Sentences with phrase «harmful results»

This is one of the few studies that do not show an entirely harmful result from yo - yo diets.
How they were broken and the obvious harmful result to the resident, our client.
Low quality programs produce weak and even sometimes harmful results.
That means certain comments, intentional or not, may yield harmful results.
Here we are going to discuss about the every aspect that is associated with the diabetes like its cause, precautions and harmful results of not curing it on time.
Submission to the WSIB / WCB Funding Review details why the Working Group finds that experience rating prompts negative claims management behaviour by employers, produces harmful results for injured workers.
«We read a lot in the media about how young people are using social networking sites with harmful results,» agrees Christine Greenhow, Ed.D.» 06, a postdoctoral associate at the University of Minnesota who has done a new study looking into how students really use them.
So Datink offers a more accurate, less damaging, less intrusive and less harmful result.
It is evident that medical volunteering has the potential to improve the quality of life of many populations; nevertheless good intentions can produce harmful results if the autonomy and sustainability of the local populations are not respected.
Children are taking on board prejudices around race and religion in society and trading them as playground insults, with extremely harmful results.
Unncessary mandate: The Bush plan is an unnecessary and unhelpful federal mandate that will have the effect of putting the weight of the federal government behind the overuse and misuse of standardized tests, with educationally harmful results.
Although such alterations help us survive, their unintended evolutionary consequences often produce harmful results that threaten our well - being
The Kansas Bureau of Investigation has found that over 20,000 acts of domestic violence are reported to the police in the state each year, which means thousands of children witness domestic violence between their parents, with harmful results.
Some respected evidence shows that these allergic foods may decrease the natural development of the baby's moreover, asthma is also another harmful result of it.
However, to ignore them at their young age can cause to a harmful result in future.
«But it does prohibit them in public places to protect individuals who are not using e-cigarettes from the harmful result of the chemicals that enter the air through the «vaping» process.»
Many of the women's surgeons said they treat an uncertain result on a genetic test as aggressively as a harmful result, according to follow - up surveys.
In his new book Moral Disengagement, renowned Stanford psychologist Albert Bandura explains, «If one ignores... the evidence of the harmful results of one's conduct, one has few reasons to activate self - censure or any need to change behavioral practices.»
Perhaps the clearest indication of the failure of this particular initiative and its harmful results is the fact that they are now seeking to redefine fuel poverty...
The continued storage of data has the ever - increasing potential of harmful results.
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