Sentences with phrase «hardy dogs»

The phrase "hardy dogs" refers to dogs that are tough, strong, and able to withstand challenging conditions or environments. Full definition
This is a healthy and hardy dog breed that tends to live between 12 to 15 years.
He's a big, hardy dog who can carry backpacks and gear, but don't let him do that in the summer because he needs to be kept cool.
These small hardy dogs are friendly and easy to train but can often experience behavioral problems such as guarding behavior and problems with other animals.
Other than a few rare cases of skin allergies, the Koolie dog breed is a very hardy dog indeed.
Border Collies are generally hardy dogs that can live 12 to 15 years or longer, but just like many other breeds, they can be prone to certain genetic health conditions.
There was not a lot of information on its health issues but everything I found says that Lurchers are also hardy dogs.
Cirnechi are known as hardy dogs with very few inherited conditions to worry about — but being so rare, it is hard to say for certain whether there are any significant concerns.
They possess a «big dog» in a little body attitude and are a very hardy dog.
The Black Norwegian Elkhound is a very robust and hardy dog: very alert and full of power and pride.
The SV is an alert, eager to please and learn, energetic, hardy dog that is longer legged, but not as long in body, nor as stocky as the Corgi.
This hardy dog has a strong will and should be socialized early.
This group of people needed a strong, hardy dog that had the endurance to travel long distances, even while pulling heavy sleds in very cold conditions.
It breeds hardy dogs and hardy people, people who care more about results than appearances.
Coton de Tulear The Coton de Tulear is a small, hardy dog that is happy, eager to please, and loyal.
Poodles are a hardy dog breed with very few health problems.
These small, hardy dogs have few health problems, but the few problems they do have can be difficult to resolve.
A hardy dog who thrives in cold weather, the Berner's brain and brawn helped him multitask on the farms and pastures of Switzerland.
The Brittany is generally a hardy dog that requires little maintenance.
When the first outside explorers came to the region in the 1700s, they were impressed not only by the hardy dog but also by their owners» obvious attachment to them.
These are hardy dogs that have been known to live into their late teens, still active and happily playing with their toys.
In general the Great Pyrenees lives between 10 — 12 years and despite being hardy dogs they often succumb to dysplasia from poor breeding or joint and organ wear and tear from the sheer weight of their large frames.
A hardy dog, the Kangals lifespan numbers 12 to 15 years.
The Havanese is a hardy dog overall, with a tolerance for a wide range of temperatures and a relatively long life - span of 12 - 15 years.
It means that every Alaskan husky puppy born, by default a strong, hardy dog that can show incredible talent in competitions.
A hardy dog, it is able to get over the rough terrain known as fells, as well as go - to - ground.
Beagles are small, compact, and hardy dogs.
Despite its country of origin, the Pharaoh Hound is a hardy dog breed that is love and hailed by all as a champion hunter, particularly by the Maltese.
Brittanys are generally healthy and hardy dogs.
Temperament / Behavior Enthusiastic and willing, this hardy dog enjoys tracking large and small game in rough terrain.
This intelligent, hardy dog is playful and very loving.
The Irish Wolfhound is a hardy dog and there are no specific things that need to be taken into account compared to other breeds of a similar size.
These tend to be hardy dogs, often living to 12 or 14 years of age.
The result was a hardy dog that looks like a stocky version of the Giant Schnauzer but with a more actively protective personality.
This hardy dog breed is smart, responsive and independent making them excellent cattle drovers.
In these northern French farming communities, the popularity of this hardy dog grew quickly.
These hardy dogs were working farm dogs and performed tasks such as hauling small loads in dog carts, or herding cows.
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