Sentences with phrase «hard sheep cheeses»

Not exact matches

We really love cheesehard and soft, aged and young, raw, smoked, goat and sheep, from France, Spain, Italy, or Greece, with berries and truffles or without, and the list goes on.
This includes any cow, goat, sheep milks and cheeses, or anything made from them: (hard or soft cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, sour cream, whipped cream), with the exception of ghee and butter.
The sheep and goat herders would carry this hard cheese and bread, which would become very stale, on their travels.
This post is also available in: French We really love cheese - hard and soft, aged and young, raw, smoked, goat and sheep, from France, Spain, Italy, or Greece, with berries and truffles or...
1 cup finely grated sheeps milk pecorino (or other hard cheese like parmesan, etc if lactose isn't a problem)
Pecorino is a hard cheese made from sheep milk.
Even if people are severely lactose intolerant, the lactose will have been converted into lactic acid if they take their sheep milk in the form of yoghurt and much of the lactose goes out with the whey in hard cheese making.
If it was a hard goat or sheep cheese, try a soft one instead.
The resulting cheese depends on a number of factors including the balance of fat, protein and milk sugars in the milk which varies by animal (e.g. sheep milk is about 9 % fat and 5 % protein, whereas cow's milk has about 4 % fat and 3 % protein), the bacteria used, how the curds are processed, how long the cheese is kept before eating and how much water is left in the cheese (soft cheese contains over 45 % water, hard / semi-hard cheeses contain 30 - 45 % water, and dry hard cheeses such as Parmesan have less than 30 % moisture content).
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