Sentences with phrase «harmful impacts»

Interventions that identify this health risk early and help women access adequate treatment can help alleviate the harmful impacts of postpartum depression.23 In Rosa's case, her home visitor Diana quickly recognized the young mother's feelings of helplessness at being separated from her vulnerable premature daughter and provided the resources Rosa needed to take care of her own emotional needs.
That the Commonwealth Government, states and territories, at the late 2015 Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting, place harmful impacts of alcohol on the agenda for coordinated action.
He highlights the harmful impacts of incarceration, loss of country, and loss of self - determination, and also describes the expertise of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.
«No harmful impacts»: HERE, HERE, and HERE.
This flies in the face of evidence from renowned experts, including several government commissioned reports, on its harmful impacts on the climate, biodiversity and the future growth of forests.
«No harmful impacts», # 4.
Climate Matters seeks to help correct that systematic misperception — by enabling journalists to tell local, science - based stories about climate change — because climate change is already causing harmful impacts in every region of our nation.
BUT — until the government leadership is willing to engage in a much more serious discussion of the wide range of observed and projected harmful IMPACTS of climate change (not just that we can't predict them and their rate of occurrence «exactly»), they will undermine the mobilization of political will needed to drive support for the change in energy technology that they claim to support.
But opponents argue that even testing could have harmful impacts, that there are questions of ethics and international law that remain unanswered, and that even raising the prospect of geoengineering distracts from initiatives to curb emissions.
EPA has separate authority under environmental laws to regulate power plant emissions and activities that have other harmful impacts, such as cooling water intakes and coal ash disposal.
Moreover, laboratory experiments will not tell us whether a small rise in temperatures will have overall beneficial or harmful impacts.
Many wonder how the Trump - Pence White House will deal with this first major US government report on climate change to come across its desk; a report warning that Americans are feeling the harmful impacts of climate change in real time, and therefore «directly contradicts claims by President Trump and members of his cabinet» as noted by the Times.
By deriving it from inedible plant matter such as switchgrass, wood chips, and wheat straw, the hope is that cellulosic ethanol could supplement our transportation fuels in a way that is more efficient and has fewer harmful impacts on the environment and food prices than corn - based ethanol.
Meanwhile, outside the classroom, the state's people and wildlife will continue to feel the harmful impacts of the greenhouse effect.
A 2014 IPCC report also caught widespread attention by emphasizing that some harmful impacts of global warming were already visible.
As the federal government's most comprehensive assessment of the harmful impacts of climate change on human health and public welfare in the United States, this report, years in the making, should have been used in developing EPA's required «endangerment» finding as a step toward regulating greenhouse gases, instead of keeping the work of the Climate Change Science Program disconnected from this decision support role.
The rule is expected to have real and harmful impacts on onshore energy development and could impact state and local jobs and revenue.
We are protecting the west's most imperiled wildlife, fish, and plants from the harmful impacts of air pollution from coal - fired power plants.
In numerous instances, EPA's actions completely ignore the harmful impacts that its regulations will have on the health and well - being of millions of Americans.
In addition, they have downplayed the very real likelihood of difficult - to - remediate spills from the pipeline, which would threaten to degrade and pollute land and water resources and have harmful impacts on human health and wildlife.
While the brash brand of direct interference into the public discourse on scientific findings about global warming and associated harmful impacts we saw from Exxon operatives in the 1980s and 1990s has now morphed into a more passive, less - visible form of tampering — such as the company's continued stream of donations (some alleged to be illegal) to groups known for lobbying against and often shooting down federal and state - level proposals to promote renewable energy and limit carbon emissions — perhaps Avery will be able to persuade the new corporate leadership team to stop funding these groups altogether.
I am told that he has also publicly acknowledged that the susceptibility factors I identified in my 2009 report were a useful contribution to the field of environmental noise and its harmful impacts on health — but, again, this is hearsay.
But I think the Obama administration decided early - on to frame the issue, not in terms of, we have to do this because if we don't, climate change is going to have terribly harmful impacts on the U.S. and globally.
In very basic terms, when you burn carbon it has harmful impacts on us, on our health, on our water, on our economy, on our agriculture, even on our national security.
Landscapes, infrastructure and buildings are often designed without regard to their harmful impacts on scarce resources, underlying ecological systems and quality of life in the community.
(3) The countries most vulnerable to climate change, due both to greater exposure to harmful impacts and to lower capacity to adapt, are developing countries with very low industrial greenhouse gas emissions that have contributed less to climate change than more affluent countries.
The best defense against the harmful impacts of adverse weather / climate change is the construction and maintenance of robust infrastructure.
We work to limit the harmful impacts of open - net - pen fish farms on wild Pacific salmon.
Central to these protests were concerns that these new trade and investment agreements would have harmful impacts on food quality, consumers» rights, farmers, producers» income, as well as wider negative impacts on jobs and working conditions in the food sector.
Smoke exposure increases respiratory and cardiovascular hospitalizations, emergency department visits, and medication dispensations for asthma, bronchitis, chest pain, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (commonly known by its acronym, COPD), respiratory infections, and medical visits for lung illnesses.38, 43,160 It has been associated with hundreds of thousands of deaths annually, in an assessment of the global health risks from landscape fire smoke.38, 43,44,141,45 Future climate change is projected to increase wildfire risks and associated emissions, with harmful impacts on health.18, 161,162,10,163,164,36
Despite their well - known harmful impacts to the world's climate system1, 3, greenhouse gases (GHG) are deliberately emitted by countries to drive economic growth and enhance human wellbeing4.
It has not had real leadership from any president in really speaking frankly on what the climate change problem is about, the likely harmful impacts, and so forth.
The harmful impacts are already being felt here in America — more deadly heatwaves, more extreme droughts, and more intense and costly storms and flooding.
COFIMET - Building capacity at Ideam to reduce harmful impacts due to changing climate and extreme weather in Colombia
The take - home message, directly in sync with the core findings of the last two assessments from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, can be distilled to a fairly straightforward statement: Rising concentrations of carbon dioxide will result in long - lasting warming that will progressively produce more harmful impacts on conditions and systems that influence human wellbeing.
(Much more is being debated, of course, including the use and handling of water, the extent of beneficial or harmful impacts on local economies and the nation's economic prospects, the pace and extent of federal and state regulation and more.)
A new post on argues, «Complacency is not an ethical response to the persistent uncertainty clouding forecasts of harmful impacts from the continuing buildup of human - generated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.»
-- A new post on argues, as others have before, for another uncomfortable reality: Complacency is not an ethical response to the persistent uncertainty clouding forecasts of harmful impacts from the continuing buildup of human - generated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
The harmful impacts of processed dog food are frequently underplayed.
Incorporating these foods as part of a balanced diet can boost your body's natural resistance to the harmful impacts of stress.
A lot of people put their trust and faith in Ephedrine, but the side effects and potential harmful impacts on peoples» health resulted in having it pulled from the market.
This makes your digestive tract more resilient to the harmful impacts of stress.
«The evidence indicating healthful effects of milk and milk product consumption on prevention of cancers is considerably greater than those representing harmful impacts.
«This is an indicator that these filters can help mitigate some of the harmful impacts of doxing,» Snyder said.
The suit charges that Battaglia's dust, noise, odors, vermin, truck traffic and other harmful impacts have created a public nuisance under state law and that the facility is illegally operating without required state environmental permits.
This white paper reviews the latest research on the harmful impacts of poverty, food insecurity, and poor nutrition on the health and well - being of children and adults.
This paper summarizes the harmful impacts of poverty, food insecurity, and poor nutrition on the health and well - being of children; and summarizes research demonstrating the effective role of the Child Nutrition Programs in improving food and economic security, dietary intake, weight outcomes, health, and learning.
This paper provides background information on SNAP; briefly summarizes the harmful impacts of poverty, food insecurity, and poor nutrition on health and well - being; summarizes research on SNAP's role in addressing these issues among low - income Americans; and describes how this role of furthering the public's health would be enhanced if SNAP benefits were more adequate.
A new white paper from FRAC reviews the latest research from academic, government, and other sources on the harmful impacts of poverty, food insecurity, and poor nutrition on the health and well - being of children, adults, and older adults.
Grants available for the development of new or improved control tools and technologies to help farmers and land managers reduce the harmful impacts of established pest animals and weeds.
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