Sentences with phrase «happy existence»

He does state that despite his seemingly happy existence, he's not happy.
I wrote those words to add intrigue to what I may have felt even then was a fraught and boring but otherwise happy existence.
Articles include a large array of topics that will help the dog owning reader develop a relationship with their dogs that translates into a harmonious and happy existence together.
As the Good Book has warned, there will come an age when people just will themselves choose confusion more than what is right and morally just to preserve their sinful ways instead of seeking the One they need to perfect them as a human person with dignity as a divine image of noble and holy existence, instead do de - basing themselves out of a healthy and happier existence even on earth.
Middle age is a very complex theme to handle but the magnificent Meryl Streep makes it look easy enough with a totally convincing portrayal of a successful business woman, who is secure and alone after being divorced by her ex-husband of 17 years who cheated on a younger woman, leaving her to create a comfortable happy existence for herself inadvertently, while he now languishes for her and wants to have her as a mistress as he is still in love with her after 10 years.
Beginning, as it must, with a primordial prologue about the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs — just as it strikes, two dinos who were fighting moments before embrace in fear — the film concerns a tribe of well - meaning cavemen whose happy existence is disrupted by the arrival of civilization: Bronze Age intruders show up one day, there to turn their communal cave into a mine so that Lord Nooth (Tom Hiddleston) can maintain his lavish lifestyle.
In a similar fashion, he's playing a guy who is concerned his seemingly happy existence might be too small in Brad's Status.
Personally, I think it is a great asset to have suffered from some degree of mental illness, even though I wouldn't wish it on anyone, because of the empathy it gives you for others in the same plight and for the hope you can give them that you can find a happy existence again albeit a more enlightened one.
If you think about any one of these rules, and they came into existence, you will likely recall the events and situations that led up to making such a law necessary for the happy existence of your family.
Also, love the idea of sharing and celebrating everything good in life (it just makes for a happier existence!)
The practice of Kundalini yoga is meant to wake this serpent, causing it to rise through all the chakras, resulting in a healthier, happier existence.
They will put up with many things in the overall quest for a happy existence.
In Irving Rapper's Deception, Davis's Christine Radcliffe just wants to live a happy existence with new husband, professional cellist Karel Novak (Paul Henreid).
Because if that's what leads to a peaceful and happy existence, then we can tell a few white lies can't we!
Perhaps escaping from something profound, or simply contemplating a happier existence.
It's like having a little encouraging voice that follows you everywhere, urging you to live a happier existence.
At the same time, Fishman offers a critical perspective on our current culture's obsession with medicine, stringing together masses of scan readouts to point to the way humans in the 21st century often turn first to medicine and even mood - altering medication as a means of seeking a happier existence.
Montreal About Blog A lifestyle blog about my idea of a happy existence.
Nevertheless, Syrians are still considered to have a happier existence than many African regions due to a higher life expectancy and great levels of generosity toward one another.
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