Sentences with phrase «harder than a dream»

Nothing dies harder than a dream, if only dreams have died in a young life.

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So hard work and realistic expectations are better than some flighty notion of following a dream?
The Small Business American Dream Gap Report examined today's economic landscape compared to a year ago and found that despite the positive outlook for small businesses, nearly three out of 10 small businesses reported finding it harder than in the past to reduce operating costs.
«If you are willing to dream and then work hard and execute well, you can achieve more than you ever imagined.»
[09:10] The science of achievement [09:25] Effective execution [09:45] The element of grace [10:00] The art of fulfillment [10:45] The key to happiness is progress [10:55] When you grow you have something to give [11:30] What's more rare than a billionaire [11:45] Taking 100 % responsibility for yourself [12:10] Add more value [12:55] Dreams + Embracing reality + Determination [13:15] The quality of life is the quality of your decisions [13:55] The meeting of a lifetime or a critical business obligation [16:15] Decision - making must be done on paper [16:25] What makes decision - making hard?
She just takes off, determined to run seven - minute miles for 45 minutes, and Amanda gasps, running farther and harder than she ever dreamed she could, just trying to keep Michelle in sight.
The beanpole is a multi millionaire has more cash than a normal hard working family man will ever dream of having!
Khojasteh, who was born in Iran, and moved to the U.S. with his parents after the Islamic Revolution and during the early years of the Iran - Iraq War, says he and his wife, Anjella, also a child of immigrants from Iran, «are blessed to be products of that long - talked - about «American Dream» — raised by parents with nothing more than hard work, determination and a dream to provide their children as much possibility as possible.&rDream» — raised by parents with nothing more than hard work, determination and a dream to provide their children as much possibility as possible.&rdream to provide their children as much possibility as possible.»
At first the dream proved harder to realize than Turok hoped.
Considering that some couples may need up to three cycles to get pregnant (without any guarantee it will work), and considering the cost of consultations with fertility specialists that typically run $ 600 - $ 1,500 or more and aren't covered by insurance, it's not hard to imagine spending more than $ 60,000 out - of - pocket and still not end up with the baby you've dreamed of.
Other than some vivid dreams last night of fresh salmon fillets served with crisp slices of cucumber lightly seasoned with a vinaigrette, fresh dill and slices of bright green avocado, I haven't had a hard time not eating anything yet.
But if you want to believe that you will end up looking like the fitness models in their advertisements with a butt so fabulous, you'll want it to hang out the bottom of your very short shorts, then you can dream or work harder than taking a walk.
Planning a wedding with a bun in the oven is hard enough with pregnancy hormones thrown into the mix, but factor in finding the dress of your dreams that can also accommodate your growing bump and it might feel like you're faced with a dilemma worse than morning sickness.
Each of these people have amassed a fortune greater than most people will ever even dream of but they did so through hard work, determination, and a smart mind.
When not leaning hard on ideas borrowed from the Paranormal Activity series — the doors that open on their own, the surveillance - camera footage, the sound design that clearly cost more than any other part of the movie — Lincoln scares up a few potent images that contrast the sterile dream - home interior with an entity that manifests itself via rot and mold.
More than anything, I want to be remembered as a good person who had a great deal of dignity, and also as an actress who was really hard working and who believed in her dreams.
As Brian yearns for more than just two hours a day with the woman of his dreams, he learns hard won lessons about life and love.
Ancient movie conventions lead us to suspect they will have an affair, but the movie is deeper and wiser than that — and shows that, although the possibility of sex exists between them, their needs are much harder to fill: They need someone to talk with about lifetimes that seem to be drifting away from their dreams.
Larry Greenberg asks: How much harder is it to achieve the American Dream now than it was when you ascended to stardom?
Two thirds of Americans believe that it will be harder for them to achieve the American dream than it was for their parents, and even more believe it will be harder still for their own children.
It can include «an almost religious faith» in hard work and the American dream; yet he describes his town as one «where 30 percent of the young men work less than twenty hours a week, and not a single person [is] aware of his own laziness.»
Die - hard speed freaks will no doubt drool over the ML63 AMG's 503 horsepower, but the price tag near $ 90,000 may render this hot - rod SUV little more than a pipe dream.
I am more than pleased with the final hard copy of my book, and can't thank Chris, Jeanine, Cheri and my Author Rep Deni enough for all they did in helping me to realize my dream of becoming a published author!»
Suppose your dream is to be a professional baseball player, and you're motivated to work so hard that you'll settle for nothing less than the major leagues.
And it absolutely proves that the world is so changing for self - publishing, so I really encourage people rather than the frustration of sending out a million query letters and getting or waiting to get a million rejections, get out there and make it an e-publication if you don't have the budget to do a hard copy but do something toward making your dream a reality.
In today's economy snagging your dream job is going to be a lot harder than you might have anticipated.
Many of the great movies that bring home all that dividend for DIS shareholders do nothing more than spread this message: the main character has a dream that appears hard or impossible to achieve.
Be passionate and work hard, maybe harder than you ever dreamt, but the opportunity is there.»
For high school seniors, it can be hard to imagine that any of these things might one day feel more important than attending the college of their dreams next year.
No one will work harder than Discovery team to make your dream trip come true.
We saved enough for 3 years travel, after that, if we want to stay on the road we will have to have an income Yeah, we WILL go through all our savings which took a lot of hard work to accumulate but to be honest, I couldnt think of a better way to spend it than seeing the world / living my dream life.
I would say the latter part bothers me more — people put up their dream villagers to display their hard work and inspire others... and inspiring is different than taking someone else's design.
Rather than somehow spoiling the joy of Christmas, I think many of us found it the perfect opportunity to think hard about what the holiday means to us — and to have fun dreaming up new traditions and new ways of showing our appreciation.
Searching for a job is never easy, and because the competition is getting stiffer, landing your dream job is harder than ever before.
She works harder than any other realtor in Dallas and is 150 % committed to aligning her clients dreams with the reality of the home ownership.
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