Sentences with phrase «has he ever»

If you have ever been frustrated with your lack of organic reach on Facebook, just investing $ 5 wisely into selected posts can make a huge difference.
Have you ever been driving along a fairly empty highway only to suddenly find yourself having to slow down for no apparent reason?
Have you ever fired a client?
Have you ever wondered why certain advertisements appear on certain websites?
These are as «meh» as any Apple reviews I've ever seen
If you've ever participated in a trade show or conference, you may have designed swag to distribute.
Although these calculators are plentiful on the internet, only 4 in 10 workers report that they or their spouse have ever tried to estimate how much money they'll need, a recent study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute found.
Juno is also returning images unlike any we've ever seen, including of Jupiter's ring system.
I think that everybody I've ever met who's really good at their job has experienced terrifying moments of self - doubt — just paralyzing moments of self - doubt and imposter syndrome.
«There's a cutaway in there — it's like, one of the proudest jokes I've ever written — where I'm like, «I have bouts of irrationality sometimes.»
«This is the best job I've ever had.
They're faster, thinner, and lighter than they've ever been before, but those advantages came at a price.
Two years ago, Ben Kaufman, then - CEO of well - funded consumer product startup Quirky, delivered one of the most awkward, and candid, on - stage interviews I've ever witnessed at Fortune's annual Brainstorm Tech conference.
Sidenote: Chew is also one of the few biopharma execs I've ever spoken to who voluntarily brought up the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER), a tough drug pricing critic organization which insists on proven outcomes (and has consequently become a major biopharma gadfly), because the group actually validated the cost - effectiveness of Omada's tech.
Have you ever endured a presentation while your mind wandered, eyelids drooped, and backside ached?
Have you ever launched a new business?
«They assure you... that no student has ever been eaten by a shark — at least not recently,» McRaven said.
The core value of the app is the ability to literally search everything you've ever accessed or saved from one device — and even better, it's all stored on a personal, private cloud.
If you've ever wondered why the young prince is always rocking such old - fashioned get ups (and yes — we have too) an etiquette expert has finally shed some light on his unusually dapper wardrobe choices.
If you've ever been cornered by a particularly insecure or competitive personality in the professional arena, you know how miserable these types of interactions can be.
Have you ever purchased something directly from a prospecting email?
These are probably the very best ideas that you've ever come up with.
No amount of spin will make Trump's dozen years at the helm of a Trump Hotels, the only public company Trump has ever run, look like anything but a flop that damaged thousands of shareholders, bondholders, and workers.
I remember being frustrated and thinking that surely we could look at all the investments Intel has ever made to see patterns.
Of course Cramer has never been one to beat around the bush, and dove right in and asked Schultz if he would ever run for president.
Every great presentation I've ever seen started with a bang.
Imagine you needed surgery and asked the surgeon who was going to operate on you, «Have you ever done this surgery before?»
For example, if you've ever noticed after leaving a particular website, that you begin to see their ad everywhere, there's a particular reason for that.
If you've ever been frustrated by typos or auto -(in) corrects, Fleksy provides a refreshing new take on typing with an appealing user - experience.
I wasn't interested in that, but I asked them if they had ever done any Native American programming.
They are authored by Solomon, who's widely acknowledged to be one of the wisest men who has ever lived.»
He says he sold an apartment for $ 230,000 and the $ 4,000 commission «was the most money I'd ever made in my life» in one shot.
If you've ever wondered whether you should close that old credit card account or apply for a business loan and a mortgage at the same time, then understanding these factors should help.
Inside, users will find the A11 Bionic chip, which Apple said, is the most powerful the company has ever included in an iPhone.
No disease had ever been eradicated before — but Hopkins wasn't fazed.
To anyone who has ever looked at orthodox industrial publicity pictures the photographs on this page * will come with surprise and, presumably, delight.
I don't think it's quite where it wants to be yet (i.e. a perfect hybrid device), but it may be the closest thing to a truly next - generation computer I have ever used.
A poll commissioned by Google and released in May suggested only 20 per cent of Canadians had ever made a mobile purchase and only 16 per cent expected to boost their mobile shopping in the following year.
You have become the richest nation in the world, and you have built up the greatest system of production that history has ever known.
In what the head of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission called «the most significant incident of domestic terrorism involving the grid that has ever occurred,» the attacker - who may have been an insider - fired about 100 rounds of.30 - caliber rifle ammunition into the radiators of 17 electricity transformers over the course of 19 minutes.
Overall, buyers are extremely happy with the Karmin G3, and «the best iron I've ever owned» was a common sentiment across the board.
There's an assumption on the part of many that the company's millennial user base isn't interested in news, and yet studies show that the demand for news - related content is higher than it has ever been.
The chart work is more often right than most would ever think possible.
Despite that, board members are aghast when asked if Barça would ever be sold or transformed into a more traditional profit - making business.
She also had moments of incredible and unconventional bravery as when she vowed to stay by his side during the Cuban missile crisis when the threat of nuclear war was greater than it has ever been.
«We thought nobody would ever pay this,» Bartomeu says.
Have you ever seen your kids light up when you praise their work?
If you've ever seen a stranger behaving badly — a mother yelling at her kids in the grocery store or someone who's inebriated in public — you may have reacted by silently judging this person.
When that happens, the demographic pinch is likely to force China's economy to switch from low - cost exporter to advanced welfare state faster than any large nation has ever done before.
Maybe, but it's not something that would ever sell me on the phone.
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