Sentences with phrase «happy investor»

Get a real understanding of how you want to invest your money with both risk and reward, and you'll be a much happier investor for the long haul.
I've been a very happy investor in Vodafone, as it carried less debt than other major telecommunication companies, had much less exposure to legacy costs associated with wireline businesses because they're primarily a wireless company and they had broad geographic exposure to Europe, India, Africa, Australia and the U.S. (through 45 % of VZW).
If Amazon has decided to accept single - digit margins during this Kindle «investment phase,» and the result is that the company has set itself up to own a 50 per cent market share of the entire U.S. book business by the end of 2012, there will be no shortage of happy investors — and devastated competitors — at that point in the relatively near future.
«We are very happy investors,» he said at the start of his meeting with Trudeau.
If you want to be a happy investor, take a look in the mirror and decide what kind of investor you want to be.
At this Free 90 - Minute Real Estate Training Class you'll learn the exact same strategies hundreds of other investors have now learned and you'll be on your way to creating your own success just like these happy investors
Almost ten years ago, I sold the stock at $ 68.12 for a quick gain when I was still a trigger - happy investor.
In fact, the closer the return of the fund or ETF is to the return of the index, the happier investors tend to be.
Personal opinion, no, I am happy the investor I am now, don't want to upgrade.
But I think I'll be a happier investor owning UNP rather than not owning UNP 20 years from now, either way.
My Strategy Lab portfolio's annual income soared 80 per cent over five years - helped along by frequent dividend increases and dividend reinvestments - and if my Yield Hog dividend growth portfolio comes even close to that, I'll be a happy investor.
In all these cases, the day we bought the shares we had no plan to be anything other than passive, happy investors.
Let me suggest five simple ways you can control your worst tendencies, reduce your risk and become a happier investor.
The more users we have, the higher our token price goes, the happier our investors are!
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