Sentences with phrase «to have lunch»

Maybe you want to create a folder for people you want to have lunch with in the near future.
I can't say I'd ever had lunch at at steak house, but they have a pretty incredible deal and I highly recommend you check that out.
Full breakfast and the possibility of having lunch in the hotel restaurant for a very good price!
Perhaps you can have lunch together with classmates and then come back again for playtime or arts and crafts.
I recommend spending the day island hopping and plan on having lunch on one of these islands.
When I cook I always make sure to cook enough so I at least have lunch for the next day.
We will then have lunch at a restaurant on the river.
If I am not having lunch with co-workers, I eat lunch in 5 min at my desk; it's a habit that still persists from the time I was on clinics.
I got my first wake - up call earlier this week while having lunch with a friend.
I read the news on my way to my car after having lunch with a friend.
We don't have lunch dates during the week often, but when we can.
We had actually had the luxury of having lunch before to talk about another movie and it was a bad movie that I did.
It's like making sure your kids have lunch before going to school!
Could we just have our lunch here in the car, please?
You will have a 45 minute break when your partner is meeting individually, and you will also have a lunch break scheduled into the day.
I didn't have lunch there but did try dinner.
I often have lunch meetings with clients, the occasional closing dinner or client dinner and I get home between 7:30 p.m. and much later if we are in the middle of a negotiation.
You can also have lunch at the main buffet.
Every day, I've had lunch plans with someone, dinner plans with someone else, and a concert or other outing with drinks.
So, in light of loving to have lunches ready in the fridge, I thought maybe I could chop everything small and have a Greek salsa type thing.
If I could go and sit and have lunch by myself, that would be a dream!
An amazing location right on main beach isn't the only reason to have lunch here.
Then go have lunch again, or go to happy hour.
It was a real honor so have lunch with Wonder Woman!
The combination of these items has made a terrific small group instructional area, while providing kids who have lunch in my room a chance to enjoy some gaming.
Please make sure your child has lunch money or brings lunch from home.
Have lunch boxes cleaned and set up next to the refrigerator.
We have had our lunch out of the back and slept in her super comfy seats.
The following factor the middle needs to do within the situation of those field journeys is make certain that every child has lunch.
I even had lunch with my little brother, which was so great.
The second belief may or may not be true, just like having lunch with a potential client or colleague may not result in a new client or referral to the firm.
Grace, I am all about having lunch or dinner food for breakfast.
So we spent a couple of hours having lunch outside in the sun, walking through the park, talking and simply enjoying the day with each other.
Totally the «perks» of food blogging I haven't had lunch yet so I am definitely wishing I had a big bowl of this comforting mac & cheese!
«I always have lunch at home with my parents,» I say.
Some enjoy having lunch in the restaurant with their dolls.
Are there brands, types of meat, things like this you need to avoid to have a gluten free diet but still have lunch meat?
In other words, don't get frustrated if you don't get a job offer from having lunch once.
If I could actually have lunch with any three people, living or dead, I'd probably choose three of my dead relatives.
We had fun apple picking and we probably wouldn't have gone home that early if we didn't need to have lunch soon.
There are no amenities on the island so you'll have lunch made by your crew members.
If any employee is having lunch nearby, she will be the first to ask if they need a hand finishing their tuna sandwich.
I see teachers having lunch with kids they have a special relationship with.
We also like to make sure everyone has a lunch.
If you'd like to have lunch sometime connect with me.
This day I only had my lunch break to take photos and any good photographer knows that anytime during the day the lighting is just too harsh to make good quality photos.

Phrases with «to have lunch»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z