this out and began to unwind the contract or comply only with the letter of the contract, seeking every loophole in the language they could find.
But that's not going to happen as long as pundits, politicians and pastors preach hatred for minorities, non-christians, gays and members of other political parties.
What happens when a once - in - a-lifetime opportunity comes to either party when it is the year of decision for the other?
Pictures and videos of parades, tons of food, lots of alcohol and many «other» things are soon to begin emerging from the seemingly nonstop party happening...
The only way they can hold the existing party together is to hope for an evolution in thought over the next 4 years, producing a more socially liberal base (possible... but won't happen quickly) or to have some other very large even occur which puts the dems in such a bad light as to lift the pressure (possible, but won't reverse the social trends).
Not that I'm anticipating you'll have any leftovers, but if you happen to have some Texas Caviar in the bowl after the big game party is over and done with, it can really show its versatility with other dishes.
Vincent and McEachran have split up previously, following a series of arguments, but decided to get back together and we can't rule out the same thing happening again with both parties claiming they still have feelings for each other.
Yes, other countries don't have a greek system or its equivalent, but that doesn't mean they don't still have parties or don't still go out to the bars / pubs and horrible things don't still happen as a result of alcohol and drug abuse.
If your child wants to invite a child with a disability to a birthday party, you may want to call the other parent to talk about how to make it happen.
I've since found out they offer freeze pops (sugar, water, food coloring) as a form of hydration, occasionally substitute her afternoon snack with «Special Treats» when they're doing a group activity like watching a movie, vanilla wafers... as early as 9:30 am, donut holes when supplied by a generous parent who tends to do it nearly weekly, and then birthday and holiday party treats (which I knew about but have concerns about frequency and being informed when it's happening so I can adjust her other meals accordingly).
The two others who will play a part in determining what happens to him and their party are the deputy leader and shadow chancellor.
If followers from one party flock to live near each other, the gerrymandering happens without redrawing districts.
Others acted without pay until their retirement — one could not tell whether the giant AGA company was a mining company or a giant political organization out to destroy Rawlings and his NDC party — It was very shameful To the Akan Supremacists, I say what is coming, is coming, and what will happen, will happen Is Anybody Listeninto destroy Rawlings and his NDC party — It was very shameful To the Akan Supremacists, I say what is coming, is coming, and what will happen, will happen Is Anybody ListeninTo the Akan Supremacists, I say what is coming, is coming, and what will happen, will happen Is Anybody Listening?
So this is reason one why the SGP has an unexpected high number of members: sharply dropping memberships in other parties, which is not happening — or happening less — in the SGP due to higher party loyalty.
The infrequently voting partisan who happens to live among supporters of the other party can be ferreted out.
In the case in which the PP is a minority government and does not want to grant Scotland entry, but let's say the other parties do, what would happen in practice?
It is the constituency parties that bear the brunt of this — though Unite and other unions were clearly resentful about it too this year — and we consider why it happens and how to end it.
If, for example, Cameron can not form another government, but negotiations between the other parties stall — as happened in 2010 — it will again raise the question of exactly when a prime minister in such a position ought to resign.
A lot of it is just down to people saying don't know, it happens in all polls, other bits are just the natural churn you get in all directions between parties.
They would most likely have to wait for him to be defeated in the Queen's Speech — as happened in 1924 when Stanley Baldwin stayed on to the King's Speech despite the other parties making it clear they wouldn't support him.
The more seats a party or grouping has, the more chance it has of forming a government - with 198 seats out of 646 the Conservative Party could only form a government if significant numbers of other MP's decided to back them, as happened in 1924 when there was a situation that the Conservatives didn't want to form a coalition with either other main party and equally the Liberals didn't want a coalition with Labour and the Liberals and Conservatives saw it as an opportunity to allow Labour into government but in a situation in which legislation was still reliant on Liberal and Conservative votes and they could be brought down at the most suitable time, supposing the notional gains were accurate and in the improbable event of the next election going exactly the same way in terms of votes then 214 out of 650 is 32.93 % of seats compared to at 198 out of 646 seats - 30.65 % of seats and the Conservative Party would then be 14 seats closer towards a total neccessary to form a government allowing for the greater number of seats, on the one hand the Conservatives need Labour to fail but equally they need to succeed themselves given that the Liberal Democrats appear likely to oppose anyone forming a government who does not embark on a serious programme to introduce PR, in addition PC & SNP would expect moves towards Independence for Scotland and Wales, the SDLP will be likely to back Labour and equally UKIP would want a committment to withdraw from Europe and anyway will be likely to be in small numbers if any, pretty much that leaves cutting a deal with the DUP which would only add the backing of an extra 10 - 13 party or grouping has, the more chance it has of forming a government - with 198 seats out of 646 the Conservative Party could only form a government if significant numbers of other MP's decided to back them, as happened in 1924 when there was a situation that the Conservatives didn't want to form a coalition with either other main party and equally the Liberals didn't want a coalition with Labour and the Liberals and Conservatives saw it as an opportunity to allow Labour into government but in a situation in which legislation was still reliant on Liberal and Conservative votes and they could be brought down at the most suitable time, supposing the notional gains were accurate and in the improbable event of the next election going exactly the same way in terms of votes then 214 out of 650 is 32.93 % of seats compared to at 198 out of 646 seats - 30.65 % of seats and the Conservative Party would then be 14 seats closer towards a total neccessary to form a government allowing for the greater number of seats, on the one hand the Conservatives need Labour to fail but equally they need to succeed themselves given that the Liberal Democrats appear likely to oppose anyone forming a government who does not embark on a serious programme to introduce PR, in addition PC & SNP would expect moves towards Independence for Scotland and Wales, the SDLP will be likely to back Labour and equally UKIP would want a committment to withdraw from Europe and anyway will be likely to be in small numbers if any, pretty much that leaves cutting a deal with the DUP which would only add the backing of an extra 10 - 13 Party could only form a government if significant numbers of other MP's decided to back them, as happened in 1924 when there was a situation that the Conservatives didn't want to form a coalition with either other main party and equally the Liberals didn't want a coalition with Labour and the Liberals and Conservatives saw it as an opportunity to allow Labour into government but in a situation in which legislation was still reliant on Liberal and Conservative votes and they could be brought down at the most suitable time, supposing the notional gains were accurate and in the improbable event of the next election going exactly the same way in terms of votes then 214 out of 650 is 32.93 % of seats compared to at 198 out of 646 seats - 30.65 % of seats and the Conservative Party would then be 14 seats closer towards a total neccessary to form a government allowing for the greater number of seats, on the one hand the Conservatives need Labour to fail but equally they need to succeed themselves given that the Liberal Democrats appear likely to oppose anyone forming a government who does not embark on a serious programme to introduce PR, in addition PC & SNP would expect moves towards Independence for Scotland and Wales, the SDLP will be likely to back Labour and equally UKIP would want a committment to withdraw from Europe and anyway will be likely to be in small numbers if any, pretty much that leaves cutting a deal with the DUP which would only add the backing of an extra 10 - 13 party and equally the Liberals didn't want a coalition with Labour and the Liberals and Conservatives saw it as an opportunity to allow Labour into government but in a situation in which legislation was still reliant on Liberal and Conservative votes and they could be brought down at the most suitable time, supposing the notional gains were accurate and in the improbable event of the next election going exactly the same way in terms of votes then 214 out of 650 is 32.93 % of seats compared to at 198 out of 646 seats - 30.65 % of seats and the Conservative Party would then be 14 seats closer towards a total neccessary to form a government allowing for the greater number of seats, on the one hand the Conservatives need Labour to fail but equally they need to succeed themselves given that the Liberal Democrats appear likely to oppose anyone forming a government who does not embark on a serious programme to introduce PR, in addition PC & SNP would expect moves towards Independence for Scotland and Wales, the SDLP will be likely to back Labour and equally UKIP would want a committment to withdraw from Europe and anyway will be likely to be in small numbers if any, pretty much that leaves cutting a deal with the DUP which would only add the backing of an extra 10 - 13 Party would then be 14 seats closer towards a total neccessary to form a government allowing for the greater number of seats, on the one hand the Conservatives need Labour to fail but equally they need to succeed themselves given that the Liberal Democrats appear likely to oppose anyone forming a government who does not embark on a serious programme to introduce PR, in addition PC & SNP would expect moves towards Independence for Scotland and Wales, the SDLP will be likely to back Labour and equally UKIP would want a committment to withdraw from Europe and anyway will be likely to be in small numbers if any, pretty much that leaves cutting a deal with the DUP which would only add the backing of an extra 10 - 13 MP's.
«We had today Sen. Joe Robach here who happens to be of the other party.
This could happen for a variety of reasons: the supporting party might think the resulting government was a better option than something else, the minority government might be the only option to form a government other than another election, or the supporters might get concessions.
«These attacks have grown in magnitude and they include attacks on security services, we have incidents where military officers have been lynched by mobs, we have instances where these vigilante groups calling themselves variously; Invisible forces, Delta forces, etc. invade police stations, break into cells and release suspects because they claim the NPP members are immune to any form of arrest in other words, they are living above the law because they happen to be members of a party living in power», he said.
When that happens we can expect them to pick up points, from both of the other two parties, depending on the constituency.
Politics often happens: Legislators have to decide what proposals are likely to be successful, how members of their own (and other) parties will react, whether their constituents will appreciate the proposal, whether the groups funding their campaigns will approve, etc..
Looking across the pond, Mercer is similarly concerned about what is happening to the Republican party from the other end of the political spectrum.
A constituency Secretary from the Eastern Region had this to say to our reporter «Happenings in the party has gone from good to worse after the illegal sacking of our National Chairman and other party executives.
For other Europeans, the UK serves to illustrate the inequality effect, and what happens when the laws of a country are changed in favour of the affluent because they have become so rich that they can effectively buy the interest of political parties — often through obtaining media support — and hence politicians, and then, by getting the laws they want, they control the judiciary.
«This behavior here now, if we want to act commensurately, it will result in allegations are harassing some party or the other... This is unnecessary, irresponsible and shouldn't happen.
1.36 pm: Vince Cable has denied that «behind the scenes talks» between the Lib Dems and the other two main parties are under way to determine what would happen in the event of a hung parliament.
This happened after MP Peter Pilz split off along with several others, and the entire youth wing got expelled and teamed up with the Communist Party instead, according to Wikipedia.
While it appears the 2 - man rule is in place to actually launch the codes, the president must also notify many other parties in government that it is happening
The other danger at the moment if the polls stay as they are is exactly what happened to the Labour party.
«What is particularly missing at this time is her coming out in public, meeting her constituents, talking to TV cameras, explaining what happened, perhaps being a little humble about all of this and giving a satisfactory explanation to her constituents and the wider Conservative family to be quite frank, because speaking to people from the West Midlands region where she is an MP, these things do have a knock - on effect and there are other marginal seats far closer to her constituency where people have got Labour majorities to overturn which may be more difficult if the local Conservative politician is seen as tainted and not having justified their actions and also I gather that Conservative Party HQ has had party donors from the region expressing concern that she hasn't satisfactorily justified what she has done.&rParty HQ has had party donors from the region expressing concern that she hasn't satisfactorily justified what she has done.&rparty donors from the region expressing concern that she hasn't satisfactorily justified what she has done.»
The other parties can no longer ignore Ukip or its voting power, according to a Guardian editorial which says that nothing comparable has happened since the emergence of the SDP in 1981.
It will be interesting to see what happens with the «other» vote — it is probably partially down to increased publicity for minor parties (especially the BNP) around the local elections, which will almost certainly fade with time, but it may also be down to people abandoning the Labour party but not being prepared to support one of the main three parties.
In the last boundary changes which took effect in 2010, UK Polling's estimate was that Labour's net loss relative to other parties across Britain would be 28 seats (based on the 2005 result) or 8 seats with a 5 % swing from Labour to the Tories which is what happened (see note below).
«Anambra IPAC seriously thinks that such a thing is not supposed to happen because it is an unfair political treatment of other parties.
XD Happen to read a post about somebody who attended an actual tea party the other day, then I see this... ohh how I want to attend a tea party.
Bounce ideas off each other, attend meet - ups and cocktail parties with other sexy singles, discuss what works and what doesn't, or even use the site to help you find a sexually compatible person who happens to also have an STD like the one you're coping with, because when you overcome those obstacles together, they can become a source of lasting inspiration in any relationship.
One of PlayStation's most iconic brands also happens to be one of its poorest commercial performers — it's for that reason series creator Studio Liverpool finds itself resting in the Sony first - party graveyard alongside other ex-British institutes like Guerrilla Cambridge and Evolution Studios.
And gues what every time we play no 1 laughs... except the 1 who win.others... But gues what when this and my other friend comes to my house to play,, gues what they wants to play... MARIO (new super mario / party) and others they think its fun we laugh if something funny happens like other kills other in some tricky point... And (WE do nt show middlefingers and swear to others like Ppl playing some halo or Mw..
Most of that happens behind the curtain, so to speak, all you have to do is cooperate with the renters insurance subrogation, you don't have to interface between the companies, the parties, the lawyers, and all the other moving parts in a situation like this.
We realize we are legally obligated to pay for half of a new one but what happens when the other party (the seller) wants to abandon the property?
An amazing thing often happens once you paraphrase the problem back to the conflicting parties: they begin to understand the other side of the issue and take responsibility for solving the conflict themselves.
The second element of that is if we're looking back at history, obviously we can't predict what's going to happen four or five years from now, but if I'm looking back at history and I'm saying hey, the Wii kinda tapered off during its last two years as far as third - party support, even if first - party support, as you mentioned, yes, has been solid, but as far as third - party support it was all going towards those other two machines.
«No matter how big the install base is, there's no point in expecting higher sales if the install base isn't interested in the games» Pokemon Go... «They make more money waiting for the smart and open - minded multi-console gamers to pick up a console for their games, than they would waiting for a scant 500k (at best) to pick up a less - realistic - looking game on consoles where other third party games, like Battlefield, already have dibs on their wallets» What happens when Nintendo stops making consoles, where will you go?
This includes the founding The Angry Asian Feminist Gang (AAFG), a collective of Diaspora cultural producers; Soul Train Electrical Circus Living Room Dance Party at the Art Gallery of Ontario, where she played the role of a DJ to occupy the Art Gallery of Ontario's historic Walker Court alongside dance troupe HATAW and artists of colour; Internet Tab Guitar Jam, a happening inside Alexandre David's sculpture where shy non-musicians taught each other to play and sing together; andKaraoke Afterparty, commissioned by painter Marlene Dumas to take over Wong's studio.
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