Sentences with phrase «harsh discipline practices»

We know more now about why harsh discipline practices do not work and how they can actually cause students harm.
We know more now about why harsh discipline practices do not work and how they can actually cause students harm.
Another seems to be a shift away from harsh discipline practices that result in disproportionately high suspension rates for black and Latino students.
In this article, she presents statistics about the increase in school suspensions and student arrests and describes individual cases that demonstrate the senselessness of harsh discipline practices.
Mothers in both the PT and PT+CT groups showed significant reductions in harsh disciplining practices and inconsistent practices and significant improvements in positive parenting, compared with control mothers.
BOSTON STUDENT VICTORIES From organizing thousands - strong school walk - outs to developing phone apps to combat harsh discipline practices, Boston students have been an inspiration this past year in the fight for the schools all our children deserve.
LULAC will fight against harsh discipline practices and zero tolerance policies that remove students from the classroom and keep them from learning.
A new report from the UCLA Civil Rights Project criticizes charter schools for using overly harsh discipline practices at rates higher than other public schools.
FIFO partners reported higher levels of personal emotional problems and greater usage of harsh discipline practices than community mothers, while FIFO workers reported greater work to family conflict and alcohol use than community fathers.
Severity of socioeconomic stress seems to undermine maternal adaptive forms of coping, resulting in harsh disciplining practices.
PURE first brought Noble's harsh discipline practices to light after a parent at the school told us about how its discipline code had affected her son, and our Freedom of Information Act request revealed that Noble raked in nearly $ 200,000 in student fines that year.
Many critics and policymakers blame the persistence of the achievement gap not on these harsh discipline practices or grueling testing regimes, but rather on the continued low expectations of educators — that «soft bigotry» that President Bush condemned back in 1999.
Path modeling indicated that the men's poor and harsh discipline practices were predicted by partners» problem behavior (substance use and antisocial behavior) and negative discipline practices, as well as by poor discipline experienced in the family of origin; men's own problem behavior, ages at which they became fathers, and family socioeconomic status were controlled.
Parental conflict can result in reduced parental involvement, harsh discipline practices, lack of praise and acknowledgement, and increased parent - child conflict.
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