Sentences with phrase «to have time for»

No, today we are the «fast food nation», the people who have no time for anything let alone a proper meal.
She will probably only have time for 1 - 2 or maybe 3 books max.
That means peeling, chopping and boiling, and I don't always have time for all those extra steps.
This espresso protein shake is my instant breakfast for those days when I don't have time for anything more complicated.
I don't have time for games so if that's what you're about, do not bother to contact me.
So, if you think you don't have time for breakfast, do yourself a favor and adjust your thinking.
I don't have time for people who are worried about what everyone thinks.
It sounds messy for sure and who has time for more work than necessary as a new parent..?
Between all of your obligations and responsibilities, you may think you no longer have time for the hobbies that used to make you happy.
Plenty of men want a sugar baby and not a real girlfriend, they can be married or may just not just have time for dating or romance.
My point being... we (the church) have bigger fish to fry and just wonder if we really have time for what seems to be intellectual irrelevant BS?
I don't know if having 2 little ones has anything to do with it, but I never have time for breakfast.
Do not know what to begin with, where to find necessary informational materials or just have no time for writing?
Don't have time for drama life is too short to stress over trivial things.
I had tons of work to do today so I didn't really have time for much kitchen creativity.
Do nt always have time for making the full recipe.
The half day allows enough time to completely relax while you still have time for other activities on your holiday.
But then, this game has no time for such pesky things as logic.
Connecting one - on - one with the potential customers in - person can be an extremely powerful experience but it is one that today's consumers rarely have time for.
I'm busy right now, so I don't have time for talking about the paper.
During my six months of teaching, I barely had time for anything else but grading and working on creating lesson plans and materials.
I do not have time for playing games lets get moving.
It's a wonder we even have time for breakfast some mornings.
They sound and look divine, but I don't have time for cooking in the morning usually.
(I sometimes gets so caught up in work that an interruption I often have no time for... bad me I know).
Myth: I / We don't have time for metal training.
Who has time for lunch anymore, much less golf?
This is 2013 — nobody has time for long - form text!
I make it a habit to invite friends for meals, and we sit and talk in a way we never have time for during our normal, hectic weekdays.
If you don't like the food, or don't have the time for lengthy preparation, it will be much easier to cheat.
Today we are so busy and are so much bound by our professional pressures that we hardly have any time for activities like dating.
So, I now have time for many varied interests, some I have tried and some I have not yet.
Many people want to improve your fitness, lose weight, become stronger and tougher, but not everyone has time for regular workout at the gym.
Be proactive, find ways to educate your audience and above all else, be authentic — because the internet has no time for fake news, either.
But is because I never have time for nothing and I want more cute blouses in my life like this.
It's okay if you're creating a high volume of content to do that occasionally, but your prospects simply don't have the time for good ideas any more.
I don't have time for hate or negativity in my life.
I just like to keep things simple and it's an extra step I don't usually have time for.
We simply do not have time for injury prone players anymore.
He will not have time for transfers this month because he is always looking at «themselves» and is focusing on the next match.
I am not a huge makeup fan so this is a perfect quick product that I throw on and run out the door when I don't have time for makeup.
I have the same problem, sometimes «life is what happens» and we don't have the time for blogging.
Don't get me wrong, I love a detailed and involved recipe sometimes, but let's face it... Every once in a while, I just have time for something quick!
All this breakfast talk this week has me excited to make (but really eat) breakfast the next two days when I actually have some time for more than a coffee.

Phrases with «to have time for»

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