Sentences with phrase «harbinger of the future»

It might sound elitist to proclaim topflight mathematical minds as harbingers of the future of culture, but it has happened before.
In a year when Amazon sold more e-books than dead trees and publishers poured precious funds into actual tech ventures, a few hazy harbingers of the Future of Publishing began coming into focus.
These outcomes, appealing because they can be measured early and often, are seen as harbingers of future success.
But if they don't or can't, New York's proposed alternative pathways to a diploma for non-disabled kids, and their new certificate option for disabled kids look like very promising harbingers of the future.
The Arctic as a region is an excellent harbinger of future change, Briner said, because the signals or clues that signify climate change are so much stronger in the Arctic than elsewhere on the planet.
Yet, especially for billions of coastal residents, these images, along with the earthquake - generated tsunami, are horrifying harbingers of future disruptions.
Pardon the geometry, but hot trends are not always harbingers of the future.
Temporary employment is seen as a harbinger of future hiring, but could also indicate reluctance by employers to take on full - time workers because of uncertainty related to health care regulations and the economic outlook.
They probably are harbingers of the future.
Addressable TV advertising via Dish and DirecTV, a harbinger of a future in which campaigns will be able to target most cable TV ads at specific households
In a broader sense, GDPR is a harbinger of the future, a future where voter data will not be so easily bought and sold, and one where grassroots infrastructures will need to be properly resourced in order to support large political organizations.
New grass - roots Long Island groups that backed Pellegrino hope it's a harbinger of future victories in local, state and national elections.
«It seems to be a harbinger of future cell death rather than a molecule that's actually damaging the cells,» Apte said.
Past studies of his, as well as others in the field, have indicated smell issues could be a harbinger of future disease.
Now combine and tweak the technologies: When every wheel is powered by its own electric motor, that's attention - getting, and it makes the $ 450,000 gull - wing Mercedes - Benz SLS AMG Electric Drive a harbinger of the future.
Here, excellent past performance seems likely to be a harbinger of future under - performance insofar as one believes that over the long term, market prices for passively owned common stocks will have a relationship to underlying corporate fundamentals.
South Carolina is a harbinger of future problems, in their case made worse by opportunists who sold the idea of high - yielding investments to trustees that proved to be a bunch of rubes.
One harbinger of this future was perhaps found, he said, in the success of one Team Fortress player in Kansas who was earning $ 150,000 (# 97,000) a year making virtual hats.
But as it turns out, it was a harbinger of the future, a clear and present sign Microsoft wanted to be a media company, with gaming taking a seat at the table — no longer in the driver's seat.
This also could be a harbinger of the future as more companies opt to secure their own power.
Droughts and heat waves are a harbinger of our future, carbon cuts are needed now more than ever, and yet meaningful policies have not been enacted.
DOE repeatedly points to the 2014 Polar Vortex event in PJM — where cold temperatures drove power plant outages as natural gas supply was diverted to heating customers and coal plants had winterization issues — as a harbinger of the future.
Because of their hardiness — they have survived four past mass extinctions — amphibians are considered a harbinger of future biodiversity.
We create the impression that, instead of harbingers of the future, the outliers are representative of broader trends that are already «disrupting» the status quo.
Just as technology such as Uber has transformed other industries, the Uber model could be a harbinger of the future of delivery of legal services.
The focus of Western Christian groups, unable to win on abortion policy or anti-gay policies in their home jurisdictions, on African constitutional drafting exercises is a harbinger of future trends.
Amazon Key feels like a major test of how thoroughly the company has earned customers» trust, and a harbinger of a future where tech companies mediate every aspect of our lives.
Permit issuance, which can be a harbinger of future building activity, held virtually steady at a 903,000 - unit rate in December.
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