Sentences with phrase «hard nosed»

It doesn't hurt to ask softly but to ask hard nose could leave you in the cold.
Throw in his weak - side shot blocking and hard nosed attitude and you have what is certainly one of the best back - up bigs in the NBA.
Boston's top rock group features an incomparable young defenseman, a nifty scorer and a supporting ensemble of hard noses.
One legislator remarking that the planning committee «was very hard nosed with new projects» and that «there were a number (of projects) we didn't even consider».
Reliable hands, excellent blocking, butt touchdowns, hard nosed play in every aspect of the game and he had that amazing «offensive pass interference move» that can't be matched by any of our current TE ’s
Players with physicality and mongrel to put fear in the opposition; hard nosed professionals with a winning attitude.
Evil Stan is far too hard nosed to take much notice of demonstations.
This can be detriment playing against a fast paced, pressing and hard nosed defensive team.
Owen Paterson stunned even hard nosed Tories with his heartless plan to make pensioners do gruelling crop picking on the cheap, David Laws revealed in his memoir.
Usually not, though in my professional life as a scientist, I feel that I probably practice less self - deception, I'm more critical of evidence, a little bit harder nosed.
Language: English Genre: Drama / Sport MPAA rating: PG - 13 Director: Clint Eastwood Actors: Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, Morgan Freeman Plot: An old hard nosed trainer who owns a gym tries to discourage a woman boxer from boxing.
There will be hard nosed posts about how certain landlords say their gift is the use of the rental unit, gifts are not appropriate, etc., but I reckon what goes around comes around.
That was a hard nosed DA who probably took bribes.
It would take a hard nose atheist to say religion didn't play a major factor in their non-violent ways.
fishon... I think I know where your conviction and your hard nosed attitude comes from.
No one credits Mike for leaving him in, they credit Ellis for being a hard nosed bad ass and pushing through it.
but alas it's a hard nosed business!
What Arsenal need is a hard nosed disciplinarian with coaching ability — Simeone, Conte or Ancellotti!
Our majority shareholder is a hard nosed american businessman who owns arsenal as a business enterprise.
He is more like Lehman, hard nosed and old school.
But it boils down to this, he is young and still learning his trade, he plays in one of the most agressive and challenging roles on the pitch and it requires him to be agressive and hard nosed.
I liked his hard nosed running style and attitude, but he's just not a 4.5 million dollar RB.
Ken, as much as I respect both Patrick Viera and Dennis Bergkamp (the best player I have seen in an Arsenal shirt IMHO) the rebuilding needed at the Arsenal to bridge the current gap, requires a hard nosed experienced manager.
Will we need a Rommel just to drive this hard nosed French Fool into the sea?
The club is two thirds owned by kroenke, a hard nosed american businessman, his only concern about the fans is that they continue to pay him money.
Kroenke is a hard nosed american businessman who sets the principles by which the club operates.
He's a hard nose runner and doesn't shy away from contact.
The owner is a multi billionaire, hard nosed businessman, he is not concerned about winning things, only increasing the value of AFC.
Seancali, he is not a moron, he is the chief executive of a sucessful business which is owned by a hard nosed american businessman.
To a hard nosed businessman like Kroenke with no affinity with English Football it will not concern him in the slightest should Arsenal never win the league again.
Kroenke is a hard nosed american businessman, he must be happy with wenger otherwise he would have sacked him.
They were hard nosed, imposing, no non-sense characters.
The hard nosed defender's aerial ability and no nonsense defending was on display and allowed Juve to secure the three points on the night.
Neither player is a hard nosed defender and both players like to create from a combination of long and short passes.
He worked hard, mastered his brief, was regarded as competent and hard nosed, with a steely resolve possessed by neither of his prime ministerial predecessors - Ramsey Macdonald and Stanley Baldwin.
He makes shrewd assessments of both Cameron and Osborne, and whilst seeing Osborne as a hard nosed transactional politician, warms to him as a colleague.
It is about a hard nosed math teacher but his students didn't know he had a softer side.
A hard nosed city known for inhabitants with sharp tongues who love nothing more than a good game of footie, Liverpool does UK culture like few places outside London.
Language: English Genre: War / Biography MPAA rating: PG Director: Franklin J. Schaffner Actors: George C. Scott, Morgan Paull, Karl Malden Plot: A hard nosed controversial general is shown in this WW 2 movie about how to win battles and look good doing it.
Summary: Finding traction somewhere between mainstream and indie cinema, Rob the Mob is a foot loose and fancy free mafia alternative to the hard nosed grit of Goodfellas or The Godfather.
I'm not a hard nose parent, but in high school and middle school the grade is as reflective of effort than anything else.
It is far better to be a good, hard nose teacher that most students do not like than it is to be one that is best friends with everyone.
The Outback is touch, hard nosed and will likely outlive whoever purchases it.
If you want to dig into net - net's, you must be prepared to be hard nosed and take a realistic view of the possibility and probability of catalysts.
I just don't want another, hard nosed, straighty one eighty, run of the mill, stock standard, road racing game... Give us something with excitement plus elements that stands out from a no doubtedly, incoming in future crowded genre.
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