Sentences with phrase «hatchet job with»

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This wasn't the hatchet job of his recent Newsnight appearance, but even when the Prince of Darkness is on his best behaviour he can't help sounding as if he is damning the Labour leader with faint praise.
Read Rowena Mason's potted biography here, then pad it out with the Mail's more brutal hatchet - job here.
Same old predictable, thoughtless hatchet job against saturated fat via misguided preoccupation with nuance - free readings of cholesterol markers.
It's not quite the hatchet job many had predicted, but you're left at times unsatisfied with minor plot points: Post plane crash, Gerry and his bodyguard are the only survivors... Whilst fleeing zombies at Camp Humphreys, out of seven people he's the only one to survive... Much of the happenstance seems to be too unbelievable to work or be credible.
It's stitched together with a hatchet edit job, glossed over with slow motion and Top 40 hits.
I'm talking about Michael Winerip who, to the best of my knowledge, is the single worst education reporter in America, infamous for biased hatchet jobs on NCLB, Bloomberg and Klein's reforms, and anything else associated with genuine reform (if anyone is aware of someone worse at a major publication, please let me know — maybe I'll start a Reporter Hall of Shame...)
Regardless of the factual content of this article, there's an ethical concern with writing an article that comes off as a hatchet job, about a company producing a very similar (in function) device to your own.
Others have done a better job with the Hatchette hatchet job attempt on Amazon (and damn, unless they're aiming for authors and readers they're really doing a shitty job of it).
Others have done a better job with the Hatchette hatchet job attempt on Amazon (and damn, unless they» re
A slew of posts have hit the blogsphere following more of the anti-Amazon campaign coming out of the NY traditional media (which reached orgiastic levels this weekend with a Patterson ad and a NYT hatchet job), and volleyed by Amazon calling on indie authors to email Hachette's CEO in an emailed missive I first suspected might be a practical joke.
Perhaps the strangest reporting I've seen only touches on the Smithsonian / USFWS paper — using it as further justification for a hatchet job (the sort of irresponsible work that brings to mind, with almost a wistfulness — if only for a moment — Mitt Romney's plan to cut PBS funding altogether) on cat advocates in general, and L.A.'s Stray Cat Alliance in particular — as Los Angeles pushes to become the country's largest «no - kill» city.
Reviewers grin gleefully and ready their knives for yet another hatchet job, preparing to fillet what is likely to be a boring, repetitive trudge, filled with well - worn mechanics, brainless button mashing, QTEs, endless fetch quests.
To the «hatchet job» inference (# 177), I listened with my ears and nobody else's to the May 6th «Fresh Air» interview, when Gore moved from an ethanol / food price debate, to his joke about some minister's absurd believe that Katrina was New Orleans» punishment for a gay pride parade, to his clear inference that Myanmar and, previously, Bangladesh, are part of an emerging consensus that the trend towards more Category 5 and stronger storms appears to be linked to AGW, specifically the heating of the upper oceans, driving convection energy, etc..
As I suggested on another blog, this Trenberth et al hatchet job will be used by the «defenders of the faith of AGW» to spread the smear liberally around, with no evidence given — like, ahem, links to the papers with those mistakes?
In an era of mounting health threats associated with climate change, Congress needs to see the budget for what it really is: a hatchet job on behalf of Trump's polluter allies.
He attempted to give himself more credibility than he deserved in order to do a scientific hatchet job against a position he always mostly disagreed with.
Along with the Lasaga travesty, he's now blogging about «inside information» as to how the Penn State Inquiry Committee didn't do their job or some such (I refuse to read the posts, much less the comments, but obviously there's a hatchet job afoot).
To put it bluntly, this booklet is a «hatchet job» that, quite unfairly, paints the Report as a dishonest piece of work that no self - respecting person would have anything to do with.
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