Sentences with phrase «harmful effects of ageing»

«As the ageing population grows each year, I think we'll increasingly need to look for ways to limit the harmful effects of ageing
It seems a little stress can sometimes blunt the harmful effects of ageing — as long as we aren't frazzled to begin with.

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We agree with the balanced statements in the guideline, «The consumption of alcohol can have beneficial or harmful effects, depending on the amount consumed, age, and other characteristics of the person consuming the alcohol.
The bottom line is that essentially, there are no harmful effects to a child who watches television for a moderate amount of time before the age of three.
The government will launch an inquiry into the possible harmful effects of advertising on children amid fears of a rise in under - age binge drinking.
«The harmful effect of early abuse and neglect was just as important when we were looking at outcomes at age 32 years as when we looked at outcomes at age 5,» he said.
Harmful effects on adult development are, above all, caused by the excessive use of alcohol which usually is connected to starting alcohol use at an early age.
Risk of overlooking harmful effects of chemicals A reason why detection of early reproductive aging is important is that most studies of endocrine disrupting effects end before the experimental animals are a year old.
Pratt and her colleagues examined the possible harmful effects of methylphenidate using South Korea National Health Insurance Database data regarding more than 114,600 kids aged 17 or younger who were recently prescribed the ADHD drug.
By becoming aware of these potentially harmful substances, how they become produced and how we can control them, we can reduce the devastating effects of disease, and control the process of aging.
After my son's diagnosis of autism at age 3, it became imperative to me to become educated about the harmful effects of toxins in our food, water, and environment and how this has led to skyrocketing diagnoses of autoimmune dysfunction, asthma, learning disorders and autism.
Some proponents also suggest that benfotiamine can shield the body from the harmful effects of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
Educators should be age appropriate about any discussion, Sadowski says, and cites the work of the Welcoming Students organization, which offers lesson plans, professional development material, and family education focused not on sexuality, which is what usually prompts parent pushback, but on the harmful effects of bullying, understanding gender stereotypes, and family diversity.
Do not neuter your rabbit if it is younger than four months of age, not only is the surgery more difficult due to the immature condition of the reproductive organs (in males the testicles might not even be descended into the scrotal sacs prior to three months) but the long term effects on the endocrine system of the body in lieu of the removal is unknown and may possibly be harmful.
This harmful disease of the mouth effects up to 80 % of pets by age 3 and can occur as early as 6 months of age!
Although the negative consequences of divorce for children ages 9 to 12 can feel overwhelming, there are still many things that parents can do in order to lessen the harmful effects.
Thus, despite several decades of research, there is little consensus on whether childhood television viewing has beneficial, harmful, or negligible effects on educational achievement.10 This uncertainty is at least partly due to a lack of long - term follow - up data, particularly for school - age children.
The moderating effects of sex and age on the association between traumatic brain injury and harmful psychological correlates among adolescents
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