Sentences with phrase «hard work involved»

Without you having to do any of the actual hard work involved in the making and selling of something you believe in.
There is a lot of hard work involved with this kind of workout, so it's extremely important to make sure that the chances of being injured are as low as possible.
Hopefully her words have helped people realize that while being a mother is definitely a labor of love, there's plenty of hard work involved.
«We realize the dedication and hard work involved with competing as the very best in the world.
Clazwork is committed to serves it's worthy assistance to the students and professionals to trim down the hassle and hard work involved writing.
Although there was a lot of hard work involved in kneading the dough, it came out FANTASTIC!
Discussions of love often emphasize the hard work involved and miss the spice and joy.
John presents a beautiful image here — except that as any gardener knows, there is hard work involved.
I put eggs in trees so tall only I could reach them (Sravya is a bit shorter than me), I put them underneath the car parked out front (a safe space for children, no doubt), I put them in rose bushes covered in thorns (a treat is not a «treat» if there's no hard work involved).
The hardest work involved in making this tart is boiling the vegetables to perfection.
Jump to recipe: No hard work involved.
Because so many parents are puzzled when it comes to determining the reason why their baby is crying, and what to do about it, we decided to offer our help by doing the hard work involved in finding the answers.
This engaging - and funny - book full of myth - busting accounts of women who have been there tells potential moms that yes there is hard work involved in a healthy pregnancy with diabetes but reminds us of the joys all that hard work can bring.»
If you're not interested in democracy, in actually doing the hard work involved in getting elected; if you're not prepared to allow your ideals to bump up against the ugliness of the real world; then go away and support some protest group.
... I love how English gardens can look so wild and free however their appearance is deceptive, there is a lot of hard work involved... G's mum is constantly gardening and her garden is beautiful (mine resembles a jungle, I proudly showed G's mum a beautiful pink flower the other day... apparently it was a weed... to be fair, I'm not sure how the flower had got there in the first place!)
Sure its a bit cartoony looking but the obvious mechanics functions and hard work involved in making him are admirable, and Robbie isn't even the films main attraction really.
An avid whittler, Coperthwaite believes people need to make more things by hand and understand the hard work involved in such crafts.
What is wrong with this statement is that it ignores the hard work involved in whipping the manuscript into the proper shape prior to uploading it.
Thanks for revealing all the hard work involved in self - publishing.
Also, the restrictions on ownership and the royalties they offer are not attractive enough after all the hard work involved in producing a finished product.
It was once often thought that when a company received investment from an Angel, VC, or other avenue, it was a testament to all of the hard work involved by the founders.
She doesn't gloss over the hard work involved or the fact that your book - baby might not sell as well as you hoped.
Absolutely no hard work involved.
Thank you for all the hard work involved.
For an example of the hard work involved, imagine this: The workmen spent 224 days simply blasting away at the craggy rock, which resembled a melted Hershey Kiss at the summit.
However, making games isn't all fun and games; there's hard work involved, and for that part of it, Wario recruits a number of friends (wait, he has friends?)
Dave Mann shows prints that reflect on his grandfathers who were first and second generation immigrants from Sweden and Germany and the hard work involved in setting up lives as Americans.
Although many prominent studies of climate change grace the pages of generalist journals like Nature and Science, much of the hard work involved in understanding the details of climate is published by specialty journals like the ones produced by the American Geophysical Union.
Knowing judges as I do — many of them are good friends of mine and I hope they remain so — they are liable to say that they do not want all the hard work involved, and very often will not exercise the discretion.
Through licensing services available to Canadian independent and tutorial schools, teachers can copy and share published material with their students, while also demonstrating respect for copyright and the hard work involved in producing material with pedagogical value.
You feel a touch of the nerves mixed in with excitement — all those new experiences and people you're going to meet, not to mention the hard work involved!
You feel a touch of the nerves mixed in with excitement - all those new experiences and people you're going to meet, not to mention the hard work involved!
But you need to consider if costs, together with all the hard work involved, will really give you added value, and therefore prove to be a good investment.
It also helps in cutting down the hard work involved in job hunting process and lets you apply to more positions without the hassle of filling out forms every single time.
There is a lot of responsibility, attention to detail, sense of urgency and hard work involved.
The ideal candidate is somebody who recognises the hard work involved in this career but has the determination to succeed, hunger to be successful and desire to earn in order to achieve the rewards of a successful recruitment career offers.
Would never guess it was a knockoff (with a lot of hard work involved.)
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