Sentences with phrase «have around your house like»

Right along the lines of a more formal exercises time, you can engage the kids in active games like Leap frog, Twister, Simon Says, Red Light, Green Light, and hallway bowling (with things you have around the house like toilet paper rolls, and empty bottles).
You can use the custom blended Young Living V - 6 Vegetable Oil Complex for your carrier oil, or something you might already have around the house like avocado oil or MCT coconut oil.
You don't have to have fancy linens either, look for things you have around the house like maybe unused curtains, fabric pieces, burlap, sheets, pretty kitchen towels, canvas drop cloths, bed coverlets, quilts or blankets.
We love personalized and handmade gift wrap, using simple things you might already have around the house like leftover scraps of ribbon or twine, doilies, paper bags and natural elements like pine cones.
For the centerpiece, we picked up an assortment of fall vegetables and flowers in our color scheme of plum, green, white and from our local market, plus a couple of things we had around the house like pine cones, antlers, plush pumpkins and birch candlesticks to make the table feel lush, festive, lively and mostly organic.

Not exact matches

In Altman's view, people who have criticized those ideas for businesses have cast the entrepreneurs behind them as «heretics,» like how the Catholic Church sentenced Galileo to house arrest for (correctly) saying the Earth revolves around the sun.
Even though Cramer would've liked to have seen Cohn stick around at his post to help manage the growing deficit and bring his seasoned perspective to the White House, he wished him well.
(dark) 4) How often will they come to your house 5) Since you are in the GOP they parade you around like «we have a black person» 6) Do they say she's a good one (meaning she's a good «n») There are more ways... ask your former GOP leader Mr. Steel.
For philistinism thinks it is in control of possibility, it thinks that when it has decoyed this prodigious elasticity into the field of probability or into the mad - house it holds it a prisoner; it carries possibility around like a prisoner in the cage of the probable, shows it off, imagines itself to be the master, does not take note that precisely thereby it has taken itself captive to be the slave of spiritlessness and to be the most pitiful of all things.
I'm pacing around my house liked a caged thing, it all feels like too - too much, and it doesn't help that I just finished «7: A Mutiny Against Excess» by Jen Hatmaker, no, that woman has not helped me one bit.
But, in the midst of a gentle rain, while these thoughts prevailed, I was suddenly sensible of such sweet and beneficent society in Nature, in the very pattering of the drops, and in every sight and sound around my house, an infinite and unaccountable friendliness all at once, like an atmosphere, sustaining me, as made the fancied advantages of human neighborhood insignificant, and I have never thought of them since.
I thought you all might like something delicious and savory to counter all of those sweets you have around the house now.
We always really, really like the sweets that go to work with my guy, but these were delicious and not too sweet, and that's just the kind of sweet I don't mind having around the house all day.
I always have a few Costco - sized bags of nuts around the house, and this looks like the perfect snack to make rather than eating them straight from the bag.
These are perfect just to have around the house over the holidays and, like you said, for gifting!!
As much as I like being outside, I have to admit that it feels good to slow down and work on smaller projects around the house when the temps drop.
I can't have treats like this lying around in my house for long.
I love having breads like this around the house for snacks — this one's definitely going on my list!
The plants are also suitable for containers — which is great, because you can pick the sunniest place around the house and get them indoors in time before the first fall freeze kicks in (like with all pepper plants, freeze would be fatal to Fatalii).
Most of these changes were based on just what we had around the house, like the cheese.
So if you'd like to meet some of the people you talk with regularly, or you're just hanging around the house that day, or you need a place to go for a day trip, or a weekend in the smokies, or.....
And then from there I will add whatever else I have around the house... usually a combination of things like pomegranate seeds, mini chocolate chips, blueberries, almond butter, diced granny smith apples, raisins, and more.
If you've got Cookie Monsters lurking around your house like I do, it's time for some Cake Mix Cookies Recipes to the rescue!
As a child I would spend many afternoons at her house around Christmas time making batch after batch of orange cookies, peanut brittle, and a cotton candy - like creation called Divinity.
I definitely like to make this cake when I can share it with others so that I get to enjoy my slice, and not have it around the house tempting me to eat it every day.
One thing I've noticed is that when there are clean and healthy snacks lying around the house, it's easier to ignore those junky foods that keep eyeballing me, and it's not like I can completely get rid of them because most of them aren't even mine.
I didn't have anything around, as I like to keep the house free from junk but then I quickly I remembered about this quick four ingredient homemade Nutella recipe, and I -LSB-...]
Then, for 50 minutes, the young men talked, with Bailys loosely guiding the conversation around the theme of what it takes to go «outside of the box» in your thinking and decision - making — a topic that was broad enough to encompass both a discussion about what it might feel like to leave Illinois for college and a long debate about the experience that Rashid, one of the group members, had had the previous weekend, when he was jumped by two guys while he was walking from his grandmother's house to a convenience store to buy M&M's.
There are many, many signs I'd like to have dotted around my house.
Eating Season is what I like to call the 3 - month extravaganza that begins at Halloween when Americans consume even more of their most delicious and comforting candies, bulldozes through Thanksgiving, when we eat all our feelings about being with family (or our country having elected a nationalist orangutan to the White House around this time last year), continues through the December holidays, and ends with the Super Bowl when we can no longer actually chew and consume all our favorite foods in mushy, dip form.
If you're like me, you might be paralyzed with fear of hurting them with the big ol' clippers you have around the house.
yet... when i get sick... i get maybe an hour nap and then i either have to help with the kids, or do stuff around the house or go to work... the worse time i was ever sick that i can remember is when i was 8 months preggo with my 2nd, i was already feeling like crap my whole pregnancy, i was high risk so i was seeing the dr twice a week (3 hour appts... lame) and i got some kinda bug, well my hubby still made me help with the kids, and the needy dog and everything else around the house... preggo... sick... then he got sick... and was dying lol.
He used to lay beside her and slowly got a little farther away, without any crying (if she cried, I would take it as a sign that it was too fast for her) and now I just leave her door open and she can see me on the computer or puckering around the house from her room and goes to sleep like that.
If you want to talk to your child about the fact that you're stepping back and letting them take care of themselves more, you can say, «I know you want me to pick up your dirty clothes around the house like I've done in the past, but it's no longer my job to do.
When a clue calls for something like crayons, or a book, you can get new ones to surprise your children, or just use things you have around the house.
If you still have a baby or toddler tub (I like this Munchkin one) collecting dust around your house, summertime is the perfect time to repurpose it into a DIY water table.
Sometimes, I feel like the only way for me to do chores around the house or even have some «me» time, is by letting my kids watch their favorite Kids Netflix shows for a little bit.
You will have to figure out what features are the most important for you and your little one, like: how will you use the baby carrier, for travel or just around the house?
You probably don't have that many of them around the house, but if you're like us, you have one for your TV area as well as computers.
So, ever since Viva was born, I've gone WAY overboard on what I instruct the Easter Bunny to set out for her to find in the morning, She doesn't even like sugar all that much, but she has so much candies, and so many eggs and gifts hidden around the house and yard for her that she actually gets bored, stops for brunch, and then goes for round two.
Next time around we'd like to book two nights, so the first day could be spent enjoying Historic Deerfield (we didn't manage to see the Indian House Memorial in full, or the Apprentice's Workshop at Dwight House, an activity center featuring woodworking, ceramics, and textiles... among other stops) and a second day could involve zipping down to Northampton and the Eric Carle Museum in Amherst.
Otherwise teach your kids to stay off the water just like the oven and the stove, and climbing in the fridge, or the dryer and all of the other unsafe things you have to teach not to do around the house.
Since our big project to the house this year was putting on that fancy new roof (# 4) and I had nothing to do with it, I have been free to play around in my craft stuff and remember how much I like creating.
But even if breastfeeding is a cakewalk, you'll still have to buy a lot of this stuff — and you might even want to buy things I haven't needed, like a nursing cover or more than three nursing tanks so you aren't stuck in an endless cycle of laundry, eventually succumbing to just going topless around the house.
You have endless chores around your home and sometimes you feel like the house maid instead of a valuable member of the family.
Children see other people picking up things around the new house, but doesn't understand that the things belong to someone, at the age of three, your child thinks, oh look, there is a thing I like, I'm going to have a good look at that.
He likes to play with all sorts of toys on the floor, walk around the house holding Mommy's fingers, jump in the doorway jumper, and have me read him books.
It's most certainly useful when around a friends house or on vacation to have the diapers, diaper bags, wipes, powder and any other accessories you like ready to hand but also easy to store out of the way again.
We like that we can use this book to help explain why we have our son's picture all around the house and why we have mementos and special objects.
It's Easter Sunday and like many houses we have some bunnies with serious sugar highs hopping around!
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