Sentences with phrase «harmful properties»

Some other harmful properties of soybeans are:
Grains especially are better soaked, sprouted and fermented, if consumed at all, but this process does not completely eliminate the other harmful properties of grains.
Senescent cells have been linked to aging before, but the Mayo experiment demonstrates that they have specific harmful properties.
She wrote a long paper, her first work in a scientific journal, about the compound's harmful properties.
Analytical chemists, for example, conducted tests that identified compounds in charred insulation, while chemists and toxicologists determined the harmful properties of burned insulation.
Traditional cultures throughout the world have found ways to lower the effect of these harmful properties.
Animals who are fed soy can suffer many of the same health consequences as people who consume too much soy, and these harmful properties are then passed on in their meat.
For the little bit of nutrition they might provide, the benefit is still overshadowed by the harmful properties that still exist in small amounts (gluten, lectin, phytic acid, etc) and they take an extreme amount of preparation time and energy for this small amount of nutrition.
Adding fermentation to the mix reduces the harmful properties even more, but does not completely render them harmless.
The question remains, do these methods reduce the harmful properties enough to make these modern grains safe to consume.
Unfortunately, with hybridized, highly sprayed and highly processed modern grains, there isn't an easy answer and even these traditional methods may not be enough to reduce all of the harmful properties in these foods.
It should be noted that all plant substances have properties that can make them harmful to humans in some way, but that it is much easier to reduce these harmful properties in other plants (cooking cruciferous vegetables like Broccoli and cauliflower, peeling and cooking sweet potatoes, etc).
In my opinion we should be paying closer attention to neuro - toxic pollutants like heavy metals and other particulates known to have harmful properties.
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