Sentences with phrase «have you feeling worse»

I actually would feel bad for the way I acted.
I would feel bad if you were to hurt yourself to badly.
He said he regretted making mankind but then must have felt bad about destroying them as well since he then invented light refraction so that rainbows would appear to remind us that he won't wipe us out with a flood ever again.
If the US,, for example would finally decide that abortion was murder then,, I think more people would feel bad about it, keep from doing it, and then know to ask God for forgiveness.
However it is so good that I would feel bad if I didn't share it
THE BAD: I have a lot of times I have felt bad as an Arsenal fan.
Just put your favorite fighter in this scenario and you would feel bad for the guy.
Personally, I think if it had been a player I had more of a connection to, like Shea for example, I'd feel worse.
If I hurt some dude bad, then I'd feel bad.
Maybe I should have felt bad for his wife, but who knows what she knew.
Remind him that he'd feel bad if someone said he was too loud or too short.
Morning sickness will often have you feeling worse for wear, your skin may be more sensitive than usual, and your hormones are going crazy... you deserve to feel comfortable!
I have felt bad because I want to leave and I know he can't help the state he is in..
I would feel bad, but the hardest part of other mornings is waving Mama off to work.
There was no way I could have felt any worse.
If I actually had a conscious artifact, even though it was not living, I'd feel bad about unplugging it.
Specifically, participants were less likely to make negative character inferences from their own unethical behavior than from others» unethical behavior, believed they would feel worse after an unethical action than others would, and believed they were less capable of extreme unethical behavior compared to others.
For years, every time Huffington's family went on a ski trip, she would feel bad because she had «learn to ski» on her «To Do List.»
So I started including more junk food in my diet, but then I would feel badly about it and work out twice as much to compensate.
Would I feel bad about having a spoonful of almond butter with an apple as a snack?
Now, would I feel bad about having a little olive oil or honey drizzled on a snack?
Fat fast is low in calories and for that reason it would be difficult for you because you'd feel worse if you are not keto - adapted (you may still be using glucose as primary energy source).
While I can clearly say which is my favorite and in what order, I'd feel bad for not recommending all of them as I don't feel strongly negative toward any of them.
I could try to name all the MCU characters who make appearances in the film, but I'd just wind up leaving a few out, and then we'd all feel bad.
There's enough space to store a purse or duffle bag, but I would feel bad to stuff a person back there.
This interaction would feel worse if he were older, if he were wrinkled, if he had stained teeth or a sagging belly.
If you are planning to pick one up tomorrow from a retail store, we have a feeling this bad boy will sell like hot cakes, so make sure you're there before they're all sold out!
Now that the reality sinks in, lots of self - publishers must have felt the worst impact upon their works especially when double standards are applied in full force.
Just as a parent would feel bad about bringing their sick child to a park with other kids, a dog parent should avoid this type of behavior.
I got my chiweenie when he was 4 months old, I was so scared cause I never owned a dog before (always had cats) after 1 week I thought maybe I should get rid of him cause I didn't know what I was doing, then I would feel bad.
We live in such a crappy dismantled world I would feel bad bringing more living creatures here to suffer the unknown at the hands of the almighty human.
I think those cards have fees worth paying, and I'd feel bad asking for a waiver.
While not a bug, this can be extremely annoying because I'd feel bad and have to restart the level from scratch - meanwhile, knocking out a security guard is temporary, and they'll wake up after some time.
I'd feel bad for them if they weren't consistently misrepresenting the hard work of dev's and games that so many people love to death.
It's boring, and I'd feel bad about saying if the game didn't care so little for its players» time.
Kevin: I would feel bad for a person that is highly influenced by a website bio in hiring a lawyer.
I often ask my students, «If you twisted your ankle, would you feel bad about it swelling up?»
I could not have felt worse about canceling my trip to Bahamas and on top of that the insurance company I paid for is giving me a hard time about providing specific documentation.
Many in the cryptocurrency community have felt bad for the DAO and Ethereum camps with people like Andreas Antonopoulos, and Balaji S. Srinivasan showed their support.
Although outside observers who read these descriptions predicted that the people in the absence condition would feel worse compared to people in the presence or control conditions, because they were presumably thinking about something negative (not having their partner), people who imagined never meeting their partners actually felt the most satisfied in their relationships.
At two and six - month follow - ups, they reported on the frequency of symptoms during the two - week period when they had felt worst, since the last interview.
I almost would feel bad for him because every member of my family would pick on him for it like it was a bad thing.
Have you felt badly or blamed for your relationship problems?
I would feel bad because I didn't get to return that call or make contact with a new client and a zillion other little things I just didn't have enough time to take care of.
I would feel badly if I have slagged an innocent party.
I too enjoy hospitality and have felt bad at the end of the night for how snippy I was with my family right before guests came.
I would feel bad if someone else bought it We have a counter depth Kenmore Elite side by side.
the transformation is beautiful I have a few heirlooms etc that I have felt bad about painting but I am sure our «ancestors» would want us to be happy and not have things in our homes that are not us that we do not love.
DD kept pressing me to say what I'd guessed, but I refused in case I was wrong and he'd feel bad for having not booked tickets to the thing I wanted.

Not exact matches

There's nothing wrong with feeling bad about how someone is treating you, but your self - talk (the thoughts you have about your feelings) can either intensify the negativity or help you move past it.
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