Sentences with phrase «hard core about»

Asians seem to be pretty hard core about their slipper use & I'm a fan.
It's definitely a challenge but I am not hard core about it!
And before having babies when I was hard core about it for a year, the only way I could do it is if I made it all about addition versus subtraction.

Not exact matches

In this video, Greg Rollett invites Linda Zander, author of Super Sized Success, to open up about core drives, core values and finding that one thing that will fuel you through the good times and the hard times.
Hard - core leaguers can tweet about their picks and pans — and follow all the action — via #FortuneLeague.
This past weekend was a particularly bad one for just about every major e-book retailer out there, with revelations that hard - core pornographic content was rampant in their electronic stores.
I saw hard - core evidence that John and Gloria were serious» about their intentions to change how they headed the company.
Someone with a power meter that requires a serial port will care a lot more about the peripheral features than the average user will, while the hard - core gamer will probably focus on the GPU, CPU, and chip set while ignoring peripherals and form - factor issues.
Some hard - core open - source advocates disapprove of Ubuntu's compromise with the closed - source world, but end users who care more about usability than ideology will find this arrangement a boon.
How about peter Cashmore of mashable, Markus fried of plenty of fish they are not hard core affiliate marketers they are just give their readers, helping them to learn something new, engage and meet new people like Markus is doing and the end result is they are the top adsense earners in the world making more than any other so - called pro bloggers in the world.
«At its core, entrepreneurship is about hard work and determination to make something better,» he says.
I haven't heard that argument used for movies since the early days of pornography when hard - core pictures were preceded by a warning from a man wearing a doctor's smock about the terrible things viewers were about to witness.
The theological imperialism of the protesters — demanding that the statement say exactly what Lutherans have traditionally said about «faith alone,» law and gospel, simul iustus et peccator (at the same time justified and sinner), etc. — might give the impression that they represent hard - core orthodoxy.
This conflict between a hard - core commonsense idea (about ultimate meaning) and a scientifically and philosophically based idea (that our world is temporally finite) is resolved by the speculative hypothesis that God, far from being impassible, is divinely relative, cherishing all events everlastingly, so that reality as a whole will never be as if we had not been.
But if only a quarter of hard - core addicts were to seek treatment, and at best only two - thirds of those in treatment succeed, we are talking about only a 16 percent success rate.
Fred Clark talks about how Christians who subscribe to post-millenial dispensationalism have a hard - core pro-Israel stance due to their PMD theology.
In fact, the primary virtue of panexperientialism is that, in spite of its initial implausibility (at least to those taught to see through dualist or materialist lenses), it enables us to coordinate our hard - core commonsense presuppositions with what we have learned about the world from the special sciences.
It is this idea that makes his physicalism incompatible with our hard - core commonsense presuppositions about our own experience.
All marriages are «mixed marriages» (in that all couples come from differing family backgrounds and world - views); but when there are deep disagreements about the core meanings of existence, a couple must work doubly hard to establish creative closeness.
Even if you want to lay to one side the very valid concerns about the porn industry's links with human trafficking, or the connections between hard - core pornography use and sexual violence, there's a strong argument that this is, in fact, a public health issue.
The hard - core atheists set very exacting standards about who would be allowed into the society of genuine unbelief.
Has Harris really thought about what would happen if people adopted the hard - core atheist's belief that there is no transcendent basis for our moral valuations?
Funny thing about Catholics... given hard - core dogma and common sense, Catholics will go with common sense every time.
The first time I voted for George Bush, (back when I was just 19, and a pretty hard - core conservative), I voted for him primarily because I thought that Republicans were serious about ending abortion.
I think the hardest part is pulling back the layers of the ego and false beliefs we hold about ourselves, but once we do, this true worth and beauty is certainly at the core of all of us!
I thought that blogger sounded a lot more «hard core» than me about eating naturally... admittedly because I didn't understand the reasoning behind the giveaway.
To prepare the fennel bulb, remove the outer layers (if bruised or soft), cut in half lengthwise, remove the hard core, and thinly slice (makes about 2 cups).
«It's hard to find those moments when you can get really practical core values explicitly shared by people who care about each other,» Bowen said.
This haunted house in the northern suburbs is all about bringing the terror and seems best suited for older teens, hard - core horror fans and thrill seekers.
Mom of 3 and author of «Hard Core Poor» shares some simple tips on how to teach children about money, management and financial responsibility.
Our older daughter is 3 and it has been really interesting to see my husband go from asking about the rationale behind everything and wondering why I was being so insistent on doing something so unusual, to being a pretty hard core believer in AP principles.
We know about promoting my then walking away, giving her more control, etc. i feel like we're at a stand still and frankly it's really difficult to watch your video that says potty training will be wrapped up in 30 days as we've been at it hard core for 2 months and see no relief in sight.
She's used cloth diapers on all her babies at one time or another, and wrote a whole book about saving money, «Hard Core Poor», available at Amazon.
I've had several arguments with hard core advocates over this, in fact — and was told that I don't know what I'm talking about, despite the fact that I have actually successfully nursed 6 children, and that all the evidence we have shows that women who are exhausted are likely to have supply problems.
I am confused about how «hard core» to be with her.
Tackling the BNP is about recognising that there are hundreds of thousands of hard - working families in northern mill - towns, the once - smokey bits of the Midlands, blue collar estates in the Thames estuary and pockets of post-industrial Britain around the country who feel let down by the Establishment and are turning to the only party that talks about their concerns (Incidentally, they aren't necessarily core Labour voters, they are mostly long - standing, fed - up non-voters).
«It's also about a hard core of traditional Conservative voters saying, actually we don't like the kind of small - l liberal decisions this government is beginning to take.
As the researchers move deeper into the harder granites of the peak ring, they will core more slowly, obtaining a 3 - meter core about every 2 hours.
It's almost as if there's a stigma attached to it — you can't possibly be a hard - core scientist if you're worrying about your stock portfolio or if you're using the lab's Mac to day trade.
Most of those who harbour reservations about vaccination are not hard - core denialists, but parents who are simply confused about the best course of action for their own children.
I realize my back and hips are dipping, so I focus on engaging my core like I'm about to get punched in the stomach — and whaddya know, the planks become both easier (I feel much more solid) and harder (all the other muscles I was ignoring begin to activate).
I'm not sure where or when, but somehow I heard about a hard - core practice that particularly intrigued me: dropping back on one's birthday... as many times as you had years to be thankful for!
«A really hard - core Spin class burns about 500 to 600 calories for most people.
At about the same time, my hero, Dave Scott, had won Ironman for a sixth time and he was a hard - core vegetarian.
Dr. Atkins talked a lot about ketosis back then, and the original Atkins diet was a far cry from what you see today; it was pretty hard - core.
Ever since I can remember, I've been addicted — like hard core, crazy, I can't go to sleep at night or think about anything else if I don't have lip balm in close proximity.
I used to be a hard core cardio lover but have recently decided to drop about 4 days of cardio and replace with strength training.
Dan and Pavel also talk about pressing the elbows hard against the knees, and the knees against the elbows for some isometric contraction work for the hips and shoulders simultaneously (which of course are connected through the core musculature and work together contralaterally).
My 6 unique Secret - Weapon exercises that build a rock - hard core and stimulate fat loss like no other exercises in existence... and the kicker is that almost NOBODY in normal gyms knows about these unique exercises.
Some say its a numbers game, the more LDL particles crashing the walls of the arteries... some say the LDL is only a sign of vascular damage, but if my LDL goes down on a low fat diet, then that is bs, some say that it may be a problem metabolizing LDL, intake / production is outpacing LDL receptor activity, some say its not LDL but LDL that stays in the blood too long and oxidizes, some say about 20 % carbs (I was less than 5 %) will produce just enough insulin to help metabolize cholesterol, but the hard core low carb guys, say the whole cholesterol thing is a scam and cholesterol under 500, without insulin resistance is nothing to worry about.
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