Sentences with phrase «harder scaled challenges»

Ganon's Fury includes harder scaled challenges that you unlock by completing missions from the previous two scenarios.

Not exact matches

Just the sheer scale of it is also challenging, because you've got ta lay out the carbon fiber in exactly the right way on a huge mold, and you've got ta cure that mold at temperature, and then it's... just really hard to make large carbon - fiber structures that can do all of those things and carry incredible loads.
«Not blind optimism, not one that ignores the scale and scope of our challenges, but that hard - earned optimism, that's rooted in the stories of very real progress that have occurred throughout human history.»
While Ms Owers praised the prison workers who were «committed to improvement and who are working hard to achieve a decent environment», she hoped the investigation would provide «the pointers for what needs to be done, as well as indicating to ministers and the public the scale of the challenge in our overcrowded and pressurised local prisons».
These polls, detailed though they may be, are just a snapshot and the SNP are taking nothing for granted — hard work and good policies are what win votes and we know the scale of the challenge we face if we are to make gains.
The hard - learned lessons from earlier Ebola outbreaks — early case identification, communicating how to protect oneself and tracking all people who may have been exposed — are challenging to apply in this epidemic, which is hobbled by poor health infrastructure, the massive scale of the outbreak and little funding to mount a comprehensive response.
Scaling up production may be a challenge, though, as it is hard to farm spider silk in large amounts, Steven adds.
Yet, as Durant's story typifies, one of the challenges for visionary founders is that they often have a hard time staying focused on the present when the company needs to transition into relentless execution and scale.
Red (hard)- Enlarge and object by a negative scale factor from a centre of enlargement Purple (challenging) Describe fully an enlargement; work out a scale factor and centre of enlargement.
«The extraordinary demands of educating disadvantaged students to higher standards, the challenges of attracting the talent required to do that work, the burden of finding and financing facilities, and often aggressive opposition from the traditional public education system have made the trifecta of scale, quality, and financial sustainability hard to hit,» concludes the report, «Growing Pains: Scaling Up the Nation's Best Charter Schools.»
The worksheet file for my lesson on reading values from a scale, including harder worded questions to challenge the higher end of the class.
While it might be hard to provide an accurate experience for such an ambitious game, the sense of scale and the full freedom of utilizing any of the sports challenge gives Steep an edge over any other game in this genre, which isn't really much of an accomplishment considering the lack of competition.
[Andy Revkin — There's no reason not to think big, although it might be harder for Mr. Gore to make this kind of statement if already in office, or seeking one, because it would be hard to find experts immersed in the challenges of generating, storing and distributing electricity at large scale who could chart an achievable or affordable 10 - year path to doing this.
But despite the hard work of the team, the Korean operation has faced growing challenges over the past few years that now make scaling our business very difficult.
Beyond these known upcoming hard forks, zcash has other plans for tackling one of cryptocurrencies most notorious challenges - scaling.
We are driven by hard technical challenges and we value pioneering new technology to continually increase the power, efficiency and scale of our platform.
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