Sentences with phrase «harmful message»

With both of these phenomena come harmful messages about how people of color fit into the world and the medium of video games.
It communicates to the cyberbully that he shouldn't interact with your child and also prevents more harmful messages from reaching your child's inbox.
And while that's not necessarily the case, violent video games can help kids internalize harmful messages about appropriate behavior.
So while we're working to restrain harmful messages from corporate America, we also need a complimentary, wholesale effort to provide every school child in America with a basic course in food literacy.
For instance, across the country, racial gaps persist in access to rigorous coursework.15 Schools also disproportionately assign students of color to remedial courses and disproportionately advance white students to gifted and talented programs, which sends harmful messages to students of color about their ability.16
A parent who consistently cancels scheduled parenting time sends a very harmful message to the child that the child is not a priority in that parent's life.
you can get yourself a drink of water or at least have the ability to ask too... «If her smiles receive a response, but crying is ignored, she can receive the harmful message that she is loved and cared for only when she is happy.
And that harmful messaging sets them up for a lifetime of health - related problems.
«This is a sad status quo that sends an embarrassing and harmful message to businesses looking to bring jobs to New York» said Greg Biryla, executive director of the advocacy group Unshackle Upstate.
«Quality control inside the cell: How rescue proteins dispose of harmful messages: How rescue proteins dispose of harmful messages.»
However, we now know that there's more to it than that, and there are several genetic diseases where the RNA is directly poisonous to cells, rather than simply carrying a harmful message.
Then replace the harmful message with a kind one, like No one's perfect.
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