Sentences with phrase «hard hearing the comments»

It is hard hearing the comments from other people, so you just have to be strong in believing in yourself and do what you want or need to do.

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And if an audience can misunderstand witty comments that they hear, written wit from another time and culture and language are even harder to discern.
Jerry and I (and many other Christians) will work hard to tailor our comments so that no one will feel that we are saying anything other than what they want to hear... at the cost of our own beliefs and freedom of expression.
Hi Jace, OMG thanks SO much for this awesome comment:) Haha I hear you on the «vegan»;) lol We're not a vegan family (I'm a pescetarian, family eats fish and chicken but not beef or pork very often) and I try hard not to use that word but still want to help vegans out there + people with allergies for egg etc..
Arsenal fans have often heard, and are pig sick of hearing if you are anything like me, the comments from Arsene Wenger about the lack of top quality players out there and the fact that the ones that are there happen to be just too hard to get hold of.
From what I have read and heard from comments from Two of, both Pettis brothers and Roufus coaches Punk has been putting in the Hard Work training and has been very humble with his teammates and coaches.
While times are changing and gender equality is slowly but surely becoming more and more of a reality, it's still hard to feel completely optimistic when I hear the following questions and comments on a far - too - frequent basis.
For me, by far the hardest was my time as a stay - at - home mom with four kids, very complex special needs, homeschooling, supporting husband's business, working part time here and there... Here's one comments from working moms that always has frustrated me, something I heard when I was with four kids juggling all of that:» I still do it all!
I heard a mother comment once that it was hard for her to leave her baby in the nursery at night, knowing that she wouldn't see the baby until the next morning.
and hearing comments like that was hard for me and he just said, baby do what you want to do, he likes it, so give it to him, when the time comes you'll know it.
I'm also very glad to hear that you're updating your website because, after spending about 3 hours reading a ton of comments and responses to get educated, I found it hard to find a specific one to go back to such as the one that talks about soy lethicin being OK even though soy is not, or where you write that some patients with acid reflux find relief from the diet.
In the past few days, I have seen many social media posts and have heard comments among friends and family that quickly reminded me: staying healthy this time of year feels HARD.
It's nice to hear that you like my font for the comments because sometimes I worry it's too hard to read!
Many times I hear my single clients comment on the way their singles friends are dating — they're seeing too many people, not enough people, the wrong kinds of people, playing too hard to get, not hard enough..
I'm sure that most people who aren't die - hard cinema lovers may find the prospect of not being able to hear what the cast is saying due to the director's booming comments not so nice.
Comments Con: Your music volume is a bit too high and overwhelming at some points making it hard to hear what your saying about the beer.
I too often hear folks in the publishing world make comments implying that eBooks don't matter — that hard copy sales are the legitimate kind of sales... and eBooks sales are just a nice byproduct.
I'm starting to warm up to the game, especially after hearing comments like how hard Nintendo is working to make this their best Zelda game and other things such as this being the first Zelda game deserving of the RPG title in the past 20 years.
The title alone should illicit a few «blasphemy» comments from the more Nintendo die - hard, but hear me out.
It's the comments that refer to your work as some sort of hobby that is the most difficult to hear, as though you don't work incredibly hard or make a living.
«I'm not afraid to say I've made paintings that can be hard to live with,» Dobbs wrote near the end of his life, responding to often - heard comments that his work is both beautiful and disturbing.
As a coach one of the frequent comments I hear from lawyers is: «I don't know what's wrong with me, I am finding is so hard to concentrate and get down to work.»
Based on some of the comments posted, it is quite apparent that many realtors suffer from the same disease as do die - hard union members — as long as they sit around their offices complaining to eachother about how the Competition Bureau is treating them unfairly and convincing eachother that the service that they provide is truly worth what they're paid to do it — they'll never hear about or learn to appreciate the other side of the argument.
It is hard to see other people getting a bazillion raving comments on a project that may or may not be deserving, and then you wonder why no one cares that you just poured your heart and soul into your space and only heard a few crickets in response!
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