Sentences with phrase «hard wall»

If you have the option, always choose hard walls instead of curtains.
Hard walls allow you to display logos and pictures more easily, and they look fresher than curtains.
Whether it's a particularly hard wall jumping
12» high hard walls painted white; lighting as indicated; exhibitor badges; VIP program including passes to the Collector Professional Preview and special event invitations throughout the exposition; standard booth signage.
12» high hard walls painted white; lighting as indicated; exhibitor badges; VIP program including Opening Preview tickets and special event invitations throughout the exposition; standard booth signage.
Not hard walls, and not necessarily every single object in the world — but some of the most common objects, like photobombing fingers, and chain - link fences.
In high school, I continued the giddy ride academically but banged against an even harder wall socially.
Some have clawed through hard wall and dug through the carpets until they were bleeding.
Someone might say that the original harder wall jump was better because it «required skill.»
Not hard walls, and not necessarily every single object in the world - but some of the most common objects, like photobombing fingers, and chain - link fences.
But even if we could agree on the «why,» it comes up against the hard wall of the» «what.»
If you have a hard walled bottle babies can just chew milk out of the bottle, if you have a drop in liner, and you push out some of the air, then when babies are chewing, the bottle liner simply expands and no milk comes out.
To adapt, people will need to use energy - efficient cooling technologies to reduce energy demands; insure their assets; plant more diverse crops; and build early warning systems and hard walls to defend against floods.
If you decide that you can do both since you haven't met anyone yet then try not to fill your single life with false hopes and dreams so that you won't hit yourself on the hard wall.
I eventually hit a hard wall against the steel elder dragon Kushala Daora.
Most classrooms have flat, hard walls to post things on with little sound insulation between rooms (frequently I had teachers interrupt my learning activity to tell me that we were being too loud), linoleum floors for easy cleaning, the ceiling tiles are rarely «acoustic,» and square configurations to maximize space.
«You can attach words to a hard wall using Velcro, to a bulletin board using push pins, or to a whiteboard using magnets.»
If possible, the dog should not be confined where the tail may be struck against a hard wall.
I eventually hit a hard wall against the steel elder dragon Kushala Daora.
Robert Irwin: «Hard Wall», The Pace Gallery, 32 East 57th Street, New York, December 1 — 28, 1973.
As Pollock himself commented: «I prefer... the canvas on the hard wall or the floor... On the floor I am more at ease.
Pollock would pour and fling the paint, using sticks and knives, onto an unstretched canvas which had been tacked to a hard wall or floor.
Their dreams of «living happily ever after» had been dashed against the hard walls of reality.
It's a hard wall color to get right.
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